I hope it does go to Broadway, but it will surely flop. The theatre was maybe half full? After Midnight at Paper Mill canceled the last week of performance due to illness, people exchanged their tickets for Beautiful, they had no interest in seeing Gun and Powder, which is a shame.
Broadway Flash said: "I hope it does go to Broadway, but it will surely flop. The theatre was maybe half full? After Midnight at Paper Mill canceled the last week of performance due to illness, people exchanged their tickets for Beautiful, they had no interest in seeing Gun and Powder, which is a shame."
That is not true…at all. They may have canceled a performance or two, but I was there the final weekend and they modified the show to remove and combine (albeit to the show’s detriment) some of the tracks. The show went on and they announced in advance it would be changed.
Male swings covered some female tracks and the Star Spot songs were eliminated
Maybe this could go into the Booth? It has no names, so a smaller house would benefit them.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/31/08
It is selling poorly at Paper Mill but it’s also in a house at least 1/3rd-two times too big for it. It’s also a ridiculously crowded spring on Broadway right now and I wonder if that factors in. Most people don’t have the time or money to see all the new shows on Broadway, let alone in New Jersey.
I could see this fitting well into the Booth or the Golden. But I really think a few well recorded tracks is the best path forward for this show. The music is its calling card. Not to mention, most of its competition will be closed by next year.
My performance was canceled and I know several were canceled. I was told they canceled the last week. Excuse me!
I finally went last night and found a lot to like here: a genuinely wonderful and varied score, vocals in spades, a standout performance from Ciara Renée, and a rich premise that centers the stories of two complex Black women and their experiences navigating their race, identities, and family dynamics. I think the show does need work and I want to post more detailed thoughts on here later in case it has a future life, but its issues largely seem solvable.
This closes today and I know it’s not like anyone’s going to read this and say wow, a random person just posted on BWW that it’s worth checking out, I’m going to hop the train to Millburn this afternoon. I’ll recommend it anyway. This is an ambitious new musical with real promise. It’s got good bones and enough strong elements that I imagine the team can get it there if they keep working at it. I hope they do.
Beowulf Boritt’s scenic design was very impressive. Just love his work.
If this show moves, I hope it keeps its stage curtain which I also loved. See the first pic in this review. https://letsgotothetheater.com/gun-powder-is-an-outstanding-musical/. That is the image that should have been on the T-Shirt.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/5/10
They posted on Instagram they are doing a cast-recording. I wonder if an announcement for Spring 2025 is coming.
bigbelterbaby said: "They posted on Instagram they are doing a cast-recording. I wonder if an announcement for Spring 2025 is coming."
It’s an EP so probably 4-5 songs, like how most Broadway shows will record a little bit at the beginning of a big press circuit for social media and early streaming and such. They probably have a house and are gearing up for an announcement in the coming months (very much just an educated guess).
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/20
Seeing all the promo from Broadwaycon, transfer announcement this upcoming week?
Voter said: "Seeing all the promo from Broadwaycon, transfer announcement this upcoming week?"
They have their house but I’m not sure when they’re announcing
My bet is the Barrymore in the Spring. Unless they have a currently occupied house and awaiting the producers to post a closing notice.
Updated On: 7/27/24 at 05:22 PMBroadway Star Joined: 5/19/20
EDSOSLO858 said: "Voter said: "Seeing all the promo from Broadwaycon, transfer announcement this upcoming week?"
They have their house but I’m not sure when they’re announcing"
Is it a limited run?
Voter said: "EDSOSLO858 said: "Voter said: "Seeing all the promo from Broadwaycon, transfer announcement this upcoming week?"
They have their house but I’m not sure when they’re announcing"
Is it a limited run?"
No, but it may as well be.
Perhaps. But in this past season that gave us one surprise after another, I wouldn't rush to predict.
I, for one, was certain that despite my enjoyment of it, Gatsby would crash and burn in spectacular fashion in the way Lempicka did; and despite my neutral stance on it, I thought Notebook would become the sleeper hit.
Either I'm just not very good at this, or mainstream audiences are viewing Broadway in a way we just aren't.
The only way gun and powder is a hit on broadway is if they win best musical. They also should hire the people who did the marketing on Great Gatsby for this. Seeing this at paper mill, the theatre was half empty, even after the nyt critics pick. Theres so much to enjoy, but the show needs refining. it has the potential to be a truly first rate musical.
Leading Actor Joined: 7/2/03
I don't know that an announcement is imminent. Unless I misheard, at their BroadwayCon performance, it was said that we'll be seeing the show in 18 months, meaning the 2025-2026 season.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/7/10
Just received an email from Telecharge with a survey to provide "feedback and opinion about a name for a new Broadway musical." The content makes clear it's relating to Gun & Powder but seeks reactions to proposed titles "Make Way," "Under a Different Sun," "By Any Means," and "Wanted." Anyway, appears a transfer is still very much in the cards.
Interesting. I think Gun & Powder is a wildly captivating title! I hope they keep it. I think all those other options are far too ambiguous and devoid of identity.
Dan6 said: "Just received an email from Telecharge with a survey to provide "feedback and opinion about a name for a new Broadway musical." The content makes clear it's relating to Gun & Powder but seeks reactions to proposed titles "Make Way," "Under a Different Sun," "By Any Means," and "Wanted." Anyway, appears a transfer is still very much in the cards."
Longacre in the spring is a possibility, as is MOTIVE AND THE CUE.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/9/23
I voted for Wanted, but really didn't like any of the names in particular
I voted for Wanted too but prefer Gun & Powder which was not an option. Guess the term gun can scare business away.
UNDER A DIFFERENT SUN sounds like the name of a smutty romance novel!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/28/13
I went into my promotions folder to find this survey. These are some bad name options. Gun and Powder is def better. Mary & Martha would be a better title than anything there. I sorta like the idea of the title being something about Justice-that’s one of the themes I remember most. I honestly don’t really remember song names to pull from as it’s not really listenable at the moment. Maybe even Sisters of the West?
Huh, it's a shame they're thinking of changing it. On top of sounding snappy, Gun & Powder tells you precisely what the show's about in a way these less memorable titles don't.