That shouldn't start more drama, but who knows? Earlier this week, conversations about actor attendance escalated to the point of the entire board getting shut down for a night.
BroadwayRox3588 said: "That shouldn't start more drama, but who knows? Earlier this week, conversations about actor attendance escalated to the point of the entire board getting shut down for a night."
We should be good unless Cody screenshots some posts and tweets them. /s
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
I was wondering why Cody didn’t appear in any of Christy’s videos yesterday. She also didn’t mention him being back. Oddly, he also posted photos on Instagram saying he was back yesterday.
He spent the week in the Caribbean at a conference with Richard Branson. It’s funny I could have sworn that initially the press release mentioned the full 11 weeks. And sure enough I’ve seen Anastasia posters along my train line this week with Nov 29-Feb 17 listed.
RWPrincess said: "I was wondering why Cody didn’t appear in any of Christy’s videos yesterday. She also didn’t mention him being back. Oddly, he also posted photos on Instagram saying he was back yesterday.
He spent the week in the Caribbean at a conference with Richard Branson. It’s funny I could have sworn that initially the press release mentioned the full 11 weeks. And sure enough I’ve seen Anastasia posters along my train line this week with Nov 29-Feb 17 listed."
On the show's website, it specifically marked the dates in which Cody would be performing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
I don’t doubt that. I’m just saying that the marketing says Nov 29-Feb 17. I just double checked my photo of the poster I saw tonight at the train station and that’s what it says.
I'm sure they did. The website was updated after the initial press release, which is the reason for the discrepancy.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/21/18
saw the show on 12/12 the day Cody came back and his voice seemed a little weak idk if that's how it always sounds and his voice majorly cracked during the last high note of my Petersburg. he came out to stage door for about 2 minutes then he told us he was coming back out because the stage manager wanted to speak to him, but he never came back. who knows what happened back there. but from my knowledge the u/s Colby has been on.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
After reading the posts here, I saw something on twitter last night about him being sick. Sounds like he did the Wednesday matinee and then wasn't there Wednesday evening or last night. He has been active on social media again today so maybe he is feeling better.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Kad said: "Isn't the point of stunt casting to get people in seats who may not otherwise have been interested? Casting someone with teen girl appeal in a show that is already built on teen girl appeal is redundant."
I think the point is to cast someone who will tip the scales. That is, appeal to an audience that might like the show anyway but will definitely purchase a ticket if you cast someone that interests them. Casting someone who doesn't appeal to the target demo at all feels more of a high risk/possibly high reward gamble than the usually safe attempts at stunt casting. The casting style of Chicago isn't going to work as well as the safe casting replacements for Hello Dolly, Waitress, etc.
This is a bad example because people would probably be curious enough to just buy tickets but he was just on TV so he's the name I thought of... Casting Robert DeNiro in A Bronx Tale makes more sense than having him play Old Joe in Waitress to try to pull in a different audience. I think there are limits to which a star can sell a show. Like Chris Evans in Lobby Hero or Armie Hammer in Straight White Men (not that I think those were examples of stunt casting).
I see others already had the same thought about Kelsey as Vlad. I doubt he'd do it but it'd be interesting to see how it affected the audience/numbers. Speaking of the older actors, stunt casting the dowager empress could pull in a slightly different audience.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
Anybody see him lately ? I thought he sounded fine in the OUAD video even though Dmitry dosen't sing that song !
Saw a rumor on a fb group that Love Never Dies is taking the Broadhurst and Christy is going to Frozen. Idk if that's true
MannPhan24601 said: "Saw a rumor on a fb group that Love Never Dies is taking the Broadhurst and Christy is going to Frozen. Idk if that's true"
It isn't true. The Love Never Dies thing was just trolling. And while the Frozen rumor has been going around for quite some time, it isn't true.
People are just trying to get a rise out of others.
Leading Actor Joined: 11/15/17
This was my third time seeing the show (saw Derek twice), but I saw Cody on Saturday.
To be honest, I'm not sure if I was just surprised that he wasn't as awful as everyone as saying, or if he was good. Either way, he definitely exceeded my expectations. His voice was weak at times, yes, but he was fine and a good actor.
The people with me didn't notice his accent, but I did.
Also, him and Christy had great chemistry, especially in the first act.
Don't let the fear of him being awful pull you away from Anastasia. It's still a great show, and he did good. I enjoyed it just as much as I did the last two times.
Really glad to hear Cody has found his way through Dmitry :)
Leading Actor Joined: 11/15/17
He definitely did! Anastasia is my favorite show of all time, and if possible, i would go back to see him in his run. I was truly impressed by him. He hit the note in My Petersburg perfectly, and I could barely notice the key change (and I've listened to this song 250ish times, according to iTunes).
He was also super sweet at the stagedoor.
On FB from a dancer friend[Australian visiting NY] today--Went again after seeing Derek last year[loved him]. Cody presented and moved well but not a strong voice for the stage--lacked in delivery--lots of fans in the audience.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
I'm planning to do some theater stuff in the next couple weeks. I may try to see this again with Cody if the TKTS pricing is better than other stuff I want to see. I've also been entering the lottery but no luck so far.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I figure this thread is the appropriate place to tell this story. My family and I were on 43rd and 8th heading towards the Hayes to watch Torch Song last Friday night when I see Cody Simpson walking down. I told my sister and brother and his gf "look it's Cody Simpson!" I wasn't trying to get his attention or bother him, but they didn't hear me the first time and the corner of 43rd and 8th and it was getting crowded so I said it a bit louder. I think he heard me and bolted out of the corner. I was just excited to see him due to all the fuss I read on this thread and from what I read about the stan twitter, and my other sister was a huge fan of his back in the day. I remember driving her to his concert back in New Orleans many years ago when he was still a young kid and then taking them to Cafe du Monde afterwards and her running into him and him being nice enough to take a picture with her there. It's not a very interesting story, but I figured some of you might get a kick of me inadvertently scaring the poor boy.
Updated On: 12/19/18 at 03:40 PMSwing Joined: 12/8/18
Ok so if it is listed that Cody will be performing from now until February, and there are rumors of Christy leaving at the end of Feb too, could this mean that Anastasia will be closing near the end of February ?
megganalvarez said: "Ok so if it is listed that Cody will be performing from now until February, and there are rumors of Christy leaving at the end of Feb too, could this mean that Anastasia will be closing near the end of February ?"
It could. But then again, it could not. At this point, it's just rumors.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
Cody was out sick again tonight.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/14/13
VintageSnarker said:
I see others already had the same thought about Kelsey as Vlad. I doubt he'd do it but it'd be interesting to see how it affected the audience/numbers. Speaking of the older actors, stunt casting the dowager empress could pull in a slightly different audience."
I've actually wondered this for the last year, so I'm glad this is being mentioned. I also doubt he'd do it, but I just want it to happen for my own selfish purposes. I wish more animated film to stage adaptations would use the original voice actors when appropriate. Notice I say, WHEN APPROPRIATE. Freeman reprising Jafar was a fantastic thing, and appropriate. Kelsey reprising Vlad is in that same vein. But they slightly rethought stage Vlad as a bit younger and more sprightly than Kelseys', but I'd still see this in a heartbeat if by some miracle they were able to get him to do it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
Cody has been out sick this entire week now. The understudy posted that he was going on today as well. This on top of him being out sick a couple weeks ago and before that the week in the Caribbean with Richard Branson. Cody started Nov 29. I know it's not all his fault but that's a lot of days out in less than a month, especially for someone here only as a short term stunt cast.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
Fellow teen idol Conor Maynard has been out of Kinky Boots like every other day. I think he's even been out more than Cody
Christy was out last night as well. There's a nasty flu going around.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
BroadwayRox3588 said: "Christy was out last night as well. There's a nasty flu going around."
In her Live on Wednesday night, Christy mentioned that she had a sore throat and thought she may have caught it from Cody as she wasn't around anyone else who was sick. Molly and Colby were on as Anya and Dmitry last night.