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Delta Variant and Broadway

HogansHero Profile Photo
#125Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/22/21 at 7:47pm

jlindsey865 said: "The Excelsior Pass sounds like such an excellent idea. I live in Nashville, TN, and we don't have anything like that. Which is shocking to EVERYONE, right?"

FYI, Clear, the company that sells pricey access to sports stadiums and airports, has a health pass which is, as I understand it, free. The Public Theater is using it for Shakespeare in the Park, and it would not surprise me to see producers add it to the options for getting into shows. I have not studied it (since I have the excelsior pass) but here is a link to the Public's info on it. Info on "Safe in the Park"

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#126Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/22/21 at 7:48pm

It’s also only for people who got vaccinated in NY State, so the other states still would need to show or have a photo.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#127Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/22/21 at 8:33pm

Lavieboheme3090 said: "It’s also only for people who got vaccinated in NY State, so the other states still would need to show or have a photo."

are you referring to the excelsior or the clear health pass? As to the former, clearly, that's correct, but I assumed it would not be limited for the latter since it would seem redundant/pointless. 

uncageg Profile Photo
#128Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/22/21 at 9:05pm

It would be nice if NY accepted Docket. We recently got the app here in NJ for proof of vaccination. I am still puzzled as to why NY, NJ and CT didn't get together on this. But they seemed to stop working together a while ago.

Just give the world Love.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#129Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/22/21 at 9:45pm

It would be nice if NJ had used the IBM technology underlying the Excelsior Pass, for which NY had already footed the bill. There has to be a backstory here. And I'd also note that the Docket app inexplicably lacks a QR code which is, essentially, the key feature. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#130Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/22/21 at 9:50pm

New Jersey is not New York. In any way, shape or form. Just wanted to clear that up for people thinking they are equal. :)

#131Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 12:35am

NYS resident but I got my vaccinations in another state. I guess since we can't laminate the cards I'll try to find some kind of plastic protector if we have to start bringing them around and letting everyone touch them. 

#132Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 5:21am

VintageSnarker said: "NYS resident but I got my vaccinations in another state. I guess since we can't laminate the cards I'll try to find some kind of plastic protector if we have to start bringing them around and letting everyone touch them."

I bought these (LINK TO AMAZON) right after I got vaccinated in February. My office went through a phase where you could show proof of vaccination if you didn’t want to wear a mask. So my vaccine card was attached to my lanyard and made it through the rain and snow without issue. 

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#133Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 12:42pm

BroadwayPatriot said: "You are just an arrogant, nobody who gathers knowledge from CNN"


And you are just an arrogant nobody who gathers knowledge from the racist Faux Snooze Channel.  Be gone!

Non sibi sed patriae

HogansHero Profile Photo
#134Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 12:42pm

@BroadwayPatriot aka troll. [One can only guess what troll you were before 7/2/21 LOL]

Guess what? You and your QAnon nonsense are dead wrong. “More than 334 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 12, 2021,” the CDC said in a statement.  “During this time, VAERS received 6,079 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine.” That data, moreover, is subject to sobering post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy: the total includes everyone who was vaccinated and has since died, regardless of cause. If you walked out of the vax site and were hit by a truck, you're in that number. And of course you don't mention the 610000 souls that lost their lives due to covid. or the fact that virtually all covid deaths today are the unvaccinated. Peddle your nonsense elsewhere. Anyone advocating against vax is ignorant, and that's not open to debate by any intellectually responsible measure.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#135Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 1:08pm

Thanks, mods. Misinformation anywhere regarding vaccines is dangerous.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#136Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 1:50pm

Looks like I missed something. And it looks like that's a good thing.

#137Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 2:33pm

Highland Guy said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "You are just an arrogant, nobody who gathers knowledge from CNN"

And you are just an arrogant nobody who gathers knowledge from the racistFaux Snooze Channel.Be gone!

Why the rudeness? You used to chastise every one else here for being rude and now look at you. 

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#138Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 2:41pm

carnzee said: "Highland Guy said: "BroadwayPatriot said: "You are just an arrogant, nobody who gathers knowledge from CNN"

And you are just an arrogant nobody who gathers knowledge from the racistFaux Snooze Channel.Be gone!

Why the rudeness? You used to chastise every one else here for being rude and now look at you.

From the looks of things, it seems like BroadwayPatriot was potentially spreading disinformation about vaccines. Rudeness towards people who do that is absolutely warranted. 

#139Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 2:51pm

There's a lot of evidence that the delta variant can infect people who are vaccinated. This is again anecdotal, but I know people who have caught it with both AstraZeneca and Pfizer. So even if you're probably not in serious danger after being vaccinated, the spread of the virus isn't going away.

In a mostly vaccinated population with the delta variant around, the main issue with making any kinds of plans is that you'll catch it and have to cancel everything. It's the same with the cast and everyone else who works in a theatre. Masks should be mandatory for everyone in the audience, even if they're vaccinated.

The reason why the variant's causing havoc in the UK is because of self-isolation rules, which means that one positive case can bring down an entire production for a week. Assuming Broadway won't have those same rules, it probably won't have quite the same problem. But presumably performances could still be cancelled at short notice. Maybe understudies will have to be more like standbys, who won't be in close contact with the rest of the cast?

Updated On: 7/23/21 at 02:51 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#140Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 4:04pm

The best we can do, whether here or in the UK when it comes to being in a theater, is just be as safe as possible. Get vaccinated and keep that mask on. For audience members, the combination of the two (hell, double mask it if you still want to) will keep you about as safe as you can possibly get in that setting.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#141Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 4:47pm

I receive health care through a major provider.  My three doctors (Primary, Pulmonary and Cardiology) give me excellent advice and treatment.  Today I was sent an e-mail which read, in part:

"Take action to protect against new strains of COVID-19.  According to the CDC, the current authorized vaccines offer strong protection against new strains of the COVID-19 virus, including the Delta variation.  We encourage you to take extra steps to stay safe.  Please continue to wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice physical distancing."

And that is exactly what I do and will continue to do.

Non sibi sed patriae

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#142Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 4:49pm

All of the variants, including the original Wuhan strain, can infect vaccinated people. The vaccines have never been 100% correct. However, across the variants, Delta included, breakthrough infections are, much more often than not, akin to mild colds. Another tidbit is that, at least with the OG strain and the Alpha variant, breakthrough infections also carried a much smaller viral load, meaning that the person is much less infectious. Could be the case with Delta as well, could not. We don't know yet. Boosters could also possibly help, if it is the latter. But again, we don't know. We're still figuring this out.

But I think that one thing most reasonable people know is that continuously locking down, and closing businesses (or, in our industry's case, cancelling weeks worth of performances), is not the answer. This virus is going to become endemic, so we're going to have to learn how to live with it. The more population immunity there is, the less noticeable breakthrough infections are.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#143Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 4:50pm

Yup, since, even though vaccinated, can still contract or pass on the virus, MY days of mask wearing are far from over. I wouldn't be surprised if most svhool continue to mandate them. (Because there is no way to truly enforce mask wearing for only nonvaxxed.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#144Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 4:54pm

dramamama611 said: "Yup, since, even though vaccinated, can still contract or pass on the virus, MY days of mask wearing are far from over. I wouldn't be surprised if most svhool continue to mandate them. (Because there is no way to truly enforce mask wearing for only nonvaxxed.)"

I have long said that schools should be all-mask this coming school year, because roughly half of K-12 students are not yet eligible for vaccination. However, once they are eligible, I think the vaccine should be mandatory for students, in the same way other childhood immunizations are. That is how we live with this virus.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#145Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 4:56pm

Also, I might also point out that the only reason I'm still wearing my mask is to protect children under 12, who can't yet be vaccinated. I couldn't care less about the people who choose not to get vaxxed.

#146Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 5:52pm

You should be more concerned about wearing your mask and protecting yourself from the unvaccinated then protecting or not protecting them.  I'm vaccinated and I wear my mask the same as before getting the vaccine.  All the time.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#147Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 6:30pm

I’m scheduled to return to the UK next month for a couple weeks and I’m a little freaked out. I’ll need to be in theatres and even though i was JUST there in them, it seems much different now. I’m thinking I’ll double mask (haven’t done that in a long time) but even though I’m vaccinated, better safe than sorry. I suppose.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#148Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 6:44pm

Jordan Catalano said: "I’m scheduled to return to the UK next month for a couple weeks and I’m a little freaked out. I’ll need to be in theatres and even though i was JUST there in them, it seems much different now. I’m thinking I’ll double mask (haven’t done that in a long time) but even though I’m vaccinated, better safe than sorry. I suppose."

I support any step you may feel like taking, to protect yourself. But I think you'll be much safer next month, than this month. According to this tweet from Dr. Eric Topol (who is always there with the detailed science) it seems like the UK may be reaching their peak, and potentially beginning a descent. Let's hope so!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#149Delta Variant and Broadway
Posted: 7/23/21 at 6:47pm

That’s not taking into account numbers since “freedom day” last week, though. We won’t see those numbers for another week or two.
