Updated On: 12/1/18 at 07:47 PM
Just because HE wants to rush through the fans at the door doesn't me that he has to make EVERYONE rush at the door. If it were not Christy in front of him, he likely would have made anyone rush for his needs. It just happened to be poor Christy that got the starting day experience with him.
If I were others in the show, unless I was in a massive hurry to get home, I'd just hang a few minutes longer to let him go out the door first so that he can do as he pleases and not mess with his co-stars pace and experience with the fans.
I read quite a lot of these threads about my favorite 'hobby' and am staggered how far performers will go to get public exposure.
What's with this camera in a dressing room crap and the idiots who tune in to watch this dribble??
Sharing your stage life with strangers is beyond ridiculous.
You do what you are paid to do, perform, then go out[privately] or home.
Watching Cody S shove cheese balls down his throat removes any image[or mystery] his character might have created. Perhaps a quiet personal time with Christy would be more appropriate to develop the lacking chemistry.
Christy discussed this thread(I assume) in her latest livestream and this was the gist of what she said...
“My mom sent me 2 pictures this morning of trolls, I guess like people, I don’t know maybe not trolls but people who took photos of me when Cody opened, and my face was like this. And I was like you
guys, that was a moment, a second in time. I was so happy the whole day. Literally afterward we all went to Sardis, we had a big blow out party for Cody, I hugged him, we were so excited. We were freaking out at how excited and happy we were. (Amy: guys don’t believe what you see on the internet). Literally it was a long day, we had a put in that whole morning, then we had the opening show so there was a lot of pressure. Lynn and Stephen were there, Darko was there, the director, the people who wrote it were there, the producers were there. It was a big day. So they caught me at the 2 moments that I was like, literally the 2 moments that I was just like and it looks like I’m sad about the day (Amy: people were like shes she’s not happy, I’m like she’s fine) and actually if you saw our live that day we were happy (Amy: it was just a random screenshot) No internet, no, no, you guys know me.”
That’s a relief to hear, but I think she was adressing stan twitter, who flooded cody’s account screaming it’s called Anastasia and not the cody show.
Stan Twitter was taking those pictures and passing them back and forth to each other all snarky and “feeling bad for Christy.” I’m glad she said something to set the record straight, but sadly it didn’t do much, because those kids are still obnoxiously projecting their distaste for Cody onto Christy as of today.
It's really sad that she even felt the need to do that, and those who caused her to feel that need should be abjectly ashamed of themselves.
By just typing in Christy and Cody on twitter, you can see how insane stan twitter is. They won’t let the zach thing go. They obviously don’t know how the business works!
Stand-by Joined: 10/9/18
Dear stan twitter,
It seems you have taken my review and turned it into something it’s not. I am one reviewer. You can’t take one thing someone has said and use that as evidence for hating cody and putting stress on christy.
It was his first performance. The kid is going to be very nervous, it excuses the fact that he didn’t seem to have any idea on how to act. While of course that means he could just be bad, he needs time to get into the role.
By commenting, Zach would have done this, Zach would have done that, you are going to lose the show you love. As sad as it is, if zach was in the role a closing notice would be up soon. Hate Cody or not, he will bring money to this.
It’s disheartening to see my review on twitter and reddit, associated with “this person agrees Zach should have stayed”, “see this review, (and you have the audactity to tag the production????) shame on you. Grow up and reliaze this is a business.
I think it goes to show just how bad stan twitter has gotten just within the past few years. I hate to go back to Cinderella, but when people found out Carly Rae Jepsen was taking over, they were upset, but I didn’t see half the things being said now. Now screenshots and comparisons and everything else are popping up on every social media site imaginable. And that was replacing the love interest! I can’t imagine if they had stunt casted Anastasia herself. It would’ve been pandemonium.
It’s definitely weird seeing screenshots from this forum on Twitter being used to supplement arguments.
Stand-by Joined: 10/9/18
While I know, I put my review on here, and I have no control of where it goes, theres a fine line between reposting it and tagging the cast with a picture of it.
(The tweet has since been deleted, after I reached out and asked for it to be taken down). It’s still annoying.
Updated On: 12/2/18 at 11:39 PM
This was a bad stunt cast. Zach worked his butt off for the role which he was amazing in and he was pushed out for someone who isnt a big enough name to get the benefits of a real stunt cast. He cant act! He's not good! It still hasnt caused as much outrage as when they replaced Oak (who was not showing up for rehearsal and referred to as poison oak) with Mandy (who was a good idea)
Referring to stan twitter as “the scum of the internet” is a bit...much. It’s not perfect, but the truth of the matter is that these kids are upset a washed-out pop singer replaced an established actor in a role that requires established acting and singing. Cody can not do any of those things. My Petersburg was lowered three half steps down, and while adjusting the key to a song is a normal thing, the role was written that way. Dmitry requires a tenor to hit an A5. By all accounts, Cody was flat and and barely made an effort to sing the (lowered) note. That’s not professional; there’s no excuse for not trying on your debut. He’s not good guys! This was a bad stuntcast that is getting exactly (3) people to the theatre!
Itonlytakesajourney said: "Referring to stan twitter as “the scum of the internet” is a bit...much. It’s not perfect, but the truth of the matter is that these kids are upset a washed-out pop singer replaced an established actor in a role that requires established acting and singing. Cody can not do any of those things. My Petersburg was lowered three half steps down, and while adjusting the key to a song is a normal thing, the role was written that way. Dmitry requires a tenor to hit an A5. By all accounts, Cody was flat and and barely made an effort to sing the (lowered) note. That’s not professional; there’s no excuse for not trying on your debut. He’s not good guys! This was a bad stuntcast that is getting exactly (3) people to the theatre!"
Someone literally said they wanted to protest outside of the Broadhurst Theatre. I don't care how old someone is, that's incredibly moronic, and over-the-top.
Updated On: 12/2/18 at 06:05 AM
No one is saying that Stan Twitter is wrong for being upset with his casting. What’s wrong is the toxic way they’ve gone about expressing their upset. There’s a fine line between going, “Gee, I wish they hadn’t cast a has-been pop star in my favorite show,” and tagging the cast in all sorts of hateful posts, passing around out of context photos of Christy Altomare to claim she’s “miserable” with her new costar, and obsessively posting day after day about how mad they are over the situation. Cody Simpson doesn’t have to be a good Dmitry for this kind of behavior to be considered not okay.
Elfuhbuh said: "No one is saying that Stan Twitter is wrong for being upset with his casting. What’s wrong is the toxic way they’ve gone about expressing their upset. There’s a fine line between going, “Gee, I wish they hadn’t cast a has-been pop star in my favorite show,” and tagging the cast in all sorts of hateful posts, passing around out of context photos of Christy Altomare to claim she’s “miserable” with her new costar, and obsessively posting day after day about how mad they are over the situation. Cody Simpson doesn’t have to be a good Dmitry for this kind of behavior to be considered not okay."
Agree with this 100%. It's very possible for Cody to be a poor choice AND the stans' behavior to be wrong. It's not a one-or-the-other situation, although that seems to be how the more intense fans are taking it.
And if anyone wants to be entertained by the full extent of the #drama, I got a friend of a friend to explain to me in regular-people terms what the heck is going on with Anastasia fans, and it's a real doozy:
- Group 1 loved Derek Klena and decided to hate Zach Adkins after he was tapped to replace him. This faction is now Cody Simpson fans just because they're happy that Adkins is gone because it upsets:
- Group 2, who preferred Adkins's portrayal and are anti-Simpson on that alone and are mad at Faction 1 for making fun of them
Ah, to be so young and carefree as to start Twitter fights over the casting of total strangers.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
Saw a tweet from Cody's manager(btw, he has only had this manager for a few months after being with Bieber's management for years) saying that he likes Christy and how kind she was to his nieces...
Is this worse than Brendon Urie in Kinky Boots and Carly Rae Jepsen in Cinderella? I saw Carly Rae in Cinderella and my friend who now lives in NYC who's very picky thought she wasn't even bad.
I think the general consensus was that Carly Rae was pretty good.
It is disgusting was the Internet has done to theatre. My god. That’s all I have to say on this.
MannPhan24601 said: "Is this worse than Brendon Urie in Kinky Boots and Carly Rae Jepsen in Cinderella? I saw Carly Rae in Cinderella and my friend who now lives in NYC who's very picky thought she wasn't even bad."
I thought Brendon Urie was absolutely fantastic in Kinky Boots.
I’m glad Christy said something because immediately after I saw the picture/livestream, I knew people were reaching for something to be upset about. Even people in this thread were reading SO much into the three seconds you can see her face, which isn’t showing a definite facial expression of negativity in the first place...
Whether Cody is amazing or not, a job is a job. Professional actors know the risks of the business and understand when a show isn’t doing well, things like this can happen. It’s not like Zach (Derek? I don’t keep up that much with this show’s casting as it’s not, well...that important at the end of the day) is going to be on the street. As said, he’s an established actor, he will find other work, and they can’t just say “your last day is xx/xx, bye” - he was paid out of his contract. Everything is fine.
Not to mention that Anastasia’s one of the lower priced shows these days. People aren’t paying Hamilton prices for an (allegedly) weak performance from Cody.
Honestly, maybe we should scale back on the number of shows targeted to younger audiences. The fan bases always do too much and insist on piecing together “drama” like they see on television that isn’t even there. No kids, not every production is like SMASH behind the scenes.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/4/15
bwayphreak234 said: "MannPhan24601 said: "Is this worse than Brendon Urie in Kinky Boots and Carly Rae Jepsen in Cinderella? I saw Carly Rae in Cinderella and my friend who now lives in NYC who's very picky thought she wasn't even bad."
I thought Brendon Urie was absolutely fantastic in Kinky Boots.
I was talking about the stan drama for him, not his performance. Should have put that more clearly
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "Honestly, maybe we should scale back on the number of shows targeted to younger audiences. The fan bases always do too much and insist on piecing together “drama” like they see on television that isn’t even there. No kids, not every production is like SMASH behind the scenes."
I don’t think avoiding teen-oriented shows would help much, because you never know what they’ll latch onto. One of the biggest and most intense fan bases of recent years was for Falsettos - I don’t think anyone anticipated that.
bwayrose7 said: "I don’t think avoiding teen-oriented shows would help much, because you never know what they’ll latch onto. One of the biggest and most intense fan bases of recent years was for Falsettos - I don’t think anyone anticipated that."
I did. Christian Borle is cute. Of course they were gonna latch onto that.