Silly Eliot - a gay romp through the rise and fall of NY Governor Eliot Spitzer
I'm cracking cracking up so hard at these! I wish I had one to share.
Silly Eliot is hilarious.
The Kong and I - A new musical version based on the King Kong legend told from the heroine's point of view.
"The Best Little Shore House In Texas"
Melting glaciers expand the oceans and all hell breaks loose.
Oy! Calcutta! - The tale of a group of (intestinally challenged) seniors from Palm Beach and Brooklyn who, for some crazy reason, travel to India.
My Hair Lady and Nair - Which will play on alternate nights, of course.
The Producters - The story of how all those cans of Coke, computers and other items make their way onto the big and small screen.
Funky, Girl
...and some quieter titles
Swing Joined: 11/3/14
Alda - The One-Man Retelling of M*A*S*H
Evite - Life in the digital age
The Hound of Music - also known as Sherlock Holmes, the musical
The Last Five Bears - a look into gay sub-culture
Hello, Molly! - A gateway into club drugs
I really like the idea of Mime the musical
Spit out a bite of my dinner on Oy! Calcutta
Another R rated one:
Diddler on the roof
Seafaring 'First Mate'
A Gay 'Mo-town' (sorry)
Hedwig and the angry itch
Re: Hedwig and the Angry "Itch", I legitimately thought that's what the show was called for quite a long time.
Or the adult retelling of Patrick Dennis's story with many F bombs..
Show Goat - A participatory event where the audience gets to decide who wins the blue ribbon.
Bunny Girl - The true story of the making of the Playboy Club.
Contract - Will they sign or won't they? A real thriller.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
Stand-by Joined: 4/4/11
The Cocky Horror Show
Wicker: the tale of two women and their sewing baskets
Kinky Boats: an S&M cruise with Lola as your captain!
Featured Actor Joined: 5/5/14
Damn if I only I could do 2, I could get
Sperm A Lot
Goys and Dolls - The musical about meeting women at a local Church.
700 Sundaes - Billy Crystal's play about his bout with childhood obesity
Desire Under The Els - The story of the kinky couple that got off making love in public under the Chicago elevated subway
War Hose - The compelling story of a military base fire crew
Cocky - Insert your own joke here.
And for those that were not originally musicals, they have now been "reimagined" to have the most compelling score you've ever heard.
Updated On: 11/5/14 at 09:42 PM
700 sundaes just sounds like a typical Wednesday afternoon for me :)
Also, Sundae in the Park With George
Featured Actor Joined: 11/12/12
SH*TTY SH*TTY BANG BANG - Find out what Grandpa was doing while trapped in that flying outhouse! Featuring reworked songs from the original such as 'Toot Sweets' and 'You #2'!
PIPIN' - The bagpipe musical!
Wet Side Story
Fridges of Madison County
Next to Formal
King Dong
Updated On: 11/5/14 at 11:43 PM