Previews for Dear Evan Hansen start on Monday, November 14th, and I for one am very excited.
I'll be seeing it as part of my theater trip on the evening performance of Wednesday the 16th, and aside from Falsettos (which I'm seeing that afternoon), it's one of my most anticipated productions on this trip.
So, who else is going next week, and who will be there Monday?
Not seeing this till Dec 17th, but saw it off Broadway and loved it. Ben Platt is gonna be the talk of the town come Tony season. You're gonna have a great time.
Saw it twice at Second Stage. Going Monday night. Couldn't be more excited!
Leading Actor Joined: 8/9/14
I'll be there Monday night.
Has anyone heard any buzz about potential changes since Second Stage? The NY Times article about Pasek and Paul mentions what sounds like a recent creative disagreement regarding the Act One finale, which had been changed from DC.
Also, after looking at Instagram (I haven't come across a list in a press release), the understudies are Michael Lee Brown, Olivia Puckett, Garrett Long, and Asa Somers.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
There have been no significant changes to DEH since Second Stage.
Understudy Joined: 1/29/13
HSky said: "Has anyone heard any buzz about potential changes since Second Stage? The NY Times article about Pasek and Paul mentions what sounds like a recent creative disagreement regarding the Act One finale, which had been changed from DC."
The NY Times article said, "They compare themselves to brothers, who bicker and bond, knowing their relationship will endure. A recent fight, over whose bad habits were to blame for their difficulty replacing the final first act song in “Dear Evan Hansen,” sent Mr. Pasek stalking out of their Columbus Circle studio into the street, but then, 10 minutes later, calling Mr. Paul for a lengthy air-clearing that prompted the pair to ditch the disputed number and start over."
They can't possibly "ditch" "You Will Be Found", as they have been using that as a main hashtag for the show, and it's one of the most spectacular parts of the show. I wonder if they are referring to what must have a been a longer ago change when they ditched "Part of Me" from the DC production and replaced it with "You Will Be Found"
@Lisa's Headband, I hope you're right!!
I really liked "You Will be Found" at Second Stage. I hope it stays...
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
DEH at Second Stage was one of the best theatrical experiences for me. Oh my god. I hope nothing much has changed.
I like Asa Somers! I saw him on tour in N2N so some good understudies.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/29/16
I'm surprised most of the understudies from Second Stage did not transfer, especially Gerard.
Going next Monday and Thursday! I think the NYT article is talking about the replacement of "Part of Me."
Stand-by Joined: 3/29/16
I'm not seeing this until after it opens but it is the show I am most excited about this fall. I have heard nothing but the best things about it.
steven22 said: "I'm surprised most of the understudies from Second Stage did not transfer, especially Gerard.
Michael Lee Brown and Olivia Puckett are both much closer in age to the characters than Canonico and Zaken were. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a major factor in recasting the understudies.
Understudy Joined: 5/26/16
nolanativeny said: "I'm not seeing this until after it opens but it is the show I am most excited about this fall. I have heard nothing but the best things about it.
Bring tissues. Lots and lots of tissues.
Featured Actor Joined: 2/29/16
I had never physically sobbed at a theatre before Until I saw DEH
Thanks for the Kleenex warning, guys. I'll be sure to grab some from my hotel room before I head out.
clb10162 said: "Bring tissues. Lots and lots of tissues."
Is it that sexy?!
They'd better not cut "You Will Be Found"!! That's the song I've been most looking forward to hearing on the CR.
Understudy Joined: 5/26/16
haterobics said: "clb10162 said: "Bring tissues. Lots and lots of tissues."
Is it that sexy?!
"Depends on what turns you on, but I sure hope you're not sitting next to me Monday night.
Just got this in my e-mail, preview of "If I Could Tell Her". Hopefully the link works!
Understudy Joined: 5/26/16
slumdogdelaware said: "Just got this in my e-mail, preview of "If I Could Tell Her". Hopefully the link works!
The worst part about the past few months since it closed at Second Stage is that there's been no album to listen to. I hope they record one as soon as possible. Love this score.
Thanks for the link, Slumdog! I love this score too. I can't wait for the cast album.
I saw it four times off-Broadway and have tickets for the first preview, and also cannot imagine them changing much. The set looks identical, even the band is placed in the exact same spot. If any song were to have been cut, I think it would have been "to break in a glove," which I don't think they are cutting do to the recast of Michael Park, and his headshot on the website of him holding a ball and glove. Maybe they would introduce a new opening number that better introduces Evan rather than the mothers, but I doubt it. I am hoping that nothing major changes, but regardless, I know it will be wonderful. Expect a long and in depth review from me Monday night!
Leading Actor Joined: 8/9/14
kreichelt said: "I wonder if they are referring to what must have a been a longer ago change when they ditched "Part of Me" from the DC production and replaced it with "You Will Be Found""
That's what I was hoping but wasn't 100% sure, the timeline wasn't exactly clear on how long ago that moment was. "You Will Be Found" has become one of my favorite songs from the show, and it's a song that I can see having potential success beyond the context of the show as well.
I will also have my pack of tissues in hand. I already know I'll be a mess by the time "Words Fail" comes around.
Understudy Joined: 5/26/16
talinatter said: "I saw it four times off-Broadway and have tickets for the first preview, and also cannot imagine them changing much. The set looks identical, even the band is placed in the exact same spot. If any song were to have been cut, I think it would have been "to break in a glove," which I don't think they are cutting do to the recast of Michael Park, and his headshot on the website of him holding a ball and glove. Maybe they would introduce a new opening number that better introduces Evan rather than the mothers, but I doubt it. I am hoping that nothing major changes, but regardless, I know it will be wonderful. Expect a long and in depth review from me Monday night!
I saw it 5 times off-B'way (I tend to be obsessive about shows I love) and promised myself I would keep seeing it until I could sit through the whole thing without crying. I can't imagine that happening any time soon.