Chorus Member Joined: 10/29/12
really? ZZZZZZzzzzzz get ready for another SNOOZ of a tony opening number starring the rob ashford dancers. ughhhhhh.
Meh...Something tells me they tried to get someone different, but then finally rehired NPH as they were becoming pressed for time and needed a safe bet.
(Reasoning: They announced NPH as last year's host on April 3rd, as opposed to May 9th this year.)
How unoriginal and boring!
Different verse, same as the first...
Setting the bar real low...
I love him, but really: I'm tired of him, we need a new host!
I love that he's turning into the a perennial host and I think he's very good and entertaining.
Not everything needs to be groundbreaking, innovative or earth changing.
No, but a change every so often, just so we don't see the same thing every single year would be nice.
Yay! More self-indulgent production numbers! I don't get the hype with him, he has a mediocre voice at best and was heniously mis-cast in the company concert.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
boring. He is great but get someone new!!
Does it really matter? No one watches, anyway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
More aging man-child "aren't I cute?" shtick. Blah!
As much as I love him as a host, can't they choose someone new?
Swing Joined: 5/8/13
I think Neil does a great job as host, I was at the Tonys last year and he is highly entertaining and was great to see live. That being said, I agree that it would be nice for a new, fresh host to come in and wow us all. Maybe next year will be different but for now all we can do is hope that it will be a great awards show! But frankywhitley, you are right, I can do without the Rob Ashford dancers opening number haha.
Well they totally blew the chance for Bette to host, so now they are stuck with Neil. The ratings are continuing to plummet, so no one will see it anyway.
He bores me to tears-its nothing personal.
It is NOT the host who makes or breaks the Tony telecast. It is the routining - the way the program is put together. In an exciting season where there is a lot of pre-Tony buzz and some decent competition (think WICKED vs. AVE Q, or GRAND HOTEL vs. CITY OF ANGELS) the host merely guides us from one act to the next.
The bulk of the "entertainment" is provided by the nominated shows. I think the routine of the program the last few years has been backwards...coming out of a commercial break they do awards THEN a musical number. The musical numbers should always lead off each segment, then the awards. People love entertainment but beyond the hardcore Broadway enthusiasts, no one really watches for the award presentations because they are meaningless outside of the New York theatre community.
I would love to see the awards presentations changed.... read the nominees, announce the winner, a runner delivers the award to the recipient who stands and bows at their seat and then cut to clips that shows what they won for. No long walks up to the stage - seeing who will trip on the stairs - no endless laundry lists of thank yous. The winners can submit their lists to Tony Awards .com and have them posted online. I am always shocked that people of the Entertainment business cannot come up with entertaining/creative ways to graciously accept the honours. (Applies to ALL awards shows.) But since they can't, let's not waste valuable air-time with long-winded, boring acceptance speeches. Put them online and those who care can log and and read (or see a video if they want to do it that way.) Back in 1997-2001 PBS had the one-hour "Launching the Tonys" segment with the evening's first 10 awards. Those segments were smartly done with short interviews with the nominees and generous video clips showing their work. (I never got to see JUAN DARIEN: A CARNIVAL MASS but the clips have always intrigued me!)
Harris has done it quite well as host for the past few years, and yes the chance for someone new would be welcome but as with this year's Oscar disaster, newer isn't always better.
I would prefer a performer with stronger ties to the Broadway community, but Harris has a very high TVQ. Jim Parsons would make an excellent candidate - he's played on Broadway - twice now - and is in one of the top rated shows on television right now. Plus he loves the theatre.
Cast albums are NOT "soundtracks."
Live theatre does not use a "soundtrack." If it did, it wouldn't be live theatre!
I host a weekly one-hour radio program featuring cast album selections as well as songs by cabaret, jazz and theatre artists. The program, FRONT ROW CENTRE is heard Sundays 9 to 10 am and also Saturdays from 8 to 9 am (eastern times) on www.proudfm.com