Yes, I saw Ron Bohmer in the ill-fated tour; he was excellent.
But he was magnificent in the 1992 tour of Aspects of Love.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/10/11
This thread made me wonder 'whatever happened to Kevin Anderson'? I don't remember seeing him at all in years and years. He was great in Orpheus Descending with Vanessa Redgrave, and I remember thinking that he was going to be a big star.
I find Glenn’s recording more satisfying than Patti’s. Glenn’s is like listening to a radio play. It’s enthralling. I agree with the poster who felt like Patti and Kevin were phoning it in. Personally, I think they were both too serious for the parts. Together they were a dirge. Such serious actors, they lost the fun and camp.
I found Lewis Cleale, who was on tour with Petula to be my favorite Joe.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
I find neither recording to be completely fulfilling. I've always felt that Patti and Kevin completely undersell the acting on the World Premiere recording, and it doesn't help that the whole recording is mastered at such a low level that you have to crank the volume anytime they are not singing. On the other side, Alan Cambell's acting is so over the top on the American Premiere recording that he reaches the same camp level as Glenn does as Norma, and I think Joe needs to be more grounded to keep Norma's flights into camp from becoming vulgarly absurd. That's also much the same reason I prefer Meredith Braun over Judy Kuhn on the recordings. Judy sings it beautifully, of course, but her acting had to match Alan Campbell's over the top quality so she comes across just as poorly.
I admit that a few years ago I had some time on my hands during a period between jobs and got to playing around in Garage Band to splice some tracks together so I could create a playlist that uses the World Premiere recording for most of the non-mansion/Norma scenes, and the American Premiere recording for the any of the Norma scenes.
I can't believe its 27 years ago tonight... Before the internet was the internet, and having to survive on little bits and pieces in the NY Times, magazines like "Theater Week" to get the scoop on what was happening.
Love reading all your comments and found myself agreeing with a lot of them. The whole World Premiere having to be postponed 2 weeks because the scenery was malfunctioning - in what was a global event really did screw many things up - not the least of which was the "World Premiere Recording." By the time they finally "recorded" it, the script had already been altered several times in previews and was still getting revised. Which is why they went with some of the script from the Sydmonton tryout (I'm not sure if they used actual recordings from Sydmonton as well - but it was definitely a rush job). By the time they recorded the American Premiere Recording (which had done one day of recording and had to be re-done when an earthquake hit LA pretty badly) they went full-throttle with expanded orchestra and a complete recording. So it sounds better in many ways.
Won't venture into the Patti as Norma debate.
But for me, I always liked the sound of Anderson as Joe. His voice had an effortless, natural quality while Campbell always sounded (and when I saw him 7-8 times on Broadway) was very clearly "acting," Just never warmed up to him in the role and felt he was miscast. From what I recall, Glen Close was somewhat insistent that the cast would be offered to come to NY with her.
And talking about Joe's, Michael Xavier in the ENO/London revival - thought he was masterful.
When I first heard the London recording with Anderson as Joe I was excited to see him perform the role. I didn't make it to London until the summer of 1994 and saw the show with Betty Buckley and John Barrowman. I thought Barrowman was serviceable but rather young for the part. He seemed too boyish and didn't pull off the mature aspects of the character well. When I saw Campbell in the role in January 1995 in New York, I didn't think there was anything about his performance that stood out to me. In the summer of 1995 I was back in London and Elaine Paige was performing as Norma, but I don't remember who was playing Joe as I didn't catch the show. To make up for missing her, I saw Paige perform Norma in New York in the winter of 1997, but whoever played Joe was forgettable as I can't remember who it was.
chernjam said: "I can't believe its 27 years ago tonight... Before the internet was the internet, and having to survive on little bits and pieces in the NY Times, magazines like "Theater Week" to get the scoop on what was happening.
Love reading all your comments and found myself agreeing with a lot of them. The whole World Premiere having to be postponed 2 weeks because the scenery was malfunctioning - in what was a global event really did screw many things up - not the least of which was the "World Premiere Recording." By the time they finally "recorded" it, the script had already been altered several times in previews and was still getting revised. Which is why they went with some of the script from the Sydmonton tryout (I'm not sure if they used actual recordings from Sydmonton as well - but it was definitely a rush job). By the time they recorded the American Premiere Recording (which had done one day of recording and had to be re-done when an earthquake hit LA pretty badly) they went full-throttle with expanded orchestra and a complete recording. So it sounds better in many ways.
Won't venture into the Patti as Norma debate.
But for me, I always liked the sound of Anderson as Joe. His voice had an effortless, natural quality while Campbell always sounded (and when I saw him 7-8 times on Broadway) was very clearly "acting," Just never warmed up to him in the role and felt he was miscast. From what I recall, Glen Close was somewhat insistent that the cast would be offered to come to NY with her.
And talking about Joe's, Michael Xavier in the ENO/London revival - thought he was masterful."
Can you imagine if we had the internet in 1993-97 during the tsunami which was Sunset Boulevard? The backstage drama, the lawsuits, etc? Oh what fun we missed! I settled for Cindy Adams and Liz Smith for their gossip columns - I can only imagine what the internet could bring.
Jarethan said: "This thread made me wonder 'whatever happened to Kevin Anderson'? I don't remember seeing him at all in years and years. He was great in Orpheus Descending with Vanessa Redgrave, and I remember thinking that he was going to be a big star."
I’ve wondered the same thing. Did he turn away from theater and musical theater? I loved his voice in this !
And a big YES to Michael Xavier ! I forgot about him in the revival until someone mentioned him - an excellent Joe Gillis. I wish they released a recording of the revival !
David10086 said: "
And a big YES to Michael Xavier ! I forgot about him in the revival until someone mentioned him - an excellent Joe Gillis. I wish they released a recording of the revival !
There was a group of us who harassed RUG, ALW and Glen Close multiple times to try to get ANYTHING of that production recorded and released... stellar cast with a symphonic orchestra (and incredible new orchestrations) such, such a shame and missed opportunity to really preserve that masterpiece
chernjam said: "David10086 said: "
And a big YES to Michael Xavier ! I forgot about him in the revival until someone mentioned him - an excellent Joe Gillis. I wish they released a recording of the revival !
There was a group of us who harassed RUG, ALW and Glen Close multiple times to try to get ANYTHING of that production recorded and released... stellar cast with a symphonic orchestra (and incredible new orchestrations) such, such a shame and missed opportunity to really preserve that masterpiece"
It really was a missed opportunity. I was at the stage door during previews. A fan asked Xavier about a new recording and he said no. Glenn, who was within earshot, perked up and piped in, "no, no, no- we are still in discussions with the producers. We are going to make this happen. I want this production preserved." It gave me some hope. Sadly, it never came to fruition. It did make me wonder though, if it was a meta-Norma moment for Glenn. Was she thinking she has more power than she does? Was she deluding herself? Do people up top lie to her? I wonder if the same thing is going on with the Sunset Film. Is it in her mind or is there an actual deal?
jagman1062 said: "When I first heard the London recording with Anderson as Joe I was excited to see him perform the role. I didn't make it to London until the summer of 1994 and saw the show with Betty Buckley and John Barrowman. I thought Barrowman was serviceable but rather young for the part. He seemed too boyish and didn't pull off the mature aspects of the character well. When I saw Campbell in the role in January 1995 in New York, I didn't think there was anything about his performance that stood out to me. In the summer of 1995 I was back in London and Elaine Paige was performing as Norma, but I don't remember who was playing Joe as I didn't catch the show. To make up for missing her, I saw Paige perform Norma in New York in the winter of 1997, but whoever played Joe was forgettable as I can't remember who it was."
Sunset was the first Broadway show I ever saw and fell in love. I saw it the night before it closed and Alan played Joe but Alice was not in(she let her understudy go on because her family was in town(I think)
I recall being kind of wishy washy about seeing the revival because hey, it didn't have the opulent set. I went with a friend regardless courtesy of TDF and had a fantastic time courtesy of a patron who might've had a little too much to drink at intermission leading to an audible shout of approval when Michael Xavier came on in just his swim trunks to start the second act. The audience erupted in laughter and support and Michael turned to the house and preened while the orchestra vamped into "Sunset Boulevard" for a few additional bars. I'm normally not into vocal support during a show but I thought this was kind of perfect so please don't tell me this was an audience plant
scripps said: "I recall being kind of wishy washy about seeing the revival because hey, it didn't have the opulent set. I went with a friend regardless courtesy of TDF and had a fantastic time courtesy of a patron who might'vehad a little too much to drink at intermission leading to an audible shout of approval when Michael Xavier came on in just his swim trunks to start the second act. The audience erupted in laughter and support and Michael turned to the house and preened while the orchestra vamped into "Sunset Boulevard" for a few additional bars. I'm normally not into vocal support during a show but I thought this was kind of perfectso please don't tell me this was an audience plant"
I saw the revival 4 times and never encountered that, so I would think it was spontaneous :)
Bettyboy72 said: "
It really was a missed opportunity. I was at the stage door during previews. A fan asked Xavier about a new recording and he said no. Glenn, who was within earshot, perked up and piped in, "no, no, no- we are still in discussions with the producers. We are going to make this happen. I want this production preserved." It gave me some hope. Sadly, it never came to fruition. It did make me wonder though, if it was a meta-Norma moment for Glenn. Was she thinking she has more power than she does? Was she deluding herself? Do people up top lie to her? I wonder if the same thing is going on with the Sunset Film. Is it in her mind or is there an actual deal?
OK that just re-opened a wound :) I remember our emails and tweets were for the most part unanswered so I never imagined it was taken seriously. I wonder if perhaps it had gotten ANY Tony Nominations (which was a ridiculous slight) and they had continued with an open - ended run as there was speculation about for a little while at least (when they extended from closing in May till the end of June) if there would have been more of a desire to do so.
As for the movie - really sad to think it's slowed down again - after all the announcements of a director being hired and all
random question, which of the Normas sang the line "I'm sick to dead of that old filling station shirt, stained with yesterday's dessert in The Ladys paying? It seems most of the videos I have found on YT have the lines
Shut up, I'm rich
Now some platinum blonde bitch
I own so many apartments
I've forgotten which is which
I’ve always loved the passionate debate amongst theater folk about this show and Glenn vs Patti vs Betty and so on. It’s like sports fans debating who would have won Ali vs Tyson.
The LA production benefited from a lot of tightening by the creatives-the orchestrations, lighting, changes to the score and the overall mood of the show was given a more fitting film noir quality that the original London production missed on. I’ve always said that for people like me who much prefer the LA recording, I would have loved a recording of LuPone in the LA production that became the standard moving forward.
As far as Kevin Anderson, I always thought his take on the London cast recording lacked punch. Holden in the movie plays Joe as half smart ass, half wannabe playboy. Anderson’s take ti me, especially in some of the included dialogue, comes off as disinterested.
The debate will rage on forever, and I truly believe this would make a terrific Fued like limited series.
wiggum2 said: "random question, which of the Normas sang the line "I'm sick to dead of that old filling station shirt, stained with yesterday's dessert in The Ladys paying? It seems most of the videos I have found on YT have the lines
Shut up, I'm rich
Now some platinum blonde bitch
I own so many apartments
I've forgotten which is which
I honestly just streamed the world premiere album on Spotify so I can say with certainty that Patti sings the first set of lyrics in your post. Busy day in the home office obviously.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Though did she sing it in performance? It's already pretty well-known that the score and lyrics had already gone through a lot of development between when the World Premiere recording was done and the opening in London.
AEA AGMA SM said: "Though did she sing it in performance? It's already pretty well-known that the score and lyrics had already gone through a lot of development between when the World Premiere recording was done and the opening in London."
Actually ... none of the videos I pulled up of Patti singing this live have that lyric, and I think one was from an early preview ... how odd.
Saw the show multiple times here in Los Angeles at the now closed Shubert Theatre. Saw it in New York 3 times - with Glenn, Betty & Elaine.
I thought that Alan Campbell was a wonderful Joe Gillis each time I saw it, and his chemistry with Bette & Elaine was much better, more effective than with Glenn.
wiggum2 said: "random question, which of the Normas sang the line "I'm sick to dead of that old filling station shirt, stained with yesterday's dessert in The Ladys paying? It seems most of the videos I have found on YT have the lines
Shut up, I'm rich
Now some platinum blonde bitch
I own so many apartments
I've forgotten which is which
Damn! What a terrible lyric for that character!
To what "apartments" does she refer? Real estate investments? Who cares?
Other homes in NY, London and Paris? Even worse, because it negates the pathos of Norma trapped with her memories in that overblown mansion from yesteryear!
SUNSET BOULEVARD is a dreadful show with repetitive lyrics ("I play every part"/"I can play every role." and a page-by-page approach to adapting the screenplay that in no way accounts for differences in the media. Patti LuPone misses the "fun and camp"? The original isn't camp, it's a horror film for grown-ups! The musical gets laughs because it's badly written; it was obviously a smart move on Close's part to play into those laughs, but it does nothing to improve the art of the piece. Her original Norma was just a warm-up for her Cruella de Ville.
She says "Not" some platinum blonde bitch. And I've always assumed it implied real estate, but yeah not a great lyric.
wiggum2 said: "random question, which of the Normas sang the line "I'm sick to dead of that old filling station shirt, stained with yesterday's dessert in The Ladys paying? It seems most of the videos I have found on YT have the lines
Shut up, I'm rich
Now some platinum blonde bitch
I own so many apartments
I've forgotten which is which"
The lines you're talking about are:
I'm sick to death of that
Same old filling station shirt
And that boring, baggy jacket
Stained with yesterday's dessert
I recently stumbled upon a video on YouTube with 33 minutes of what is supposedly the first London preview, shot with the house camera, and with sound from the soundboard. It's in black and white, and far from the stage, but it's definitely interesting to watch. "The Lady's Paying" is one of the numbers on it, which also originally featured a break with Norma donning men's clothes and doing a Charlie Chaplin impersonation. She sings those lines immediately after that. I won't link to the video here, since I guess it is technically a bootleg, but it's easy to find.
In any event, those lyrics are also sung by Patti on the World Premiere Recording:
Updated On: 7/13/20 at 06:27 PM
GavestonPS, yes those lyrics are referring to her vast real estate empire that she has. After all, how could she afford to live at 10086 Sunset Blvd if she didn't have any income coming in? It's a wonderful lyric that further explains Norma's rich, extravagant lifestyle, and how she is able to still be "relevant" in her mind.
In the show she does tell Joe that she'll open up the house in Malibu for the 2 of them, as well.
There’s a black and white video from the house camera, as well as an audience-shot bootleg from the first London preview.