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Company London

binau Profile Photo
#275Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 8:09am

I've heard the 'Overture' & title track. Initial thoughts: The orchestra sounds a little thin especially in the 'overture' track. It's not something I noticed as much in the theatre. Kind of like (but not as bad as) hearing the revival of "A Little Night Music" on record vs in the theatre for the first time...for some reason to me it always sounds worse on record (especially when you are used to listening to the OBC). Of course much better than the Doyle orchestrations. 

Rosalie Craig sounds similar to how I heard her in the theatre (when in full voice, not sick). If anything, she sounds better on the recording especially with the high notes towards the end of the song. 

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000
Updated On: 1/31/19 at 08:09 AM

ethan231h Profile Photo
#276Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 10:45am

qolbinau said: "I've heard the 'Overture' & title track. Initial thoughts: The orchestra sounds a little thin especially in the 'overture' track. It's not something I noticed as much in the theatre. Kind of like (but not as bad as)hearing the revival of "A Little Night Music" on record vs in the theatre for the first time...for some reason to me it always sounds worse on record (especially when you are used to listening to the OBC). Of course much better than the Doyle orchestrations.

Rosalie Craig sounds similar to how I heard her in the theatre (when in full voice, not sick). If anything, she sounds better on the recording especially with the high notes towards the end of the song.


Where did you get a first listen?


jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#277Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 11:17am

Logged out of my US iTunes and temporarily switched the store to Australia and can hear the preview clips. Sounds great, but the tempo in the title track was just a little slower than I'm used to, but besides that, it makes me more excited to see the show in March. Gonna take a listen to the rest of the songs.

binau Profile Photo
#278Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 11:19am

It’s always released at 12am local time, so if you are in a different timezone on Apple Music you effectively get it early.

I can’t wait till people who haven’t seen the show notice the myriad of changes and post their thoughts!

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

BwayGeek2 Profile Photo
#279Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 11:42am

Oh I'm excited! I love Company, and while I am a bit hesitant about all the changes, I think they might work. I'm optimistic, but we'll see.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#280Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 2:50pm

I'm excited to hear Patti's tracks. I still have mixed feelings about the rest of it. Ultimately, I think I would have preferred an original musical with this concept rather than a rewrite of Company.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#281Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 3:16pm

Some changes work. Some are just confusing and make zero sense.

BenElliott Profile Photo
#282Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 3:56pm

I'm dying to hear this. It hasn't popped up on my usual "source" yet.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#283Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 4:03pm

I guess you’ll just have to buy it tonight and not steal it.

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#284Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 4:12pm

Jordan Catalano said: "I guess you’ll just have to buy it tonight and not steal it."


BenElliott Profile Photo
#285Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 4:37pm

I pre-ordered it already so.....
I'm just impatient.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#286Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 4:47pm

Of course you did. And we all believe that.

BenElliott Profile Photo
#287Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:15pm

Yes. I did purchase it. Careful up on that high horse.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#288Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:15pm

Uh huh.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#289Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:22pm

heart Jordan 

BenElliott Profile Photo
#290Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:33pm

Why is it so unbelievable that I bought it? Is it really stealing if I purchased it and then download it to listen to it early? I've done this many times and just deleted it at midnight. It's not like I pass it along or make a profit off of it like a lot of people do.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#291Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:38pm

Are you really that impatient? For me, part of the fun is the wait. What would you have done in the old days when you had to wait until release day and actually go to the store and purchase a physical CD?

binau Profile Photo
#292Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:38pm

They’ve recorded a lot of the ‘new’ music: the Alice in wonderland-Esque scene transition music, the electronic/techno Company when it transitions into the Night Club with LuPone. The new ‘tick tock’ scene. The dialogue is very spare - I wish they captured some of LuPone’s lines before ‘Ladies Who Lunch’.

‘Not getting married today’ is not translating well on the recording in my opinion.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

BenElliott Profile Photo
#293Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:46pm

ljay889 said: "Are you really thatimpatient? For me, part of the fun is the wait. What would you have done in the old days when you had to wait until release day and actually go to the store and purchase a physical CD?"

I would not have thrived in the old days.  Also, no, I'm usually not this impatient, but this is one that I'm ridiculously excited about.  I've held off on hearing anything from this production so I'm very interested in the changes.

qolbinau, did the orchestra sound thin the whole time to you or was it just your initial thought?


binau Profile Photo
#294Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 5:55pm

It sounds better/fine as it goes on to me. Not thin like the Doyle recording. Still - just listen to the first 5 seconds of the OBC and then this opening and you’ll immediately hear the difference.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#295Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 6:11pm

Why is the preorder on iTunes so dang expensive?

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#296Company London
Posted: 1/31/19 at 6:23pm

It might have something to do with higher licensing and distribution fees they're trying to recoup.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#297Company London
Posted: 2/1/19 at 12:21am

Already I can't deal with "Boo Boo."

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#298Company London
Posted: 2/1/19 at 12:27am

"Barcelona" is terrible. 

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#299Company London
Posted: 2/1/19 at 12:34am

LuPita2 said: ""Barcelona" is terrible."

I loved Barcelona live. Yes very much due to Richard’s performance in every area but it was a great comedic moment.  
