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Groundhog Day Marketing?- Page 4

Groundhog Day Marketing?

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#75Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising
Posted: 2/2/17 at 11:38am

PREACH! They should have sent the Groundhog costume into Times Square!!!

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#76Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising
Posted: 2/2/17 at 11:44am

Well, I thought that commercial was really clever.

JudyDenmark Profile Photo
#77Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising
Posted: 2/2/17 at 12:28pm

I was just at the box office and was a little disappointed to see *nothing* happening. Not even a balloon or something? They had all of the crates outside to load in the set, which I guess could create some small hubbub among people walking by... but otherwise it was just me and one other lady in there buying tickets. I hope they step up the marketing in some way, since the London reviews were so strong, but I'm not holding my breath. Such a wasted opportunity. 

TheSassySam Profile Photo
#78Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising
Posted: 2/2/17 at 12:51pm

I got an ad in the mail today for Groundhog Day. Not sure if it was intentional, but either way, I took it as a sign and bought a ticket! 

Updated On: 2/2/17 at 12:51 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#79Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising
Posted: 2/2/17 at 3:30pm

Not sure about you guys, but I've been seeing Groundhog Day stuff all over my social media today. Guess they waited for today to really start hammering it home. I just hope it just isn't too little, too late for them!

VotePeron Profile Photo
#80Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising
Posted: 2/2/17 at 3:44pm

Previews don't start for 6 weeks - how much advertising have you seen for other shows that start in a similar time frame? Ya'll need to chill.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#82Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:01pm

I forget where I saw it - someone's Instagram story, maybe playbill or brought an actual ground hog to the box office today! Not sure what that accomplished but it was cute. Also saw someone dressed in a ground hog day costume on social media too..for the show

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#83Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:04pm

Hairspray0901 said: "I forget where I saw it - someone's Instagram story, maybe playbill or brought an actual ground hog to the box office today! Not sure what that accomplished but it was cute. Also saw someone dressed in a ground hog day costume on social media too..for the show

Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview


"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

canadian fan
#84Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:38pm

VotePerron, I'm with you. I was thinking the exact same thing when people are going on and on about how poor the marketing is. If their marketing is soooo poor, where is all this marketing for other shows that are starting around the same time cause I haven't seen much.  Seems like some groundhog bashing pure and simple.

oncemorewithfeeling2 Profile Photo
#85Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:49pm

I feel like they missed a chance by not having something on one if the morning shows. Even a brief interview with Andy Karl and the groundhog costume on the plaza at Today would have been good.

I've definetly see more ads for it today then I have previously.

#86Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/2/17 at 6:34pm

They're giving away all of the tickets to the first preview. It's blocked off on Ticketmaster. If it was selling well they wouldn't be doing that. 

#87Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/2/17 at 8:35pm

VotePeron said: "Previews don't start for 6 weeks - how much advertising have you seen for other shows that start in a similar time frame? Ya'll need to chill."

Oslo doesn't start until March 23 and they have the back cover of this week's New Yorker. The Player That Goes Wrong did a 3 day sale for $25 previews way back in November. So did Bandstand.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#88Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/18/17 at 4:20pm

Sean Montgomery's instagram story shows the cast in a recording studio. Has a cast recording been announced? I wondering if they are recording it already.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

DramaTeach Profile Photo
#89Groundhog Day Marketing/Advertising/ WIN Tix for First Preview
Posted: 2/18/17 at 4:22pm

It says that they're recording "sound effects."  I doubt they'd record the album before they see how it does, and it's still a month away from even previews.
