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HADESTOWN will return on September 2- Page 3

HADESTOWN will return on September 2

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#50HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:49pm

It’s just very confusing. Especially with the announcement today that Colbert will start taping in front of full unmasked (vaccinated) audiences in just a couple weeks.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#51HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:51pm

Could not agree more.

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#52HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:51pm

I could be remembering wrong but aren't all capacity restrictions lifted with proof of vaccination or negative test? Plus as has been stated Sept. 14 was just listed as a ticket on sale date, not an official 100% capacity date. I doubt there will be capacity restrictions for this. 

soulmistin Profile Photo
#53HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:51pm

Patrick has stated he fully intends on coming back. Everyone else is up in the air

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#54HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:53pm

Plus as has been stated Sept. 14 was just listed as a ticket on sale date, not an official 100% capacity date. 


LesWickedly Profile Photo
#55HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:55pm

Sutton Ross said: "Plus as has been stated Sept. 14 was just listed as a ticket on sale date, not an official 100% capacity date.


Not incorrect. That's just how the article decided to phrase what he said. All he said was tickets go on sale for 100% capacity today. He also alludes to that date being because Broadway needs to prepare to come back, not because of capacity reasons. 

Updated On: 5/24/21 at 01:55 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#56HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:57pm

Sutton Ross said: "Very cool, shows can open now they just refuse to because they would lose money. Understandable. But, it's very cool that Hadestown will have limited capacity, making it pretty special and SPACIOUS for their audience.

Or,Gov might move up the date anytime, who knows.

Shows have always been able to put tickets on sale for any date they want , and that's all Cuomo "announced." He made it clear that what he was doing was conveying their stated intention to ticket starting the 14th. It is also clear (based on the sports venues and now the Ed Sullivan) that vaccinated audiences can now sit without distancing. What remains to be determined, as I see it, is how to handle the vaccination issues in Broadway houses, something that requires not just the state but also the unions. As of yesterday, 91% of the adults (85% overall) in, e.g., 10036 have at least 1 vaccine shot. I hope and expect that the unvaccinated idiots will find no welcome mat for their stupidity. 

#57HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 1:58pm

soulmistin said: "Patrick has stated he fully intends on coming back. Everyone else is up in the air"

Afra Hines and Tim Hughes (the tall bearded guy with the arms) in the ensemble have posted the return announcement, and one of three Fates (Jewelle Blackman)… 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#58HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:02pm

Not incorrect. That's just how the article decided to phrase what he said. All he said was tickets go on sale for 100% capacity today. He also alludes to that date being because Broadway needs to prepare to come back, not because of capacity reasons."

It states that "Theaters can reopen at 100% capacity starting on September 14". We see things differently and that's fine. Things will definitely change in the coming months though.

LesWickedly Profile Photo
#59HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:06pm

Sutton Ross said: "Not incorrect. That's just how the article decided to phrase what he said. All he said was tickets go on sale for 100% capacity today. He also alludes to that date being because Broadway needs to prepare to come back, not because of capacity reasons."

It states that "Theaters can reopen at 100% capacity starting on September 14". We see things differently and that's fine. Things will definitely change in the coming months though.


And again, the article is incorrect. Here are some other words from Cuomo 

“They have to produce a play before they can sell the play, but from capacity point of view they can all reopen on May 19.”

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#60HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:08pm

Cool story bro. You have your view, I have mine. Period. Have a good day!

Ofek Inger
HogansHero Profile Photo
#62HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:41pm

Sutton Ross said: "Cool story bro. You have your view, I have mine. Period. Have a good day!"

Actually, Sutton, having relied on a sloppy TV news story that is dead wrong, you are dead wrong, and your intransigence in the face of demonstrable proof [if you don't believe the messengers here, go to @NYGovCuomo on Twitter and see for yourself] is not a good look. (And as long as I am giving unsolicited advice, petulance is not a good look either.)

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#63HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:44pm

Hahahaha. Nah, but maybe have another drink and announce that OJ Simpson is dead again because that was hilarious. I don't take advice from lushes. Thanks though. Have a good day!

stoptheworld38 Profile Photo
#64HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:52pm

Yay!!! Best news to wake up to this morning! I had tickets for last spring so super excited I can finally think about planning again!!!

you found your heart but left a part of you behind <3

#65HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:52pm

Ofek Inger said: "Eva just announced she'll be back!

Wonderful news!

She expressed a lot of mixed feelings during a tequila fueled livestream a couple weeks ago - eg “yeah, I’d love to have a job again and be able to pay rent” mixed with her clear concerns as one of the more outspoken about the cultural reformation actors want.


I’m glad to hear this because she’s one of my absolute favorite performers and hope it means positive momentum on the cultural issues may be happening behind he scenesz 


Updated On: 5/24/21 at 02:52 PM

#66HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:53pm

Not sure how a local CBS news affiliate's article could trump the actual words coming from the Governor who decides this stuff, but i think its all fluid and no one (including the Hadestown team) really knows.

This is a show I'd be thrilled to see again, even though I was hoping for some new blood in the cast. Great news.

#67HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 2:59pm

Ofek Inger said: "Eva just announced she'll be back!

Fabulous! She's so fantastic in the show. They all are, truly.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#68HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 3:01pm

Eva is so special. I am very happy she will be back. I hope everyone can return!

HogansHero Profile Photo
#69HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 3:07pm

Sutton Ross said: "Hahahaha. Nah, but maybe have another drink and announce that OJ Simpson is dead again because that was hilarious. I don't take advice from lushes. Thanks though. Have a good day!"

The difference between you and me is that when I say something that's wrong, I admit it. Truly sad that you can't.

#70HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 3:10pm

Sutton Ross said: "Eva is so special. I am very happy she will be back. I hope everyone can return!"

Kay Trinidad looks to be in late pregnancy so wouldn’t expect her. She was such a wonderful and expressive actor as part of the amazing Fates! 


Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#71HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 3:42pm

Yes, Kay is such a talent. Im glad I got to see the OG cast in the Fall of 2019.

#72HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 5:10pm

Theatrefanboy1 said: "I’m curious about casting. Whether amber and Patrick will be back. I would also love a to hear brendon urie take over for reeve. At least for a bit. "

Pre COVID it was rumored that Amber was leaving and Kimberly Marable was to take over as Persephone. I’m interested in who’s returning and who’s coming in new. 

The8re phan Profile Photo
The8re phan
#73HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 6:07pm

Pre COVID it was rumored that Amber was leaving and Kimberly Marable was to take over as Persephone. I’m interested in who’s returning and who’s coming in new."


May just be wishful thinking on my part, but i'd imagine Amber will return, at least for a few months, in order to give her proper 'goodbye' to the show

Slotted spoons don't hold much soup

#74HADESTOWN will return on September 2
Posted: 5/24/21 at 6:20pm

bway0 said: "Theatrefanboy1 said: "I’m curious about casting. Whether amber and Patrick will be back. I would also love a to hear brendon urie take over for reeve. At least for a bit. "

Pre COVID it was rumored that Amber was leaving and Kimberly Marable was to take over as Persephone. I’m interested in who’s returning and who’s coming in new.

I’ve seen it three times, twice with the full cast of original principals and once with full ex- Marable in for Amber. She was solid, but Amber is transcendent. I would love to see the original cast (or those who return) one last time. 
