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Delta Variant and Broadway- Page 4

Delta Variant and Broadway

#75Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 11:42am

iluvtheatertrash said: "And what of children? There are child actors who cannot be vaxxed. Many will be in The Music Man. Some will be in The Lion King. I’m sure I’m forgetting some. What of them?"

Think Of The Children GIFs | Tenor

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#76Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 11:45am

I imagine for the most part, not all, but mostly, the kinds of people who see broadway shows, let alone those who travel out of state for them, are the types who are anti vaxx or think Covid is a hoax (again, some outliers but overall)

Lolz. You are a very confused and very wrong person. 

Alexander Lamar
#77Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 12:25pm

That person clearly made a typo.

I do hope the vaccine is mandatory but my concern is how easily those damn cards can be faked. Back when vaccine passports were first becoming the talk of the town I spoke of the issues I foresaw with many states getting them up and running, not even thinking about the foolish republican legislatures which would ban them outright.

Mr. Wormwood Profile Photo
Mr. Wormwood
#78Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 1:50pm

Sutton Ross said: "I imagine for the most part, not all, but mostly, the kinds of people who see broadway shows, let alone those who travel out of state for them, are the types who are anti vaxx or think Covid is a hoax (again, some outliers but overall)

Lolz. You are a very confused and very wrongperson.

It's definitely a typo. Reading the whole post, it should be clear to everyone that it's a typo...

HogansHero Profile Photo
#79Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 1:52pm

Alexander Lamar said: "That person clearly made a typo.

I do hope the vaccine is mandatory but my concern is how easily those damn cards can be faked. Back when vaccine passports were first becoming the talk of the town I spoke of the issues I foresaw with many states getting them up and running, not even thinking about the foolish republican legislatures which would ban them outright.

I am not concerned about fakes. First, most theatregoers are vaccinated without regard to any requirement. Second, most unvaccinated potential theatregoers are not going to bother obtaining a fake. Third,most unvaccinated potential theatregoers are not going to be inclined to commit a felony to see a Broadway show. Fourth, even if a few unvaccinated people sneak into a venue where everyone else is vaccinated, they will have trouble causing a superspreader event with 5 unvaccinated idiots in attendance. The worst case scenario is that they will infect each other, be hospitalized, get intubated in the ICU, and die. I hope they enjoy each others' company in hell. The rest of us will be too busy enjoying the show to care. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#80Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 1:59pm

A typo? Unless the entire paragraph is a typo....they clearly meant what they said. 

FosseTharp Profile Photo
#81Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 2:34pm

I mean they technically only need to change “are the type” to “aren’t) and it to somewhat makes sense.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#82Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 2:38pm

Sutton Ross said: "A typo? Unless the entire paragraph is a typo....they clearly meant what they said."

Ridiculous. It is obvious to anyone not trying to cause a commotion for its own sake (clearly not a cue for Sutton Ross LOL) that the post is accidentally missing its negative. 

#83Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 3:02pm

Jsquared, I’m not sure what your point is with the gif, it is a legitimate question. If kids can’t be vaccinated, what does that mean for covid precautions backstage? As we see shows shut down in England over a single case, what will happen here? Wasn’t pearl clutching, was asking a rather legitimate question and curious for actual replies.

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#84Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 4:21pm

FosseTharp said: "I mean they technically only need to change “are the type” to “aren’t) and it to somewhat makes sense."

Then why would you say "Wait…. What? So you’re saying that besides New Yorkers it’s the uneducated republican anti vaxxer q anon conspiracists who come to NYC to see Broadway Shows?  That…. Is an interesting and highly inaccurate assumption."

You clearly thought they were serious too. Weird. 

#85Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 4:43pm

Joking or not, that's an inconsiderate thing to say. (Not just on your part but all the others making comments.) Many people are leery and hesitant about getting "vaxxed' (for some reason, that word annoys me) due to other potential health repercussions, and some are not comfortable with it not being fully FDA approved yet. 

Oh, and I was at Monster Jam this past Sunday. 

Edit - This was in response to Jordan's post but directed now to everyone.

Updated On: 7/20/21 at 04:43 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#86Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 4:55pm

Delta Variant and Broadway

#87Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 5:03pm

Kip4 said: "Princeton2 said: "Worth pointing out that the UK government just announced 60% of people in hospital are double jabbed.

Where did you see this? I am only finding information about how the vaccines are effective against hospitalization.


It was mentioned during the daily briefing. Not sure how it's reported in America 

And I must tell my friend (in their 30s) who had Pfizer and was hospitalised recently that its only astrazenica that doesn't work on delta variant...he mustn't have got the memo! 

#88Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 5:08pm

dented146 said: "If you're vaccinated, it doesn't matter if you have a vaccine passport, it doesn't matter if you have a mask, it doesn't matter if the vaccinated people are like the living dead. You are safe. And if, and in the unlikely eventyou do get a slight case, you are even more safe. There is absolutely no reason to not open Broadway Theatres."

This is almost as dangerous rhetoric as anti vaxxers!!

You have greater protection, you are not 100% safe

#89Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 5:31pm

Princeton2 said: "Worth pointing out that the UK government just announced 60% of people in hospital are double jabbed."

This number is kind of worthless without raw numbers, but think about it this way:

Before the vaccine, 95 out of every 100 hospitalizations was for older folks.

The UK has currently vaccinated 95% of their older population, and the vaccine is 90% effective at preventing hospitalization.

So, some math:

Of those 95 older people that would have been hospitalized, 90 are vaccinated. Of those 90 vaccinated, 81 are protected from hospitalization (81 people is 90% of 90). 9 are vaccinated but still get hospitalized.

For the other 5 hypothetical hospitalized people, those are younger folks whose vaccination rate is closer to 50%, so let's say 2 would now be protected from hospitalization.

So, of the original 100, the breakdown with the vaccine in play is:

- 81 older people who would have been hospitalized, but are protected.

- 2 young people who would have been hospitalized, but are protected.

- 9 older, vaccinated folks hospitalized.

- 5 older, non-vaccinated people hospitalized.

- 3 young, non-vaccinated people hospitalized.

So from the original population, 9 out of 17 (52%) of the hospitalized people are double-jabbed, even though the raw numbers are way down compared to the original group (17 vs. 100).

Anyway, this was a long-winded way of saying based on our understanding of the vaccine's effectiveness, 60% vaccinated in the hospital is not crazy and shouldn't be too shocking.

#90Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 5:35pm

dadaguza said: "Many people are leery and hesitantabout getting "vaxxed' (for some reason, that word annoys me) due to other potential health repercussions, and some are not comfortable with it not being fully FDA approved yet."

I don't mean to be harsh, but given Delta's transmissibility and the fact that COVID simply will never go away, the choices are get vaccinated or get COVID. There's a 0% chance that anyone unvaccinated will be able to successfully dodge it for the rest of their lives.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#91Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 5:36pm

@Princeton2, if you heard something that said "60% of people in hospital are double jabbed," someone misspoke. Or you mis-heard. If you heard somewhere that it is not safe for folks who are vaccinated to go to the theatre, you also mis-heard. I cannot speak to the case of your "friend (in their 30s) who had Pfizer and was hospitalised recently" but I can tell you that it is far "safer" to be vaccinated and go to the theatre than it is to cross a street to get there. 

@dadaguza peddle your nonsense elsewhere. Absent some explicit medical contraindication, it is ignorant not to get vaccinated for the reasons you mention. And you deserve to be treated inconsiderately for suggesting such nonsense. It is scary how much misinformation is being posted by a few on this board right now. Pray that no one listens to you. 

FosseTharp Profile Photo
#92Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 5:49pm

I read the other day that while Moderna Pfizer and J&J are similar in their efficacy against severe illness and hospitalization Moderna has shown to be far more effective in producing antibodies against the Delta variant, but also mentioning that it needed more peer review.

#93Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 7:02pm

HogansHero said: "@Princeton2, if you heardsomething that said "60% of people in hospital are double jabbed," someone misspoke. Or you mis-heard. If you heard somewhere that it is not safe for folks who are vaccinated to go to the theatre, you also mis-heard. I cannot speak to the case of your "friend (in their 30s) who had Pfizer and was hospitalised recently" but I can tell you that it is far "safer" to be vaccinated and go to the theatre than it is to cross a street to get there.

@dadaguza peddle your nonsense elsewhere. Absent some explicit medical contraindication, it is ignorant not to get vaccinated for the reasons you mention. And you deserve to be treated inconsiderately for suggesting such nonsense. It is scary how much misinformation is being posted by a few on this board right now. Pray that no one listens to you.

I'm not "peddling" anything. I'm not telling anyone they shouldn't get vaccinated. Nor did I mention whether I myself am vaccinated. I was making a statement about why some people might be hesitant. No reason to call them morons or losers or Trump flag wielding monster truck fans. Why is everything left vs right? And I couldn't care less what anyone on this board thinks of me or what I have to say. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#94Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 7:10pm

There have been almost four billion doses of Covid vaccines given so far, worldwide and science shows it’s the unvaxxed people who are dying now. So if you’re still “on the fence” about the safety of it, then natural selection is gonna decide for you.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#95Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 7:15pm


bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#96Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 7:20pm

dadaguza said: "Joking or not, that's an inconsiderate thing to say. (Not just on your part but all the others making comments.) Many people are leery and hesitantabout getting "vaxxed' (for some reason, that word annoys me)"


For some reason, your post annoys me.


"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#97Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 7:33pm

bwayphreak234 said: "dadaguza said: "Joking or not, that's an inconsiderate thing to say. (Not just on your part but all the others making comments.) Many people are leery and hesitantabout getting "vaxxed' (for some reason, that word annoys me)"

For some reason, your post annoys me.



Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#98Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 7:36pm

dadaguza said: " And I couldn't care less what anyone on this board thinks of me or what I have to say."


Then why do you post?  

Non sibi sed patriae

#99Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/20/21 at 7:41pm

Highland Guy said: "dadaguza said: "And I couldn't care less what anyone on this board thinks of me or what I have to say."

Then why do you post?

Because I want to.
