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Constantine Maroulis to Join Wedding Singer- Page 13

Constantine Maroulis to Join Wedding Singer

Character Actor Profile Photo
Character Actor
#300re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 4:50pm

Josh Strickland was on American Idol?

Steve2 Profile Photo
#301re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 4:53pm

It's not uncommon for performers to take a few days off due to prior committments.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#302re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 5:02pm

Yeah, he was. Josh was the "Ryan Seacrest look-alike" on season... 2, I think? Only made it into the top 24, too. I could be wrong? I don't know. I hardly remember him on Idol, honestly.

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#303re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 5:29pm

Josh was on season 2 of Idol - auditioned in Atlanta. He did not make it past the Hollywood rounds into the top 32 (the top 24 was only implemented in season 4), and got no airtime during the Hollywood rounds, so his only claim to fame on Idol 2 is his small stint during the auditions when Simon kept going on and on about how much he looked like Ryan.

tmz814 Profile Photo
#304re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 5:37pm

I have no comment really on whether or not I think Constantine will be any good as Sammy. I will wait to see him live and make my decision.

However I do have a problem with "paid vacations" for actors just so they can bring in a star to try and boost ticket sales. They did it to David Shiner in Suessical (I know I am going back a while here, but I remember that...) so they could bring in Rosie and then he got let go. They did it to Matt Caplan in RENT (for Joey Fatone and Drew Lachey). I liked Constantine when he was on AI, but his constant posing for the camera and stuff has now become annoying. I feel bad for Matthew (unless he wanted this paid vacation) because I think he is really good in the part and I am not really sure how many more people Con is going to bring to the show.

It should be an interesting 8 weeks to say the least! I just hope the show is still around for Matt to come back to when his "vacation" is over.

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!
Updated On: 8/23/06 at 05:37 PM

#305re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 5:49pm

Good news for Constantine! Time for him to suit up and show up! I am excited for him. And excited that finally he will have to put himself on the line and not rely solely on the 150 ConFan.

I hope he gets good reviews.

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#306re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 5:57pm

I feel bad for Matthew (unless he wanted this paid vacation)

He's going to London.

#307re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 5:59pm

Yes, indeed, he's on leave to do other projects. Connie was at the show today, and it was confirmed at the stage door that it's an 8 week run beginning on Sept. 8. Matty's doing his album and other projects. He wasn't fired or anything like that.

IntoTheNight Profile Photo
#308re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/23/06 at 6:14pm

"It's not uncommon for performers to take a few days off due to prior committments."


Thank you, Steve. I was about to post this. A lot of performers take time off to honor prior committments.

I'm pleased he has a Broadway role and am confident he will do well. In the end, however, it is the sales and reviews that speak the loudest. Just my opinion.

Edit: It's been confirmed that his two concert appearances will go on as scheduled. Updated On: 8/23/06 at 06:14 PM

#309re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 2:05am

At least he's only signed for eight weeks, right? So Matthew Saldivar will come back after that? God, I hope so; he's awesome as Sammy.

I'm saddened by the Constantine fans not only not knowing nothing about the show, but the characters as well. Haven't you guys at least seen the movie? It's a classic!

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

GClef2 Profile Photo
#310re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 3:29am

he is a decent vocalist, but i never truly LOVED any of his performances...

"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

#311re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 7:01am

Yes, I don't know how Constantine will be but all I know is that Matthew was awesome when I saw the show.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

#312re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 9:31am

i just dont think constantine will be as good as matthew. i could be wrong but i just love matthew in the role and i dont think constantine will match up to that for me. although i do think constantine will do a great job.

IntoTheNight Profile Photo
#313re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 12:48pm

I have seen both the play and the film, and I can't help but walk away with a smile and a "feel good" sentiment each time.

I guess with the 'Idol' kid on for only eight weeks, Matthew will be returning? He will certainly be missed in the interim for sure.


QUOTE: "I'm saddened by the Constantine fans not only not knowing nothing about the show, but the characters as well."

To be honest, I don't think they know much about theater, period. Most of that fandom comes across as very trashy and lowbrow to me. They want to do "cellcerts" of Broadway shows, for heaven's sake! EVERYone knows that is illegal and rude.

Updated On: 8/24/06 at 12:48 PM

mikem Profile Photo
#314re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 12:55pm

I would like to believe that Constantine has enough of a fanbase to see a significant bump in ticket sales, but I worry that's not the case. I hope that the producers have other tricks up their sleeves to try to boost the box office.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

#315re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 2:32pm

I guess we'll soon see.

#316re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 2:42pm

They can't announce it as "starring Constantine." Sammy isn't a starring role. It would have to be "featuring" if anything, which is saying they'd take out more advertising. Which costs money.

#317re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 2:44pm

Like the new Hairspray adds that say "featuring Haylie Duff"

PracticallyPerfect Profile Photo
#318re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 6:07pm

Wow. You're right. WS fans better look out - Constantine's harem of horny housewives likes to empty out their savings accounts so they can travel and see him perform many nights in a row.

How dare those middle aged women with discretionary income spend it on the Wedding Singer! Don't they know they might *gasp* increase ticket sales?

Sounds like a horrible prospect for fans worried there aren't enough tickets selling to a beloved show. Run for your lives folks! Apparently there will be more people in the seats, but oh, no, they're gonna be old!

OffbwayRene Profile Photo
#319re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 7:05pm

You mean the average Broadway Theatre patron is not 17? re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer

I wonder what the demographics are. Hmmm...could it be over 40 with ample discrecionary income?

OffbwayRene Profile Photo
#320re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 7:14pm

I was asking about the average demographics of Broadway patrons.

Are you saying that people are doing that for shows nowadays?

Or perhaps you are discouraging people from buying tickets to these shows?

#321re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 7:22pm

I'm so excited for Constantine! He also just confirmed today that he has been offered a part (I believe it was the lead part, not sure about that) in Jacques Brel, also on Broadway.

I guess all you snipers don't know squat about Broadway, given that he's been offered two parts there in one week.

Good thoughts generate good karma. Your negative comments generate nothing but suffering for you and those around you.

Let's be happy for Constantine's success, and if you can't do that... perhaps you would benefit by putting some positive energy elsewhere in your lives!

Constantine's already a star in many peoples' hearts... now he can appeal to many more, in a new venue for many, on Broadway itself! You go, Constantine!!

IntoTheNight Profile Photo
#322re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 7:40pm

According to the site listing of shows, Jacques Brel is listed under OFF Broadway, and the show is at the Zipper. There is a difference between OFF Broadway and actual Broadway, as any cultured theatergoer would know.

Nevertheless, congrats to him.

OffbwayRene Profile Photo
#323re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 7:48pm

The difference is in the size of the threatre.

*sticks nose up in air*

#324re: American Idol to Join Wedding Singer
Posted: 8/24/06 at 7:51pm

To: Into the Night, and others who seem to need to feel superior...

OK, off Broadway, on Broadway... guess you can't be just happy for him, can you? I feel for you.

Your sarcasm indicates an angry nature. You have no idea who I am. I am not that familiar with Broadway, having never lived in NYC, and if you are from NYC, I do understand your ethnocentrism. It's offensive, but understandable. I know NOT EVERYONE in NYC is this way, but I have met a few NYC natives who seem to believe that "culture" begins and ends with the city itself. And of course, once they are introduced to "the world beyond" they do realize how mistaken they were.

So... while I am very educated, I am not from NYC, and you are right about Jacques Brel being "off Broadway".

Still... being offered two parts in one week... if you can't see the positives in that, indicating that professionals believe in Constantine's talent and audience draw power...

(well, surely you do see that... perhaps for some reason that threatens you... and the other snipers... of course I don't know that for sure...)

Anyway... as I said before... You go, Constantine!!! You are sure to be a huge success, and your current and future fans all applaud your hard work and your shining future!!!


Updated On: 8/24/06 at 07:51 PM
