Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
"Oh, no. Woe is me, for After Eight is going to use the ignore feature to block me and others. How ever shall we live? "
Happily, I suspect.
As happily as I not having to read you.
Actually, I already feel elated.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Nope. Just giddy anticipation.
I understand your consternation, though. The class clown is soon going to lose his captive audience.
Ridi, pagliaccio.
Unlike you, I don't post for "an audience".
So adios, puta.
it seems to me this board is a lot like CONGRESS.
but instead of Red and Blue, there are Trolls and Bullies
at least the Board makes make for a fun read!!
Heaven Help us All!!!! :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
You want to troll and never be called on it? Calling out your troll behavior is neither bullying nor intolerance.
having an opinion different from King Namo is not trolling.
standing up to youre bullying is not trolling
Sorry, try again.
having an opinion different from king namo is not trolling.
incorrectly identifying namo as a king when he's most definitely a queen is troll-ish.
my apologies. i stand corrected!
Will anything be left after everyone has ignored each other?
someone please inform chewy5000 that i am ignoring him! hmpht!
Will anything be left after everyone has ignored each other?
Presumably, more civil conversations
A question: If someone I've blocked starts a thread, will the thread never show up for me, despite who else posts in it?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Of the very very small number of people I would "ignore" I don't think I've ever seen one of them start a thread that's of any value, so I don't think it would be much of an issue.
We're going to offer the choice to block threads started by someone, posts by someone, or both.
Additionally, as in the past, if you've just blocked posts, when you go to the 'reply' page, you will see posts you've blocked which is an easy way to see before replying if you're missing anything.
If there's a few posters that would like to help test this functionality, please shoot me a PM as it's almost ready.
Post deleted
Rob answered the question
i think you should enable a few "superusers" who have the ability ignore someone by banishing them to the phantom zone to be tortured by watching michael shannon as zod.
queryb falied becauseUnknown column 'wbtwo.topicstartedbyfirst' in 'where clause'
Anyone else getting this when trying to access the off topic board? I figure it has something to do with reinstating/upgrading the ignore feature.
I tried connecting my account to Facebook a couple years ago and it really messed up my account. Rob was able to get me access back to my BWW account, but I haven't been able to edit my posts since that time. I am wondering if the same issue that won't let me edit posts is now not letting me see the OT board.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
I can't access the OT board, either.
queryb falied becauseUnknown column 'wbtwo.topicstartedbyfirst' in 'where clause'
i can't access the OT board, either.
yes! my plan is working! muah-hahahahahahahaha! *cough cough* hahahahahaha! *cough*
I can access it fine as well.
Thanks for not cutting me off papa.
*shakes fist weakly at Papa*
Also, my inner orthographer is upset that "failed" is misspelled in the code.
Rob, is the Ignore functionality permanent, or can it be undone at a later time?
Just pondering, now that this clearly is in the works, what amount of intolerable trollery my standards should be calibrated to for pulling that trigger.