Stand-by Joined: 12/29/10
We edumacate 'em good in this here country...
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
givendo -- JUDAS lowers a log from the ceiling... using a CREAKY METAL CHAIN... then the cast attaches him to the log... arms outstretched... and then JUDAS creakily raises him over the center of the stage...
once he is aloft... he spins one revolution... so the audience can see him... theater-in-the-round and all... not sure if JUDAS is in charge of that revolution...
then, i think, JUDAS lowers him...
wilmington -- i DON'T use the CAP LOCK... i hold the shift key down while i type the words i am CAPITALIZING... but.... thank you for the SUGGESTION...
for ANYONE who is INTERESTED... the GODSPELL post on my blog was a RECORD-BREAKING post... it was CRAZY... it appears it was picked up by a MAJOR news outlet !!!
must admit... it was PRETTY EXCITING !!!
here it is... for anyone who missed it...
must admit... that was pretty EX
Stand-by Joined: 12/29/10
I have to correct you... At Friday's performance, there was no revolution of the log with Jesus on it. He just hung in one direction... That is until they took him off and the log THEN began a fast revolution up into the fly space, crashing into several lights that looked as if they might come crashing down on the heads of the actors. scared the hell out of the actors who were all eyeing it warily as the carried Hunter out.
Floating lumber and falling lights... you know, I'd almost rather they tried drowning him in the jacuzzi. That is just sad.
Is this production entirely in the round? I know some shows at Circle in the Square have been in a thrust style, i.e. Spelling Bee, but is this just all in the round?
Sorry, Kyle4, but I HAVE to agree with wilmington ABOUT the caps.
You may not USE the caps lock key BUT you use the SHIFT key WAAAAAY too much to EMPHASIZE your feelinGS.
MOST people CAN read and INFER what someone IS feeling or trying TO communicate if that person writes WELL. YOU... don't.
Out of EVERY post I read here, I could get the GIST of what each person was TRYING to communicate without DIPSH-T caps on every adjective or third syllable. You PROBABLY would have a good blog if you DIDN'T assume people were as stupid AS you do or didn't underSTAND what you were trying to emote about.
And IF you were picked up by a major news network I HOPE they encourage you to EDIT your work. My sister is IN publishing and I'm a teacher and neither OF us would link to you or quote you in the format you choose TO write in.
So DROP the attitude. PEOPLE can read. If they don't GET what you are talking ABOUT, they can drop you a message.
This laughable and lethal log business likely changes with each performance. I don't doubt what anyone reports back... Complete with cast injuries, this production is sounding more and more like the Dollar Store version of Spider-Man. What I would give to see it. god bless 'em.
And for anyone who missed it...
Is this production entirely in the round? I know some shows at Circle in the Square have been in a thrust style, i.e. Spelling Bee, but is this just all in the round?
Yes, not thrust - in the round.
kyle4, i usually don't care much for your reviews, but I have to hand it to you - this one was VERY entertaining.
Thanks blaxx!
Understudy Joined: 3/11/10
Well, if Godspell doesn't take off, JCS should advertise itself as 'the second coming of Christ', second time lucky...?
"Can we all try to focus on the positive here? Anna Maria Perez de Tagle has the best name EVER. That is all."
I know! And when she gets more famous, she doesn't even have to worry about signing her name in bubble letters in order to spend more time with each fan! It's already long enough!
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
a FELLOW KYLE.... i LOVE it !!!
thank you, KYLE...
it was kind of you to offer me suggestions on how to write my blog... and i am glad to learn that your expertise is BACKED UP by a sister in publishing and your own teaching credential...
for now, i will continue to post to my blog... in MY way... it has been RATHER successful for me...
that being said, PLEASE feel free to share you or your sister's blog information.... i would love to read/support BOTH... and i would also like to read/enjoy the pieces that were picked up by various news outlets...
cool that we BOTH had the SAME experience... with DIFFERENT styles...
pretty soon they will not be able to TELL which KYLE is which... ha !!!
again, thanks for the advice...
KYLE POWER... always !!!
also, BLAX --- thank you, man !!!!! in honor of YOU... i will CUT and PASTE what you posted....
" And for anyone who missed it... "
cool post, BLAXX !!!!!
finally, INLOVEWITHJERRY --- that was kind of you to say... i would be VERY open and not uncomfortable at all if you changed your SCREEN NAME to IMINLOVEWITHKYLE4... but i will leave that TOTALLY up to you !!!! your choice....
hope EVERYONE is having a GREAT SUNDAY !!!!!!
talk soon !!!!
no gym today !!!!
I attended Godspell tonight and thought the show was pretty fantastic. I think this is a wonderful production that retains the true spirit of Godspell while making it speak to today's audiences. I never got a sense that they were trying too hard to be modern; this is Godspell as it was intended, which includes the fun ad-libbing and awkwardly honest moments with bits of homage to the original production.
It's ironic to come here on BWW and read all of these nasty, sometimes ill-informed reviews because the Prologue is staged to show exactly how this thread has evolved: in today's world, everyone has an opinion and has the freedom and technology to make their opinion known and loudly heard without regard to anyone or anything else around them. There isn't even any music to unify these varying opinions together (it is sung a cappella). The first time we here any musical instrument is the bugle call from Judas (yes, he's only Judas in this production [not John the Baptist] and there is sadly no shofar).
I don't understand the negative feedback about the topical references. These references are what make Godspell what it is and are supposed to be current and organic, making each production (and each performance) unique. Godspell is a show based on improv, clowning, mime, vaudeville, and rock & roll. The script is structured but not frozen and therefore should be played around with. I personally found all of the ad libs funny and appropriate to the show. And remember, these truly are ad libs, they are still trying to see which ones work and which don't. I'm sure that the jokes that played in my preview performance were not the same as the first preview. Things are being changed for each show, whether at the discretion of the director/creative team or of the actors. What we're watching is staging based on improv and actual improv itself. This is what Godspell onstage is.
There are some tips of the hat to the original production. The things I noticed are the Superman shirt being offered to Jesus (he declines the offer), actors playing instruments (and the band singing), and the use of handheld microphones. Also, Judas wears the ringleader jacket and of course they use the iconic "1, 2, 3" choreography in "Day by Day."
I liked that the musical arrangements made the show sound fresh while staying true to the original. Nothing was jarringly different, but at the same time, there were instrumental passages or even just chord changes that made the song sound new. In regards to new material, I only noticed three instances of new music/lyrics:
In the Prologue, the verse with the duet of philosophers was rewritten. I think. The lyrics sounded different than the previous two versions.
The section in between the verses of "Learn Your Lessons Well" (regarding light and darkness) is now set to music.
They added "Beautiful City" into the "Long Live God"/"Prepare Ye" section of the Finale.
Also, the singing in the parable of the Good Samaritan (as seen in the rehearsal footage) is almost completely gone.
And just so you know how "Beautiful City" and "On the Willows" are incorporated into the show, Jesus sings "Beautiful City" where "Day by Day (Reprise)" usually is and Judas sings "On the Willows" with the conductor and associate conductor while watching the group saying their goodbyes.
Someone mentioned that they arbitrarily reprise "Learn You Lessons Well" at the top of act 2. Well, this is actually how the show is written. This is what it says in the score: "This reprise is not to be treated as a number, but as an Entr'acte, timed to end when the last audience member has returned to his seat from intermission. It may be performed by as many cast members on as many instruments in whatever style is desired (i.e. jugband style, gospel style, "forties", etc.) The purpose of the song is first to seat the audience, second to display the cast's musicianship." In this production, it is sung by Telly, Lindsay, and Wallace (Judas) with Telly at the piano, and what they do is exactly what is called for in the score.
And let me clear something else up: Judas is not on the crew. He himself does not lower the "log" or anything of the sort. Yes, it looks like he facilitates it, but it is just for show, just the way the boys in Spring Awakening didn't really lift the hayloft platform. It's just part of the story and staging.
What you take away from this production is the abundance of joy, love, and community. These seem to be the key words they always try to punch out in their interviews, and the cast is very successful in expressing all three. It is apparent that the actors have lots of love for each other and that they play well together. Julia Mattison was once again on for Morgan James, and you wouldn't ever be able to tell that she wasn't part of the ensemble from the very beginning.
This was the first time I felt a true urgency and need to spread the message after Jesus's death. It may have helped with the addition of "Beautiful City" in the Finale. Whatever it was, it really rang true.
I will also defend Hunter Parrish. Sure, he doesn't have a Broadway powerhouse voice, but it kind of makes it more poignant that he doesn't. He has a sweet and earnest voice that works for the material. Also, his rendition of "Beautiful City" is truly stunning. I can't wait for this track to be recorded.
The cast, crew, and production team are changing and improving things every day, and from what I've read here, things have already greatly changed from the first preview. Yes, perhaps even the quality of the show and the delivery of their ad libs have changed for the better since the first show. But what I saw tonight was a wonderful production that was true to the message and spirit of Godspell. I can genuinely say that it is the most fun I've had at the theatre in quite some time. People are going to love it or hate it, I feel, but at that point, I wonder if they are just criticizing the material, which itself is polarizing. This is how Godspell should be. It just feels right. I can't wait to go back and see where this preview period takes the show because it can only get better.
And this is why shows should not be reviewed at the first preview.
O, and the show was pretty much sold out. Perez Hilton and Cheyenne Jackson attended the show. Also spotted (of course) were the creative team, including Ken Davenport, Daniel Goldstein, John Miller (music coordinator), etc. And I was sitting in the lotto "pits" and had a great and comfortable view of the show.
And to answer some other lingering questions or concerns...
They do ask for volunteers from the audience. Absolutely nothing is forced upon the lotto winners to perform.
There was no reference to Shake Weights.
Water is used to symbolize life, etc. This is reiterated when they have the Last Supper around the pool (bread of life, and so on). Mentions of jacuzzis are very exaggerated.
In fact, a lot of this hoopla about the topical references are exaggerated. They are mostly funny one-liners, not necessarily the basis of an entire sketch.
About the crying actress, Celisse Henderson was injured in the middle of one of the first previews, probably the one kyle4 attended. Joaquina Kalukango went on for her for both shows Saturday, which I'm sure was pretty crazy. Both female understudies were on that day and neither really rehearsed either track. In fact, Joaquina is Celisse's second cover (Julia, who is Celisse's first cover, was already performing Morgan's track), so I'm sure those were some special performance.
Kyle4, I'm not of the grammar police type and can overlook a lot of stuff, whether intentional or not. However, your blog is very difficult to read.
It isn't so much the all-caps but the ellipsis overkill. I use them when I want to informally leave a thought up in the air or when dropping off words from a quotation I want to shorten. I occasionally use them to denote a pause. It becomes problematic when there is no discernible reasoning for their overuse. Readers are left to assume it's a result of a lack of education. You don't want people to get that impression if you want to be taken seriously.
I see what you're going for and it could be entertaining and effective. Just ease up on the overuse of anything, including all-caps. I hope you read this as friendly advice because that's what it is. =)
Godspell...don't know enough about it to give an opinion on what's been reported here, but I agree with the poster who thinks most updates come off terribly shallow and corny.
What are Shake Weights?
I found the show to be moving, entertaining and charming while avoiding pretension. Superb cast, as well.
The only thing that needs to be cut is Hunter Parrish's shirt
(Don't you just love how if you post anything good on these boards, you're automatically marked a "shill"? Forgive me for going to the show and finding something positive to say about it.)
Broadway Star Joined: 9/13/09
I have a question for those who are familiar with the Original Godspell. I never any other production of it and my only familiarity was that of a few songs. So I really did not know what to expect and still do not know what to make of it all. My question is, Are parts of this show intended to be silly & comedic or was it just updated that way?
Great post, MrMusic. Nothing shill about it at all. God forbid someone actually enjoys themselves at any show that isn't Wicked or Book of Mormon.
^oh god if you enjoy WICKED and talk about it you are a "shill' on these boards sadly. MOst of the time in fact, if you love anything that is not Sondheim or some show that is cool to love on these boards and you defend it you are a shill.
Sad...but it's often true.
About the crying actress, Celisse Henderson was injured in the middle of one of the first previews, probably the one kyle4 attended. Joaquina Kalukango went on for her for both shows Saturday, which I'm sure was pretty crazy. Both female understudies were on that day and neither really rehearsed either track.
It goes both ways, how do you even know that information?
And I believe the shill has been effectively unmasked. Thank you for your help, blaxx.