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German WICKED television performance- Page 2

German WICKED television performance

#25re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 6:51pm

May I suggest, you buy this at

They sell it for 16,99 € and shipping overseas will never make it as much as amazon is charging.

chino Profile Photo
#26re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 6:52pm

Thanks for reminding me that. I got my Miss Saigon from that site and yah, I think it only cost me around $30 or so... Thanks.

ElFantasma14 Profile Photo
#27re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 7:05pm

That really was an amazing performance. And the audience for that show was huge! When they cut to the view of the audience it looked like a stadium!

#28re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 7:23pm

It's the biggest tv show there is in Germany when it comes to saturday night entertainment. So, yes, there were probably quite a number of people in the audience.

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#29re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 7:40pm

Is that really a pic of the back of the German cd? And if so, why is it a pic of Julia Murney and Kendra Kassebaum (how i WISH they made a cd of them as well!)?

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#30re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 7:46pm

I now finally see what all the fuss is about, having only seen the the tony clip and not long ago buying the sleep inducing Broadway Cas Recording. That was THRILLING and perfectly sung.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#31re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 7:50pm

i dont think that is julia and kendra. i think that is the original glinda and elphaba from germany.

musicaltheater1 Profile Photo
#32re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 7:54pm

The "Popular" segment's not bad either.

"I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#33re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:22pm

Willemijn Verkaik sounds amazing on that song! I posted a sound clip from the German cast website when it was new. I can't seem to find it anymore, but I'm sure if you search the boards you'll find my original thread. It has clips of other songs as well.

The cinematography for that broadcast was just phenomenal...really stunning.

Willemign Verkaik blows American Elphabas out of the water.

I also just purchased the German cast if anyone wants a burned copy when I get it then PM me and let me know. I'd love to share!

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"
Updated On: 12/9/07 at 08:22 PM

nitsua Profile Photo
#34re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:23pm

I love how Galinda does the "Bend and Snap" at 3:17.

"Writing is like prostitution. First, you do it for love, then you do it for a few friends, and finally you do it for money." ~ Moliere

best12bars Profile Photo
#35re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:29pm

Franklin---Is that a German variety show on Saturday nights? What else do they show besides excellent performances from musicals?

I was thoroughly impressed with that performance and the production values.

Better than what we've seen in the U.S.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#36re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:36pm

sgv123- it's DEFINATELY julia and kendra, because that same pic is in my bway souveneer brochure that i'm looking at now.

sidneybruhl Profile Photo
#37re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:42pm

The camera work here beats anything I've seen done when "Wicked" segments have been performed on TV in the U.S (including the Tony broadcast).

Elphabuff2 Profile Photo
#38re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:43pm

I think they really hit the mark in the German casting, both with Willimijn and Lucy. They seem like absolutely wonderful leading ladies.

Does anyone know why Amazon is so expensive? I really do want the recording.

Does anyone happen to know where a translation of the lyrics for the German version of "Defying Gravity"? I seen some for the Japanese version on that one site but none for this version.

#39re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:44pm

b12b, "Wetten, Dass...?" is somewhat of a variety show, I guess you could say. It means, bascially, "Wanna bet that...?" It's based around the idea of betting on people doing some sort of ridiculous task on the show. Aside from that, the show also features interviews with celebrities and performances by popular bands (or sometimes musicals).

Oh, and it's not every Saturday night, it only airs a handful of times a year. Wikipedia tells me it's six or seven.

#40re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 8:53pm

i know its not that big of a deal, but
Brianidol- do you mean you are loking at the wicked program? the 2 photos look opposite. if you look closely at the cd picture, they dont look like kendra and julia.

i dont want an arguement with you, i am curious as well as too who is on the back of the cd cover.

#41re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/9/07 at 9:09pm

Wow, Willimijn and Lucy are amazing in these roles. It's great to see them performing.

If anyone wants a burned copy of the cast recording, PM me. It's always nice to share, especially when it's so expensive to import it (or at least would be for a poor college student like me). :)

dramaparoxysm23 Profile Photo
#42re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 3:59am


All that time I was living in Germany wishing I lived in the States again or in England...and now that I do live here, that comes out in Germany! GAH!!

I remember days
Or at least I try
But as years go by
They're sort of haze
And the bluest ink
Isn't really sky
And at times I think
I would gladly die
For a day of sky

And Starbucks will use the words 'large' and 'small', not pretentious crap like grande and tall.
"You could get away with anything if you call it art and tell people who don't like it that it's cutting edge culture." --vmlinnie

#43re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 6:32am

Truly phenomenal.

And it's good to see that the lesbian subtext translates, as well.

futurenala Profile Photo
#44re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 7:58am

That was a great performance! Whis I could get the cast recording.

"Robin De Jesus has issues"~ JANET DACAL "Yeah, and that's putting it lightly"~ ANDREA BURNS "If you watched CBS on June 15th , I was nominated for a Tony... And I was in Camp"~ ROBIN DE JESUS "...but I ^&#$@*% made you believe I was Italian!"~MATTHEW MORRISON

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#45re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 8:53am

That was very nice, I just dont get why the German Elphaba's makeup always looks so blotchy, espicially around the forehead. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

GuyfromGermany Profile Photo
#46re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 9:53am

@BrianIdol: No, it's definitely NOT Julia and Kendra... the CD is sitting in the desk right next to me and it's a picture of Willemijn Verkaik and Lucy Scherer from the German cast!

The voices sound really great on the CD as well! Unfortunately they used the Broadway playbacks and didn't have the music recorded with the German orchestra since they wanted to get the CD out as fast as possible...

In the real world the only people who burst into song are the hopelessly deranged...

jpbran Profile Photo
#47re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 1:57pm

Were they lip synching?
(don't scream-- just a question...)

Also, I have a question about the filming. Yes, it looks great, but I wonder how much of it was really filmed in front of that audience. They seem to get shots that require a camera right on stage (reaction shots, the camera moving into the action), and then suddenly there doesn't seem to be a camera there in long shots.

I'd guess they have re-shot extra footage or reaction shots. I'm just guessing, but it seems like they shot a lot of it like a movie, with stop-start shooting and a lot of post-editing.

It looks great, but I wouldn't consider it a true "filmed live performance" if that's true. Ah, who knows... re: German WICKED television performance

clarky Profile Photo
#48re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 2:07pm

the Elphaba is great, but the Glinda....she seems a little like student performer. That was the worst Popular I have seen in a while.

#49re: German WICKED television performance
Posted: 12/10/07 at 2:38pm

Yes, jpbran, they were lipsyncing. Tanz did, I remember, when they were on the show...almost ten years ago, wow. Dunno if it's common, but I can see why they do it. I'm not sure if it was pre-taped or not.
