Leading Actor Joined: 7/20/09
Swing Joined: 1/16/16
I love it especially jennifer's costume and Harvey's costume. Can't wait to see more previews and see who is seaweed and the remaining cast.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
I love jennifer hudson and i think she is extremely talented but in my opinion the role would have been perfect for her if she was much heavier. She looks awkward in that role, since she is so damn skinny now. I think since these are just for promos. I think they will put padding on her
If I remember correctly, Zadan & Meron did mention in an interview that Motormouth Maybelle is being reinvented for this version. So I'm guessing that Maybelle in Hairspray Live will have used to been big, but ended up losing a lot of weight.
Updated On: 8/20/16 at 09:53 AMBroadway Star Joined: 9/12/15
Are you serious? I am tired of them making changes to their musicals. Just leave it the way it is. I love the fact that motormouth maybelle is proud of being a big girl and the fact that they might possibly make her a used to be big girl is absolutely ridiculous. Craig and neil need to learn to leave the original material as it is. And where can i get the interview?
Believe me, Jennifer Hudson is great, but they will have to change the whole GD lyrics for "Big, Blond and Beautiful", I'll wait and see. NBC sure knows how to muck things up. This whole cast does look intriguing, but that's how NBC gets people to turn it on. Harvey better be on his tippy toes.
Jeffrey, in what interview did they say that? I've been following this very closely ever since they announced it and I don't remember them ever saying anything along the lines of reinventing Motormouth.
AKarp2013 said: "Jeffrey, in what interview did they say that? I've been following this very closely ever since they announced it and I don't remember them ever saying anything along the lines of reinventing Motormouth."
^ They never said that, to my knowledge. :)
I think we have to remember that the show is still 3+ months away. Rehearsals don't start until October. I think the opportunity for an Olympics tv spot came up, and they took it, and used whatever they had. A lot of these look like stock costumes.
Keep in mind the first Wiz Live! spot aired early November. :)
Exactly JP2. Everyone is watching the Olympics, they'd be fools to not capitalize on it.
I mean...are people aware that most of the Motormouths really weren't big?
Jennifer still has 3 months to gain 100 pounds!
Here's the interview...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Jeffrey Karasarides said: "Here's the interview...
I saw that article mentioned reinventing the role but nothing about making the role about going from fat to thin. I only did a quick scan though, can you maybe pull the quote for us?
Here's all they say regarding a Motormouth reinvention:
"And, of course, Jennifer Hudson, who we’ve worked with several times. She was in Smash, and she’ll be joining us as reinventing the role of Motormouth."
That's it. Nothing more than that.
Jeffrey Karasarides said: "So I'm guessing that Maybelle in Hairspray Live will have used to been big, but ended up losing a lot of weight."
HE'S guessing...he never claimed that was a part of what anyone else said that officially.
It's silly....if she's not a "big" character anymore, does it NEED a back story?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
dramamama611 said: "Jeffrey Karasarides said: "So I'm guessing that Maybelle in Hairspray Live will have used to been big, but ended up losing a lot of weight."
HE'S guessing...he never claimed that was a part of what anyone else said that officially.
It's silly....if she's not a "big" character anymore, does it NEED a back story?
Nope, which was kinda the point. Adding such details would be ridiculous. As mentioned, tinkering with the book is silly and pointless.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/23/08
Valentina3 said: "Yaaas. Not really liking how lacking in energy JHud and Dove Cameron look but yaaas.
No offense, but you got that impression about JHud and Dove from a short little promo?
degrassifan said: "Valentina3 said: "Yaaas. Not really liking how lacking in energy JHud and Dove Cameron look but yaaas.
No offense, but you got that impression about JHud and Dove from a short little promo?"
I really did, yes. Kristin, Maddie, Martin, and Harvey got the same short little promo time - and Martin doesn't even have a character which requires him to look alert. Dove's hand movement looks poorly directed, and they use it multiple times. JHud looks like she doesn't use a hairspray too often.
I'm in no way implying that they will be like this during the live production which is nearly 3 months away, but I do think they were the weak links for me in this promo.
I find it humorous how some of you are actually over-analyzing a 30 second promotional spot even breaking it down to hand movements and how often hairspray is used by a certain character.
The promo was obviously done on a "rush" to air during the Olympics to get prime exposure. For all intents and purposes it worked, millions of people saw it and are aware of it a full 4 months before it airs.
They have a top notch cast lined up for this broadcast for a much loved show.
I would not be surprised if this pulls in big numbers that eclipse those for "The Sound of Music: Live" and "Grease: Live!"
I think it's pretty clear that the wardrobe for this promo is not the finalized wardrobe for the broadcast. The finalized costumes probably don't even exist yet.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Theater_Nerd said: "I find it humorous how some of you are actually over-analyzing a 30 second promotional spot even breaking it down to hand movements and how often hairspray is used by a certain character.
The promo was obviously done on a "rush" to air during the Olympics to get prime exposure. For all intents and purposes it worked, millions of people saw it and are aware of it a full 4 months before it airs.
They have a top notch cast lined up for this broadcast for a much loved show.
I would not be surprised if this pulls in big numbers that eclipse those for "The Sound of Music: Live" and "Grease: Live!" "
I would be shocked if any future musical broadcast surpasses the ratings from Sound of Music. It was "historic," in many ways, and simply cannot be recreated.
Liza's Headband said: "I would be shocked if any future musical broadcast surpasses the ratings from Sound of Music. It was "historic," in many ways, and simply cannot be recreated."
The rating for "The Sound of Music: Live" were pretty impressive but I certainly wouldn't be shocked if "Hairspray: Live" bested SOM's numbers.
It can be achieved. "Hairspray" just has to pull in more viewers than SOM and with that cast it's not an impossible feat.
The reasons why The Sound of Music Live pulled such big numbers was because...
1. It's a musical everyone knows.
2. Whether people liked the casting of Carrie Underwood or not, it still got them interested enough to tune in.
3. It was the first live television production of a musical since 1957.
Yeah, I think people here really underestimate how much of a pull Underwood was.
Kad said: "Yeah, I think people here really underestimate how much of a pull Underwood was."
I was one of them. Not being too familiar with her, I didn't think she was that much of a draw even though many on the board kept telling me she was (in my defense, people here have argued that Samantha Barks is a huge name, so...) Boy, was I wrong. Those numbers for THE SOUND OF MUSIC were spectacular, and it is clear that she was a huge draw unlike anyone they could get for these other shows. I will not underestimate Underwood's draw any time soon, now her acting...that's a whole other story.