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Great Comet Seating Thread

#150Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 1/14/17 at 11:51am


i was wondering if anyone could help me out. I bought tickets yesterday for my mom who is in a wheelchair and I. I bought the handicap seats and I can't see a seating chart where they might be in comparison to the stage/action going on. We are in the orchestra sections H and J seats 23. My worry is my mom is only 4'8. I asked the box office if she should be able to see and he kind of waved me me off and said it should be fine. Does anyone know if these seats are okay? 

#151Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 1/15/17 at 11:50pm

Saw the show today from the stage right Banquettes. I was on the aisle in the center and I loved my seat. I felt like I had a great view of all the action, plus had heaps of cast interaction. 

OurMrsParker said: "I have banquette seats for the show in February - seats 2 and 4 in row BF - so end seats to the left. I've read that the banquettes are some of the best seats, but how much actor interaction do you have? Particularly with Josh Groban?"

It seemed to me that Josh didn't really come to the back of the stage near the banquettes at all. I think he mainly just circled his Salon. But virtually all the rest of the cast did come back up and down the stairs besides the banquettes. But more the center stairs, not so much the outer stairs. 

#152Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 1/17/17 at 9:39am

Saw Great Comet twice on my trip - once with a rush ticket (requested mezz, got rear mezz row B seat 6) and once in the orchestra using tix bought with the ART code. I much preferred the orchestra seat! You have a clearer picture of the stage in the mezz but it feels disconnected, and it felt like more was happening in the orchestra seating area compared to the mezz. We were in row M on either side of the winding platform and loved it. My row got the shakers, possibly because I perked up and was trying my best to look like I'd like one :)

I'd love to see the show from on stage; hoping it has a good long life and stays open until I make it back to NYC. While I loved Ben Platt in DEH, this show was the winner for me. It's innovative and creative and a whole lot of fun.

#153Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 1/17/17 at 11:06am

Rushed this morning and got the dreaded (based on this thread) TC1 and 2 seats. I am very concerned my entire evening has been ruined before it even began. It just sucks that they would sell these seats to people who wait hours outside in the cold. (Yea I get it, the costs, etc. and the ticket does clearly say onstructed view, which is worse than partial, I know...) anyone have any thoughts on potential course of action. Suffer through? Try to move preshow if seats seem to be open? (Getting friendly with usher/talk to house staff) I'm so nervous. Can someone provide any info or a bright side?! Thanks.

#154Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 1/17/17 at 11:06am

Double post

Updated On: 1/17/17 at 11:06 AM

#155Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 2/1/17 at 10:52pm

Bumping to give thanks for this thread and the great input from everyone. Normally I do what I can to avoid the mezz, but based on comments here it seemed like a good bet. Used a discount code and sat row G of the rear mezz. While yes, it's a pretty long way to the orchestra, I did feel it's a great perspective to really take in the spectacle of the production. Also - got a shaker!

They do a nice job of using the whole space - it's hard to expect them to do much more in the mezz than they already do. By the way, anyone have info on how much they spent to transform the Imperial? It's a far cry from where I saw Les Mis a little over a year ago!

#156Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 2/3/17 at 9:29am

This thread has a lot of talk on banquettes, so I'll just ask this: if you had to choose between right and left front mezzanine (seats 1-4), or center orchestra row L - which would you choose? I feel like L is back far enough to get away from the problems I'm reading about front orchestra...but hopefully someone can verify for me.

#157Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 2/22/17 at 3:38am

I'm going to be buying tickets shortly - I'm trying to decide between TK 1 & 2, or TT 1 & 2. Alternately, there are also banquette seats BE 22 & 24. In the rear mezzanine, there are seats in rows E and C, and aisle seats all around. 

My feeling is that, if I'm going to spend $180 on a ticket I'd prefer to sit onstage than in the house. I wasn't interested in sitting rear mezz, but after reading the posts in this thread I'm less resistant to it (especially given that they're half the price of all other tickets in the house. That in addition to the good view is nice!). HOWEVER, I'm 5'2", so I'm a little concerned about visibility. 

I'm interested in finding the seats with the most "interaction" possible. The more likely I am to make eyes with the performers, the better. It doesn't necessarily matter which performers.

Can anyone offer advice or opinions on these options? 

Also: somewhat off-topic, I have a range of nights that I may be able to see the show. Denee Benton will be on vacation for several of those nights. Does anyone know how her understudy is? I'm not sure whether to purchase tickets based on when I can get the seats I like the most, or based on when Denee will be in the role.

#158Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 2/22/17 at 6:45am

Denee is definitely scheduled to be out March 9-12, but her understudy, Lauren Zakrin, is phenomenal in the role and you would not be disappointed. 

With your seating choice, I think it depends on how much interaction you want. The banquette seats seem much more immersive, while unless you're near the aisles or platforms, the mezzanine is much less so, but it gives a fuller picture of the stage and the action. 

#159Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 2/22/17 at 7:27am

britspin said: "I'm going to be buying tickets shortly - I'm trying to decide between TK 1 & 2, or TT 1 & 2. Alternately, there are also banquette seats BE 22 & 24. In the rear mezzanine, there are seats in rows E and C, and aisle seats all around. 

My feeling is that, if I'm going to spend $180 on a ticket I'd prefer to sit onstage than in the house. I wasn't interested in sitting rear mezz, but after reading the posts in this thread I'm less resistant to it (especially given that they're half the price of all other tickets in the house. That in addition to the good view is nice!). HOWEVER, I'm 5'2", so I'm a little concerned about visibility. 

I'm interested in finding the seats with the most "interaction" possible. The more likely I am to make eyes with the performers, the better. It doesn't necessarily matter which performers.

Can anyone offer advice or opinions on these options? 

Also: somewhat off-topic, I have a range of nights that I may be able to see the show. Denee Benton will be on vacation for several of those nights. Does anyone know how her understudy is? I'm not sure whether to purchase tickets based on when I can get the seats I like the most, or based on when Denee will be in the role.

I just saw the show this past weekend from BF 20 and 22, and I definitely felt like the seats were quite immersive and interactive.  Brittain Ashford (Sonya) plopped herself right next to us before the show and was talking to the upper rows. I think she stands around there too when the show starts.  When the second act starts, Josh Groban came out and descended on our side, waving to our section. A lot of the ensemble is also stationed there during various parts of the show, giving lots of opportunity for eye contact. 

The negatives, for me, were that I felt like I saw more of the actors' backs and sides as opposed to when I saw the show from center orchestra row J, but being a row down from where I was, you may be able to turn around to look at them as opposed to the side view I had.  Groban had his back to us while playing the piano.  I'm 5'3" and did have to switch places with my husband because the man in front of me was mostly blocking my view of Groban's back.

My sister is going this week in the dead last seats, rear mezz.  Personally, if I had to choose between my banquette seats and my orchestra seats, I'd choose the banquettes.


#160Great Comet Seating Thread
Posted: 2/22/17 at 12:07pm

Thank you pupscotch and irishgator! That's all helpful information. 

The TK and TT seats are the table & chairs to the extreme left and right of the Salon. From what I can tell, the apholstered armchairs at the bars seem to be VERY immersive. However, the tables are sunken in the taverns and off to the sides. Between those and the banquettes, which are the preferred seats? 

#161SA 2-3 or SE 3-4?
Posted: 2/22/17 at 2:08pm

Hi Everyone! First off, thank you so much for this message board and all of you being so invested in helping fellow Comet fans see this show in great seats!

Hubby and I are looking at splurging on either SA 2-3 or SE 3-4. We're big Josh Groban fans and from what I've read here, either of these areas would provide us with a great view of his performance. Any other things to keep in mind? Hubby likely won't want interaction with actors, so I lean slightly towards SE 3-4 as we're two seats from the aisle, but I'd love to get your expert opinions before we pull the trigger. Thanks in advance! :)

#162Front row orchestra?
Posted: 2/22/17 at 10:19pm

Alright - first of all, this thread has been SO valuable, and I really appreciate all the help from people who have seen the show or have been in the theatre. I'm coming out from Minnesota at the end of April, and will be seeing some shows alone. I couldn't pass up the seat dead center, first row of the orchestra, on the aisle. (Row B, seat 109, right on the S-curve) 

What should I be ready for? Will it be tough to see? Is there a lot of action coming down that aisle? 

Definitely excited to see such a unique show!

Thanks, Josh

#163Front row orchestra?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 2:05am

Southpaw2 said: "Hi Everyone! First off, thank you so much for this message board and all of you being so invested in helping fellow Comet fans see this show in great seats!

Hubby and I are looking at splurging on either SA 2-3 or SE 3-4. We're big Josh Groban fans and from what I've read here, either of these areas would provide us with a great view of his performance. Any other things to keep in mind? Hubby likely won't want interaction with actors, so I lean slightly towards SE 3-4 as we're two seats from the aisle, but I'd love to get your expert opinions before we pull the trigger. Thanks in advance! :)


I don't know what those numbers mean. I would say that most of the performance is played out to the majority of the theatre so it's better to sit facing the stage than in the banquettes. However, I think in act 2, Josh in particular makes a point of facing the banquettes for some of his scenes. I couldn't tell what was going on in the orchestra, but at least on stage, you're most in danger of audience interaction if you're at the main tables in the center. If you're in the pits where there are also tables or on the aisles of the banquettes there are a few things there too. In the mezzanine you're pretty safe avoiding the audience interaction beyond the pierogis and the shakers. Like, no one's going to sit down next to you or anything. You would have to look back farther in the thread but as long as the lights aren't in your eyes, I think front orchestra or those pits on the side would give you the best view of Groban. But this is also a show where you have to give up the idea that you'll have a perfect view at all times because you're going to miss something no matter where you're sitting. 

Luscious Profile Photo
#164Front row orchestra?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 6:26am

Having seen the show first from the orchestra and then the banquettes on stage (and having scoped out the mezz during intermission), if I were to ever see the show again (a definite possibility), I wouldn't want to sit anywhere but on stage. It was a completely different experience, and a much preferable one. It was almost as if I was seeing the show for the first time. I highly recommend springing for stage seats for this show. Just avoid at all cost the following upstage T-line stage seats: TA, TB, TC, TD, TE, TF, TG, TH, TU. They’re really not even on stage – just one short step up from the orchestra floor. As far as stage seats go, I loved my banquette seats (BC 21/23). I highly recommend rows BC or BB of the banquettes, as close to center as possible. There are some table seats on stage that might have been preferable, but they’re also more expensive. If money were no object, I’d go for TN 1/2/3, TO 1/2, TP 1/2/3/4, TQ 1/2/3/4 (which never seem to be available) or TR 1/2/3/4.

Thems my 2 cents. Hope it helps.

Updated On: 2/23/17 at 06:26 AM

haterobics Profile Photo
#165Front row orchestra?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 6:47am

Luscious said: "TQ 1/2/3/4 (which never seem to be available)"

House seats?

Luscious Profile Photo
#166Front row orchestra?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 6:52am

haterobics said: "Luscious said: "TQ 1/2/3/4 (which never seem to be available)"

House seats?"

Very possible. There's quite a bit of interaction between the performers and those sitting in those seats.


#167Seat map - thoughts?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 2:55pm

Luscious et al, that's very helpful. Being a nerd, I used the Power of Windows Paint to overlay the names of rows in question. See my image below. Can't make up my mind about these! I just don't want to end up in seats that Groban faces away from during crucial scenes, etc. Any help appreciated - this is a big expense for us and I want to make sure I get it right! :)

Seat map - thoughts?

#168Seat map - thoughts?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 3:14pm

I hope I don't get this all wrong, but here goes...

From my memory, the SE seats did not look comfortable to be in. Sure you're as close as could be to the actors, but you're literally looking straight up at them.  My neck would be hurting in 30 sec from that.  HOWEVER, I could be misremembering the SE seats, so someone please correct me if that's so. Also, from my BF seat, I distinctly remember Groban standing right in front of the SE seats and the folks there were struggling (as in, they had to close their eyes) with the accompanying spotlight. The people in those seats also were asked to pass along the letter between Anatole and Natasha, and Anatole nudged the man sitting on the end at some point.

If I recall correctly, Mary, Natasha, and possibly Sonya and others come sit amongst the TP section at various points.

If I had to choose between your options, I'd go for TP or BC, but that's just my opinion.

Updated On: 2/23/17 at 03:14 PM

#169Seat map - thoughts?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 3:22pm

Shoot, I wish I knew how to upload pictures because I have one that I took from my BF seats that show all of your seating options except for the banquettes.

#170Seat map - thoughts?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 3:25pm

@Irishgator, would love to see your pics! I hosted mine through and then put the URL here.

#171Seat map - thoughts?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 3:51pm

PMd you, SouthPaw. 

#173Seat map - thoughts?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 4:07pm

Seat map - thoughts?

#174Seat map - thoughts?
Posted: 2/23/17 at 4:13pm

Sheesh. It took me less time to give birth than to figure out how to post pics.

Anyway.  They're not the best quality but it should help.

The curve around the piano is SE, I think, and is empty in both pics.  SA has a row of 5 people with a white haired woman in the middle.  Two people are sitting in SB, a woman and a man in orange.  There's a man in blue-gray striped shirt in TP with his back to the camera.

hope all this is right and that it helps!
