Everything I've read, especially since the LM screenings, says Hathaway should just prepare her acceptance speech. There's not even a mention of Field.
Slightly off-topic: Do they check your IDs with your guild member card at the theaters? My relative is a DGA member, but he can't come with me in 2 weeks to catch this at the Lincoln Center AMC. Do you think I could sneak in with his card and a guest?
Back on topic: Are they still doing 10 Best Picture nominees this year?
And the orchestra and orchestrations. You know, music? How's that?
Congrats if you even notice the tremendous difference between the two (one is lush and harmonious, the other is a thinned-out, flat concoction of old and new) but, for example: did they use the following orchestration for, say, "On My Own"?
It's OK if those of you who saw it can't say exactly which was used. They are approximate enough to non-musical ears that it can be tough. The differences affect the way I perceive the musical, the story, everything. The new version is a reedy, harmony-stripped, cutesy ditty lacking passion and heart. But that's just me.
What they use on the entire thing will make or break this musical film version for me.
Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.
No one has mentioned Marion Cotillard as being a front runner for Best Actress Oscar. She has been sweeping awards at film festivals for her performance in "Rust and Bone".
If "Les Miserables" had been filmed 8 to 10 years ago she would have made an excellent Fantine.
As for Marion Cotillard, she is a phenomenal actress and I cannot wait to see her in Rust and Bone. If they filmed Les Mis in French (which might have been stunning), she'd have made a great Fantine. But I think the incongruous accents were part of the downfall of NINE... so I think it may have proven distracting in Les Mis, too.
Those who saw it: Have they lowered any keys from the stage version, from what you can tell? (Particularly Jackman's songs/Bring Him Home). How does the orchestration sound under the vocals?
LOL this post made me laugh!! What a way to sum up a whole cast....Priceless!!!! _____________________________________________________________________________ I am personally looking forward to see this on film...looks like an awesome cast and the trailer and interviews that I have seen already look great!
When I watch a musical that has been turned into movie form I try to forget the way that I have seen it live.. and just view it as a movie. I realize that it will be different than the actual Broadway musical but I want to enjoy it just the same. This allowed me to enjoy the movie version of RENT and a few others. Its just my way of being able to enjoy both the live version and the movie!! There is always the seriously wrong casting that makes a movie musical just impossible to watch though ....as in the case with Rock of Ages!! LOL that was just insanely terrible in my opinion!!!
to HPB: Guild cards were not asked for at the screening I was at (Academy, North Hollywood), but ID's are required to prove you're the person whose name is on the list.
Marion Cotillard lipsynced to all of her songs in Piaf, no? Does she actually have a trained singing voice? That's where the Les Miz film sets itself apart from everything that's come before-- live singing throughout. And the cast at our Q&A (Seyfried, Barks and Redmayne) all stressed how challenging it was to stay in top voice for the full 12-hour shooting days when each of their big numbers was shot. A stunning feat.
It's going to be a race between Lincoln Vs Les Miz vs Argo.
Argo is in the lead right now with the critics and experts But It might come down to Les Miz vs Lincoln.
I feel like The Master has fallen into Oblivion.It was a great movie but i think everyone has forgotten about it.
Les Miz will probally get the most nominations out of all of them. Critics seem to Love it and it could go all the way.
My predictions:
LES MIZ (winner) Argo Lincoln Silver Lining PLaybook Zero Dark Thirty Life of Pi The Master Django Unchained Beasts of southerwild Flight
Best Director will Probally be Ben Afleck or Steven S.If Les Miz wins Best Pic I doubt they will give Tom Hooper Best Director.If it Doesn't win than Tom could win but my guess is Best Director will be going to Ben,but Steven S has a great shot also.You know he will put up a Good fight.
Im Confident Hugh will get Nominated For Best Actor.The guy to beat is DDL.When i saw Lincoln i came to the conclusion that his performance is great and the front runner but its not Unbeatable.If anyone is going to Beat DDL it would need to be Jackman. ( all the other contenders were already out and placed below DDL by critics).Jackman had the advantage of being mystery man to come in and pounce on DDL.Now that the movie is out and people have seen Jackman im not so sure he can claw his way to the winner,but he will probally be Nominated. my list:
DDL (winner) Pheonix Washington Jackman Hawkes.
I thought Bradley cooper was great in his performance and i do think he deserves an Oscar Nomination but its so crowded this year i think he will be out.
The front runner for Best Actress is Jen Lawrence but she could get Knocked down by Chastain in ZD30.Not sure how that willl turn out.Chastain is getting good reviews but no where near the reviews Lawrence is getting. It's an open race for that category.
Hatheway should start Practicing Her Oscar speech now.I know that sounds Premature and Naive but i really think she is going to win.Even the critics are saying it.Sacha Stone who didnt like the film is saying she has won.I did enjoy Lincoln and i Loved sally but I think Anne has it in the bag.sam barks is a question mark.I dont know the likelyhood of her getting a Nomination.
There is talk about Amanda getting a nomination??? is this true?? Im glad she is getting good reviews and no offense to Amanda ( i have grown to like her soft soprano and think she will be a lovely cosette) but her charatcer Literally does Nothing!!!!!! She falls in love,sings 2 songs than Vanishes till the end,Not what i would call oscar worthy.
BEst supporting actor: This is a hard one.Crowe is getting very Mixed Reviews.This is suppose to be his comeback . Eddie is getting GREAT reviews and could possibly snag a nomination instead of crowe.But something tells me crowe will still get nominated leaving eddie out. I have seen all of the top best supporting actor contenders( except crowe and eddie) and here is my list:
Phillip Hoffman ( winner) tommy lee jones Robert Deniro Leonardo Dicaprio ( mystery) Russel crowe
Alan Arkan is on many lists but i didnt think his role was oscar worthy at all when i saw Argo.He was funny and great but not worthy IMO
Les Miz could possiblly tie Titanic's Nominations,which would be awesome. Im really looking Forward to this movie.Im 90% sure it is going to be a run away Hit.This could be the best Movie Musical since The classic:West Side Story!
Amour seems like a likely best picture nominee (as well as for Riva and perhaps several other categories). Richard Gere seems a likely best actor nominee for Arbitrage.
Im very iffy on Anna Karenina.Knightly looks good in it but weren't the early reviews on it very mixed-negative? Although I have heard praise for Knightley and Jude law. I could see it being a best picture contender.It willl probally be nominated for many technical awards.the costumes look Beautiful.
I think if best actor was open to 10 nominations than richard gere might have a shot,but it's so stacked this year.
You are probably right. Day-Lewis, Jackman, Washington, Phoenix and Hawkes seem like locks. My guesses for the women are Lawrence, Riva, Wallis, Cotillard and Chastain.
"Marion Cotillard lipsynced to all of her songs in Piaf, no? Does she actually have a trained singing voice?"
I'm sure opinions will vary greatly here, but I enjoyed her two songs in Nine. She doesn't seem to have a big huge belt, but, based on what I've heard of Hathaway's rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" I could imagine she would have done comparable things with the song had she played the part on film.
It's so much more fun at this stage then it is months from now after countless awards have been given out and who and what wins the oscar so often seem like foregone conclusions, i.e. last time.
What would make it a hell of a lot more fun is if 99% of oscar contenders could be seen before awards season. Not to mention that it would make actually going to the movies all year a lot more enjoyable if 99% of the most intriguing features weren't all released in the same 6 week period.
Yes, Anna Karenina received a very strong review from the NY Times, but for every positive review of Anna Karenina, there were just as many mixed or negative reviews. It's also dividing audiences. Some have loved it and others have heavily disliked or been confused by it. I found it to be visually stunning, with a surprisingly cohesive screenplay by Tom Stoppard and a very lovely, anchoring performance by Knightley (who could very well be nominated), but Wright's concept keeps the emotions at arms length, giving the picture a fast pulse but slow heart beat.
It'll be interesting to see how it does with at the Globes, SAGs and Critics' Awards. It could very well slip into the ten or so nominees, but that's exactly what it would be doing. Slipping in, not being a shoo-in.
"Sing the words, Patti!!!!" Stephen Sondheim to Patti LuPone.
really, someone wants to suggest that the biggest downfall of Nine was the incongruous accents? I'm pretty sure the biggest downfall of Nine was that they bastardized a decent musical score made the script absolute nonsense.
on topic.
I didn't see this answered yet but HBP, nothing has been announced to suggest there will be anything but 10 Best Picture nominees. It's the standard now. If it changed you would have heard.