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FUN HOME Reviews

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#100FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/19/15 at 11:28pm

Kuhn s/b featured as s/b Lucas and Skeggs

Malone s/b leading.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#101FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/19/15 at 11:28pm


Kelli Barrett (Doctor Zhivago)
Kristin Chenoweth (On the Twentieth Century)
Tyne Daly (It Shoulda Been You)
Erin Davie (Side Show)
Lisa Howard (It Shoulda Been You)
Vanessa Hudgens (Gigi)
Laura Michelle Kelly (Finding Neverland)
Beth Malone (Fun Home)
Kelli O'Hara (The King and I)
Brynn O'Malley (Honeymoon in Vegas)
Emily Padgett (Side Show)
Chita Rivera (The Visit)
Rachel Tucker (The Last Ship)

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#102FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/19/15 at 11:29pm

That seems to be the assumption. Adult Alison is the driving force of the whole show, and wonderful as Kuhn is, Helen is a much smaller role. Yes she's above the title, but it would be ridiculous to call it a leading role. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#103FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/19/15 at 11:30pm


Leanne Cope (An American in Paris)
Victoria Clark (Gigi)
Megan Fairchild (On the Town)
Harriet Harris (It Shoulda Been You)
Dee Hoty (Gigi)
Judy Kuhn (Fun Home)
Sydney Lucas (Fun Home)
Ruthie Ann Miles (The King and I)
Nancy Opel (Honeymoon in Vegas)
Jill Paice (An American in Paris)
Ashley Park (The King and I)
Emily Skeggs (Fun Home)
Elizabeth Stanley (On the Town)
Alysha Umphress (On the Town)

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

#104FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 12:06am

"The Best Reviewed Musical of the Century!"

They could actually get away with that.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#105FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 12:14am






FUN HOME Reviews

""The Best Reviewed Musical of the Century!"
They could actually get away with that."

FUN HOME Reviews


""The Best Reviewed Musical of the Century!"
They could actually get away with that."

 INDEED as they should!

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George
Updated On: 4/20/15 at 12:14 AM

#106FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 12:44am

I don't think the NY Post reviewer is very good or reliable. She hates a lot of good shows, though she managed to like this one!

rcwr Profile Photo
#107FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 1:32am

Even though I'll never be able to see it unless it tours someday, I am rooting so hard for this show! It seems incredible. I love the cast recording. And I can see the nuance of Sydney Lucas's talent even in this Lilly Awards example of her singing "Ring of Keys."

Let's get some FH Tony love.

#108FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 6:44am

Rereading all of the reviews this morning, I am struck by how thoughtful they are (NY Post aside), how specific their praise is, and how many insights they share about why this show can be so emotionally powerful. And the pull quote possibilities? My goodness. Just fantastic.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#109FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 7:47am

It is now listed as a Critic's Pick. This is a deservedly stunning bunch of reviews. 

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#110FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 7:55am

"Elizabeth Stanley (On the Town)
Alysha Umphress (On the Town)"

Why not Megan Fairchild?

tazber Profile Photo
#111FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 8:12am

Or Jackie Hoffman?

....but the world goes 'round

GilmoreGirlO2 Profile Photo
#112FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 10:08am

Thrilled for these raves. I’m not sure if there has ever been another show I have felt this emotionally invested in. I want it to succeed financially simply because I want as many people as possible to get to experience this show. Congrats to everyone involved on these reviews and may more and more success come your way!

Also, that highlight reel is wonderful. Haven’t seen the show since the Public and can’t wait to see it (twice!) in June.

#113FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 10:12am

"Skeggs is lovely in the central role of Middle Alison, but unlike Lucas, she doesn’t seem by any stretch to have come from the same genetic pool as Small Alison and she seems taller than Alison herself, which is just odd."

^ This is a quote from Jeremy Gerard's review on Deadline. I can't understand what he's trying to say. Unlike Lucas, she doesn't look like Small Alison? Does he mean unlike SOCHA, she doesn't look like Small Alison?

#114FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 10:31am

a question: if the Tony nominating committee decides that both Sydney Lucas and Beth Malone are eligible for Featured Actress, is there any possibility we might see FOUR nominees from Fun Home? Judy Kuhn, Sydney Lucas, Beth Malone and Emily Skeggs. I haven't seen this production of the show, but my impression was that everyone was more featured than "Leading Roles", including Michael Cerveris (in the sense that a "Lead" is more Claire in The Visit or Anna in The King and I or Lily in On the Twentieth Century - someone who carries the show or does so in tandem with a male lead). What seems likely in regards to the  Tony committee for category placement for Ms. Lucas and Ms. Malone? (personally, I think the producers of Fun Home would be wise to petition for all four to be in the Featured Actress category).

#115FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 10:40am

I'm not sure how pitting all 4 of your actresses against each other in the same category would be considered wise...

Still, it's not likely. Beth Malone will likely be Leading, and the rest featured, and even then, I don't believe Emily Skeggs will get a nomination. It's possible, but I don't see them nominating 3 actresses from the same show in 1 category, especially in one as strong as Featured Actress in a Musical is this year.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#116FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 10:46am

If  they DON'T petition they will be considered as follows: Ceveris and Kuhn = leading.  They are both "above the title".


What MOST of us think will happen: Ceveris & Malone will be leading; all others in featured. I am hoping they both get noms.

I am hoping that both Kuhn and Lucas get noms in featured.  (I was less impressed with Skeggs except for Changing My Major.)


Neo: I think it simply means she doesn't physically look like she fits into the family.  And while it didn't bother me, I noticed it too.  Small Alison has the same body type as Grown up Al.  Skeggs doesn't.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#117FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 10:51am

Neo: I think it simply means she doesn't physically look like she fits into the family.  And while it didn't bother me, I noticed it too.  Small Alison has the same body type as Grown up Al.  Skeggs doesn't.

 The Freshman 15 will get you every time :)

#118FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 10:53am

I think they'll petition Judy Kuhn into features with Sydney Lucas, where both will be nominated (quite rightly). Beth Malone is the lead-and will be petitioned there. Putting all the actresses in featured would be a huge mistake-especially given how crowded the category is already. Michael Cerveris will be in leading actor.

#119FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 11:25am

Bergen Record is positive:

The brilliant show, which opened on Sunday ... blends its witty book, thoughtful lyrics (both by Lisa Kron) and haunting music (Jeanine Tesori) so completely that you sometimes lose the distinction of what's being spoken and what's sung.

It's very rare to see a musical with the emotional power of a fine play, but "Fun Home" — touching, amusing, penetrating and honest — pulls it off.

Theater Review of FUN HOME by Robert Feldberg


#120FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 12:46pm

Given all the raves, is FUN HOME still offering general rush?

#121FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 12:59pm

There was never a general rush. There was a Today Tix lotto. I think that's still there.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#122FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 1:13pm

I am so thrilled that After8, for once, was right!  This show did get the reviews it deserved.

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#123FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 1:19pm

"I expect critical raves, and I expect Tony awards for this show, likely even Best Musical. But after the core audience has seen it, what I don't expect is great box office. I believe there is no way to sell this show honestly to most of the tourists at the TKTS booth. Even ONCE had a selling angle this show lacks-- smash hit movie adaptation with amazing singing and dancing in a Dublin bar.

 I usually agree with you--but seriously?  You think people who bought tickets to Oncedid so because of the song?

#124FUN HOME Reviews
Posted: 4/20/15 at 1:29pm

Thanks, Falling. I thought I remembered rush for this show but probably was thinking of its earlier incarnation at the Public.
