The Wrap: Positive
The best new play on Broadway at the moment is Lisa Kron’s book for the musical “Fun Home,” which opened Sunday at Circle in the Square in New York.
Updated On: 4/19/15 at 08:34 PMBroadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
I love some of the family dynamics Jones addresses in his review. Very thoughtful writing.
WATCH: @AlisonBechdel takes an opening-night bow with @cerveris & the stars of @funhomemusical
via TheaterMania
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
^^ nice that Gabby came out at the end ( it looks like to bring out flowers).
It must be a real challenge to be a swing at opening night.
Glad it is being so well received.
Newsday: Positive
Into a Broadway season dominated by new musical comedies and movie retreads comes "Fun Home," the grown-up, disturbing, blazingly original heartbreaker that won just about every award for which it was eligible during its 2013 Off-Broadway premiere at the Public Theater...
Often this story about the effect of changing gay worlds on two generations layers musical suspense on fragments of ascending melodies. They seem to hang in the air with anticipation. Anticipation fulfilled.
Updated On: 4/19/15 at 09:06 PMBroadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
Interesting that Winer gets the show length wrong, listing it at 140 minutes.
^ Right? I'm thinking 100min vs 1h40min.
And while we all wait for Lord Brantley....
I'm watching Fun Home YouTube press videos split screen with this board and the NYT page and I just found this one for the first time. WATCH. IT. Sitting here crying. Gah, I'm going to be MESS when I see it live.
The NYT! Bring on the Pulitzer :)
Why do they keep doing that? Have they always done that?
I guess AP is faster at releasing reviews and NYT wants to make sure they at least capture some of the views. Might also be auto-published.
I wonder if Brantley is like, (re)writing the entire review post-show tonight...
*MAJOR MAJOR SPOILER - only watch if you've seen the show*
And here's a treat. Tissue time.
Updated On: 4/19/15 at 09:33 PM
Fun Home isn't eligible for the Pulitzer this year. It was a finalist last season, though
I suspect the NYT review to be up very soon. With FN, the AP review was only up a short time before Brantley's review.
It's great to see any show get such positive reviews. It's been a long time since I recall a show getting such glowing reviews.
Unfortunately FUN HOME was finalist last year, but did not win.
THRILLED for this show. I hope Tesori finally wins a Tony this year.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/24/14
"I'm watching Fun Home YouTube press videos split screen with this board and the NYT page and I just found this one for the first time. WATCH. IT. Sitting here crying. Gah, I'm going to be MESS when I see it live."
Thanks for that! Talk about an amazing final statement about her parents who will continue to live on in a play.
"I hope Tesori finally wins a Tony this year. "
I get so impatient waiting for the Times these days, but I truly hope Brantley gives this new staging the rave it deserves. I think this is one of the most important new shows in years, and I would love for it to be given that momentum. I'm hoping they get some serious Tony love this June to ensure this is seen by a wider audience. It just NEEDS to be.
We're assuming it is Brantley by default, right? I mean, because Brantley reviewed it off Broadway, will he automatically do it this time? Or because Brantley did it last time, it will be Isherwood? Is there any sort of trend or prescedent when it comes to transfers like this?
ETA: fix spelling. And thanks ljay! I've always wondered how that worked.
Updated On: 4/19/15 at 09:47 PM
Brantley usually follows up on a transfer of a production that he reviewed elsewhere.
Updated On: 4/19/15 at 09:50 PMLeading Actor Joined: 8/6/09
"OMG the Ring of Keys (spoilers). Get's me every time."
Watching that video, I didn't expect that moment. Just wow.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/24/14
I agree, cupidboy. I liked the opening from the Hollywood Reporter that made mention of the plethora of family dynamic musicals coming our way nowadays…and then goes on to mention how great Fun Home is. Major paraphrase there.
Family dysfunction has been a reality since Cain and Abel. And now that we're seeing opportunities to see such topics discussed more and more openly on the stage, we need them to continue. Even if they are done multiple times from various perspectives.
These musicals and stories behind them touch so many people in that audience. Things people are going through, and feel so alone. Yet then when they see the stories of others brought to life who are facing the very same difficulties and complexities they are, it removes the loneliness. It's cathartic, and I'll be there are more self-realizations going on throughout these audiences than will ever be known.
""I hope Tesori finally wins a Tony this year. "
I get so impatient waiting for the Times these days, but I truly hope Brantley gives this new staging the rave it deserves. I think this is one of the most important new shows in years, and I would love for it to be given that momentum. I'm hoping they get some serious Tony love this June to ensure this is seen by a wider audience. It just NEEDS to be. "