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South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#25FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 5:26pm

"I'll be there tonight and am optimistic. It's a little scary going to see a show you love so much- there's a protectiveness you feel about the material and the characters- but I'm hoping for the best and remembered to pack a few tissues in my bag this morning. "

Awaiting the review, have a hunch you may need to gather your thoughts, so read ya in the morning. Jealous!


n2nbaby Profile Photo
#26FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 5:26pm

Is anyone having an issue buying Linc Tix? I keep enterting my ID number and my password and it says it's incorrect (it's not). Would calling Ticketmaster or Lincoln Center help?

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#27FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 5:50pm

chewy5000 said: "Are we all just ignoring the fact that kyle4 is back?"


That's for the best.



Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#28FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 7:17pm

WhizzerMarvin said: "Mildred Plotka said: "Hope it's a good cry Whizzer.  Enjoy! 


Ha, yes. I hope I'm crying because of "What Would I Do?" and not because it's so bad...

If not I've got some rope right here, and Whizzer will be hanging from a chandelier! 



It's not anywhere near bad. It is wonderful. And it is thrilling that Lapine did not just do a cookie cutter staging of his original production. There are some truly unique concepts at work here, especially with the set. 

I have a feeling the set the set will be a divisive topic on here, but I loved it. 

And yes, bring mountains and mountains of tissue. 

#29FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 7:20pm

Can anyone report on the side orchestra seats LincTix offered? How is the view? 

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#30FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 7:31pm

Hairspray0901 said: "Can anyone report on the side orchestra seats LincTix offered? How is the view? 



Well the first performance starts in about 29 minutes so i'm assuming we won't know until that happens FALSETTOS Previews

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#31FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:11pm

I'm sad to say this was embarrassingly bad. My guest and I left at intermission. It was unsalvagable from the start. Awful direction, staging and design. The lighting was atrocious and the set was a mess that the actors could not make sense of. The cast looked nervous, distracted, uninterested and unengaged. I felt bad for everyone. Ms. Block was the only one who seemed to be trying or who at least had confidence in the material. Speaking of material, we have new lyrics and they're unnecessary. It was just so bad and made me very sad and disappointed. 

#32FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:30pm

^ Ugh...Wasn't expecting that...

slumdogdelaware Profile Photo
#33FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:41pm

I wasn't expecting that either FALSETTOS Previews 

Updated On: 9/29/16 at 10:41 PM

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#34FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:46pm

theatregoer3 said: "I'm sad to say this was embarrassingly bad. My guest and I left at intermission. It was unsalvagable from the start. Awful direction, staging and design. The lighting was atrocious and the set was a mess that the actors could not make sense of. The cast looked nervous, distracted, uninterested and unengaged. I felt bad for everyone. Ms. Block was the only one who seemed to be trying or who at least had confidence in the material. Speaking of material, we have new lyrics and they're unnecessary. It was just so bad and made me very sad and disappointed. 

Omg.  Did you know the show going in or are you a newbie?  I'm actually really shocked by this reaction.


theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#35FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:47pm

Yeah. Sorry to bum you out. The crowd was on fire when the house lights went down. When they came back up at break the crowd was miserable and bored. 


I would be SHOCKED if other posters who were there tonight disagreed with me.

Jshan05 Profile Photo
#36FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:52pm

Woah--not what I was expecting for the first user review...

#37FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:54pm

Ah, I was hoping for much better! Maybe it was just first preview jitters? Hopefully they warm into the roles and the show!

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#38FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:58pm

I knew the show. I actually think I know most of the lyrics by heart. LincTix seats were great though! I could go on for days about what was wrong with this production. At the top of intermission the creative team all went past us for a meeting. They all had dour looks on their faces. I can see this getting better - much better - but I can't see this ever becoming a great (or even good) production.

somechrysanthemumtea Profile Photo
#39FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 10:59pm

Would you mind describing the set? What did you not like about it?

theatregoer3 Profile Photo
#40FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:17pm

It was a three sided wall outlining the city. This allowed for minimal places to enter and exit so it was awkward whenever that would happen. Then there was a massive cube made up of various foam pieces that could become furniture, etc. the cast had to keep stacking them and rearranging them. They looked really amateurish and didn't serve any great symbolic purpose. They seemed to get in the way as there were SO many of them so the cast always had so many to move/adjust.


At the top of the show the four men came out dressed as ancient Hebrews with wigs and beards and it was messy. They barely know the (very simplistic) choreo. The falsettos sequence was done with black light and was so awkward. 


My ultimate conclusion is two fold: 1. The cast didn't trust or understand the material. 2. They needed a new director who could freshly interpret the material. James Lapine was a poor choice and I can't see why he wanted to do this production. It all seemed so unmotivated. Like why do it at all?


If I had a say in this I would tell them to cut the choreo, cut the cubes, simplify the lighting, keep the cast on stage and just have everyone focus on the performances and living up to the material. Everything else is just getting in the way and it's painfully obvious how unnecessary it is. The music, lyrics and story are enough to sustain a crowd for hours with a bare stage.

#41FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:20pm

Well, I have to disagree. I was there tonight and thought it was absolutely stunning! This is my favorite musical and it holds a special place in my heart. So I was very nervous going in that it wouldn't live up to my high expectations. But I am overjoyed to say (at least in my opinion), that I was deeply moved by the performances and the direction. It's not perfect yet. Act 1 needs some work. But Act 2 was close to flawless. I'm sure I will be seeing this revival multiple times and I'm incredibly to see how it was grow and improve on what they already have. I was in tears throughout!

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#42FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:21pm

I'm curious to hear from other people on these boards if they agree with theatregoer3.

#43FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:28pm

HoldMeBatBOy said: "Well, I have to disagree. I was there tonight and thought it was absolutely stunning! This is my favorite musical and it holds a special place in my heart. So I was very nervous going in that it wouldn't live up to my high expectations. But I am overjoyed to say (at least in my opinion), that I was deeply moved by the performances and the direction. It's not perfect yet. Act 1 needs some work. But Act 2 was close to    flawless. I'm sure I will be seeing this revival  multiple times and I'm incredibly to see how it was  grow and improve on what they already have. I was in tears throughout!



Now im excited again


WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#44FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:33pm

I enjoyed it. Yes, some of the cast members are finding their footing. The direction involves the performers constantly moving, building, dismantling, and rebuilding the set pieces - so once they get in a groove, it'll all move much smoother. I'm anxious to revisit it later in the run. 

Stephanie stopped the show with "I'm Breaking Down." I hope she is remembered during Tony time. Brandon is exceptional too. Funny, warm, and perfectly menschy.

It wasn't without its flaws, but it's thrilling to see this show back on Broadway again. It's a special piece. Certainly the best thing to come along so far this season, in my opinion. 

Updated On: 9/30/16 at 11:33 PM

#45FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:39pm

It was just so wonderfully honest! They all trust the material and give very real, and heartfelt performances. I also love that Lapine didn't just recreate his staging from the original. It's all rethought out. Some of it doesn't work as well but that's what previews are for. 

icecreambenjamin Profile Photo
#46FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:52pm

How is the orchestra?  Is it largely synth or more of a band like the original off broadway production of March of the Falsettos?

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#47FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:53pm

I know it's a small part, but how was Betsy?

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

lucillefrank Profile Photo
#48FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:57pm

Falsettos is my second favorite show of all time and I've been wanting a revival for over a decade and I was worried that I was hyping it up for myself before I even saw it. I was there tonight and it was better than anything I could have ever asked for in a revival. Stephanie J. Block earned the most applause after "I'm Breaking Down," and just as you'd expect, "What Would I Do?" had every person in the house sobbing. Brandon Uranowitz was the standout. He's a perfect Mendel. The set and lighting is stunning. Everything is just fantastic. James Lapine hit it out of the park. In any other show I would say it needs tightening up but Bill Finn shows are so "messy" to the point that it can't be anything but.  



i've got 99 problems and a revival of parade would solve like 94 of them

#49FALSETTOS Previews
Posted: 9/29/16 at 11:59pm

I also just saw the first preview. I actually liked it quite a bit. It's not perfect but it is expected for the very first preview performance.

I didn't know too much about the show before going in. Didn't feel too strongly about Stephanie before this but now consider myself a fan. Wow. Brandon Uranowitz was lovely. Andrew Rannells was also really good. My main problem with the show is Christian Borle. I might return in a few days to see if he gets better but as of now I just don't care for his performace in this show at all.

The set I have mixed feelings about. There were some nice moments but a few other times it did get a bit too much. The show is hard enough to perform as it is, and the poor actors have to remember where to put the set pieces as well.

For those who were lucky enough to see the original production I would love to know how it compares. Please tell us more.
