One of the stage door personnel at the Broadhurst straight-up called them fake fans! I love it!
I agree with Broadwayrox, stan twitter is a fricking mess. I don’t care if they are upset Zach isn’t in the show. They obviously don’t care about the show, because cody is there to help it. I don’t care why you are upset, but to tag the cast members and the show with pictures of christy looking upset, or BWW reviews, no, that’s not what we are gonna do.
Grow up.
Swing Joined: 1/15/16
So I try really hard to not judge castings like this. You never know, people can surprise you. Slight disclaimer: I havent seen Cody in the role in person nor have I seen anyone else. However, based on the video I've seen of only the end of "My Petersburg" (small sample size I know) I just dislike him in the role. They lowered the key and he optioned down on the last note, which would be more understandable if it was in the original key. I truly hope it was an off day because I love the show and I want it to succeed. Just my two cents
This pretty much sums up how stupid everyone is being over this.
No offense, but I don’t think you can judge someone’s full performance based on one tiny sample from an illegal recording.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
Can we all agree that stan twitter is the most toxic thing? They think they know everything, they think they can push people around, they claim to be fans of shows. They're fans of specific actors. When those actors aren't treated the way they think they should be treated, all heck breaks loose. They're allowed to say whatever they want, but heaven forbid anyone who disagrees tries to express a different way to look at the situation.
Regarding the key change: They're acting like this is blasphemy and like it has never happened before on that I say LOL.
Stan twitter is the most toxic thing. They're truly oblivious, immature and need to learn how to treat people.
For the record, I have never listened to Anastasia nor do I really know anything about it (just not my cup of tea) but I am on Twitter and GOODNESS it is not a fun place to be right now. People are upset about Cody and then there's one or two people who are screaming about Anastasia having to close because people are being mean to Cody. We all know about the first part, but I think Anastasia is going to close even if people started being Cody fans? That shows numbers have been going down for months and I doubt that even a good stunt cast could save it at this point?
So, people are now debunking claims that the management was rushing Christy including the manager himself.
I honestly feel really bad for Cody Simpson. The rabid hate from Twitter, the criticisms of this board (I don't help either), the allegations about his management, people dragging poor Christy into this.Talented in the show or not, the poor guy doesn't deserve hate. I was only pissed off because the of the allegations of his management treating Christy like crap. I was never against Cody in the first place, just confused why they need stunt casting, which is now clear b/c of the messages in the boards.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I'm glad Christy Altomare and others spoke up because with some posts taking a split second pic of Christy's face and going on diatribes and essays about how horrible Cody Simpson is was becoming way too extreme and crossed the line to ridiculous territory. Yes, he can be bad in the role, but he didn't commit a crime against humanity. He was offered an opportunity to play a role on Broadway and took it. Criticize his performance all you like and heck talk about how his casting is symbolic of stunt casting, but the rest of it is stan territory and fan entitlement and a lot of it is based on painting him in the worst light possible to villainize him.
And on that note, has anyone seen him in the show? We've barely discussed it. I know they optioned down My Petersburg, which I'm not a huge fan of, but I'm not surprised. They also changed his pyjamas during IACOT to give him long sleeves. But I obviously haven't seen the show, so can someone weigh in?
Swing Joined: 1/15/16
I totally understand. I should have phrased it differently. I dislike this version of the song. Who knows, he could be amazing in every other song.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
Cody mentioned in one of Christy’s Lives that he had also auditioned for Rent but didn’t get it. I’m guessing he means the Fox production. And they both started to talk about him auditioning for Anastasia and changed the subject rather quickly. After hearing that, I wondered if maybe producers had found out Cody was interested in Broadway and decided to jump on it without thinking of the repercussions. Anyway, I’m glad to hear that Zach was at least bought out so he’s not at a financial loss during the holidays. I do hope the show now realizes how popular Zach is and decides to bring him back once Cody is done.
RWPrincess said: "I do hope the show now realizes how popular Zach is and decides to bring him back once Cody is done."
Why would they do that, since last time he was in the show, they ended up in a position where they had to buy him out of his contract? Shows don't typically buy someone out of their contract, and later ask them to come back...
BroadwayRox3588 said: "RWPrincess said: "I do hope the show now realizes how popular Zach is and decides to bring him back once Cody is done."
Why would they do that, since last time he was in the show, they ended up in a position where they had to buy him out of his contract? Shows don't typically buy someone out of their contract, and later ask them to come back..."
I thought Zach was spectacular in the role - and even I know this would be a ridiculous idea. Anastasia seems to be at the point where it needs someone from outside the theatre world to keep its numbers up, as frustrating as that is. Dmitry just happened to be the role that they were able to get someone into; I assume they would have done the same if they'd been able to get a star for Vlad, Lily, etc. as well.
I feel like we're all just beating a dead horse at this point. I get that the teens are angry, but Zach isn't coming back, y'all. And even if they did want to bring him back, do you think they'd be able to afford to bring him back (you know they'd need to pay him even more to get him to come back), when they are already pressed enough for cash to have to stunt cast? The teenage Broadway fans are getting a very real dose of how truly cutthroat this business is.
I think Zach is a wonderful performer, who was luminous in this show, and I truly believe he has a wonderful career ahead of him (looks like he does, and sings like he does; seriously he'll be fine). But it won't be in Anastasia.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/7/18
BroadwayRox3588 said: "I feel like we're all just beating a dead horse at this point. I get that the teens are angry, but Zach isn't coming back, y'all. And even if they did want to bring him back, do you think they'd be able to afford to bring him back (you know they'd need to pay him even more to get him to come back), when they are already pressed enough for cash to have to stunt cast? The teenage Broadway fans are getting a very real dose of how truly cutthroat this business is."
First off, I’m not a teenager or anywhere close in age to one. Second, I have an MBA and have worked in the business world for many years so I get how business works. But that doesn’t mean I have to stop being hopeful that something could change a few months from now once Cody is done and his contract is complete. Stranger things have happened.
The show is going to need a bigger name than Cody Simpson for a nice box office boost. I don't keep up with the fandoms and Twitter, but it sounds like it is ridiculous.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
Zach's supposed popularity didn't help with the box office. Unfair to him, but with the way some stans have been acting in the name of defending his honor reflects somewhat badly on him even though he didn't do anything. It's an incredible show of immaturity no matter how old these people actually are.
Updated On: 12/8/18 at 02:10 PM
It Zach was popular he wouldn’t have bern bought out. If you are bought out, you can almost guarantee he will never play that role again. And why would he? He literally got bought out.
Cody isn’t doing anything to the box office right now, theres not one “name” in that cast. Dimitry will be a stunt cast role from now till the end of the run.
RWPrincess said: "BroadwayRox3588 said: "I feel like we're all just beating a dead horse at this point. I get that the teens are angry, but Zach isn't coming back, y'all. And even if they did want to bring him back, do you think they'd be able to afford to bring him back (you know they'd need to pay him even more to get him to come back), when they are already pressed enough for cash to have to stunt cast? The teenage Broadway fans are getting a very real dose of how truly cutthroat this business is."
First off, I’m not a teenager or anywhere close in age to one. Second, I have an MBA and have worked in the business world for many years so I get how business works. But that doesn’t mean I have to stop being hopeful that something could change a few months from now once Cody is done and his contract is complete. Stranger things have happened.
That aspect of my post wasn't directed at you, but at those on Twitter who have spent way too much energy complaining. Apologies for the lack of clarity.
ScottyDoesn'tKnow2 said: "Zach's supposed popularity didn't help with the box office. Unfair to him, but with the way some stans have been acting in the name of defending his honor reflects somewhat badly on him even though he didn't do anything. It's an incredible show of immaturity no matter how old these people actually are."
Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely love Zach. He's very talented, and an incredibly nice guy. That being said, he does tend to "egg them on," so to speak. He doesn't outright say to behave immaturely, but he does do some other things that basically send a message that the way they act is totally normal, and not immature at all (i.e. typing like them sometimes, mentioning their Twitter stuff in real-life interactions, etc.). I don't think it's out of malice, I just think he really enjoys the attention he gets from all these girls (within reason, of course), and in that enjoyment, unintentionally eggs on a lot of their behavior (again, within reason). Unbeknownst to him, which is why I don't hold it against him.
I seriously doubt that the producers of Anastasia are looking at Stan Twitter's behavior and going, "Gee, we sure treated Zach Adkins badly! Let's take him back."
His casting did surprise me because I just don't think he looks like Dimitri. This is going to come across kind of shallow but he just doesn't seem to have the looks of a handsome leading man that I feel like Dimitri is supposed to be. I don't know..
darreyl102 said: "His casting did surprise me because I just don't think he looks like Dimitri. This is going to come across kind of shallow but he just doesn't seem to have the looks of a handsome leading man that I feel like Dimitri is supposed to be. I don't know.."
I really think Anastasia was just one of those movies where the appearance of the characters seemed to matter more. A big part of Dmitri’s appeal in the 90s was that cute, floppy brown hair and the general charm he exuded. He was also built with a pretty careful balance of muscle and slimness. Cody’s tall and slim with blonde hair, which doesn’t mean he’s unattractive, but it means he doesn’t have that same Dmitri appeal so many expected. Plus, Derek and Zach sort of fit that mold, so the difference is more noticeable. It’s almost the same with Christy. Blonde/brown hair is probably more historically accurate, but the red hair is just a huge part of how many of us think of Anastasia. It’s probably less of an attractiveness thing and more of a “this isn’t how I expected him/her to look”. Funny enough they pretty much got Vlad spot on though.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/14/16
Hopefully not starting (further) drama but... according to Colby Dezelick's (u/s Dmitri) intragram post from earlier today, he's going on as Dimitry tonight. From his post of yesterday, it looks like he went on last night as well. According to the show's site, Cody was supposed to be back yesterday (he had a week off, probably for some prior commitment).
Has anyone heard anything?
Here's Colby D's instagram link: