LOL you guys are hilarious!! You make me feel like Ben Brantley rushing to meet my deadline haha. I was barely on the boards this week cause i was on vacation, and i actually have a life outside these boards I also waited to do this cause i had a lot to say, and didn't want to rush it! Okaaaaaay people so here are my thoughts on the show!!
I saw the show yesterday. Got to the the theatre around 2 and there were still rush tickets available so i bought one. I was thinking it was going to be empty, but the orchestra was packed!!! Not sure about the mezzanine. okaaay so you people are crazy for telling people to avoid this show!! It is a lot of fun!! I think the whole entire show is well crafted, and every song propels the story forward. There are no black holes in this show! Rob Mcclure is really incredible in this show, and worked his ass off, and is hilarious! Nancy Opel is also HILARIOUS especially during her songs, and I'm obsessed with her voice! I wanted more of her!! I wanted to really love Brynn O'Malley, but she is kinda monotone and boring. I think she coulda gone a lot further with it. I thought Danza was good, but he was flat as HELL during a lot of his numbers. He cracked a lot too, but hey it was the last show of the week. His tapping was awesome though, and the audience ate it up. The scenery was nice too. I wasn't the biggest fan of the cartoonish projection looking backgrounds, but it was fine. All the other scenery was really nice, and Nancy's entrance from the display case was HILARIOUS!! At the top of act 2, was it me, or did i really smell fruity Hawaiian breezes???? That was really awesome!!! I also liked the Into the Woods shoutout, and did anyone else hear a Dirty Rotten Scoundrels theme during one of the scene changes in act 2? Also, what was the Chris Christie joke? I missed it haha. I love how this is truly an ensemble piece. Everyone has a lot to do in this show!! The airport people were so funny during the airport song. I loved that guys long note :). Also, the girl who played the harp with her boobies looks like Sandra Bullock haha. Omg and i saw stage hands offstage!! Nothing annoys me more!! I also wanted their mics to be a bit louder. And theres barely any leg room at the Nederlander. The orchestra is incredible, the choreography is awesome, and they have one of the best bows i have ever seen! The score is also really tuneful and fun! Someone said that this show has nothing to say, well the message is that true love winssssssss in the end. No this is not the deepest show ever, but it is a super fun show!! There is absolutely no reason to avoid it; I was expecting it to be offensive or something because of your comments but its not at all. Go out and see this show people and have a good time! I wouldn't miss it!
Best Musical
Lead Actor-Rob McClure
Supporting Actress-Nancy Opel
Score-Jason Robert Brown
Orchestrations-lots of guys
Choreography-Denis Jones
I think Danza also has a chance if he's supporting, and maybe some of the design awards (lighting, costumes)
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
i actually have a life outside these boards
Jesus Christ. Biggest pile of BS I think I've ever read on this message board... and that's saying a lot.
ummmmm I'm a full time college kid
"Jesus Christ. Biggest pile of BS I think I've ever read on this message board... and that's saying a lot."
I'm not really sure if you're referring to that specific 'life' line, or the review in general; in any case, I don't really understand how either would be the biggest pile of BS you've EVER read. I found pinto's review to be exactly what it should be, HIS (or her? not sure) very honest opinion of the show. It baffles me the number of people that are so quick to judge someone's OPINION. If you have nothing nice or constructive to the thread to say, don't say it at all. (Although it seems the board would be awfully quiet if that was the case.)
I did find some of Pinto's previous posts to be exaggeratedly immature, and as much as I loved the show myself when I went to go see it, I rolled my eyes at some of his comments and the people that fed into it. But regardless, it's a fine review. Honest pure and simple. No need to trash the boy's (or girl's? still not sure) review because of previous posts.
You must be a very quick observer of what goes on on this board brdwydreamer. You have taken in a lot in 9 days. Welcome.
There's too many good quotes from that review. They should just plaster it on the Nederlander.
Danza's flatness has nothing to do with it being the last show of the week. You're either 0 cents flat or flat. There are no excuses. During his off night does he recharge his pitch powers??
And why does your tony nom list say 'lots of guys' for orchestrations? You know there isn't a category for solo instrumentalists, only pits as a whole.
"You must be a very quick observer of what goes on on this board brdwydreamer. You have taken in a lot in 9 days. Welcome. "
Thank you for the warm welcome. In case you created an account the day you first landed upon BWW, I'm happy to inform that these threads can be read whether your a member or not. So yes, I have been following this thread for more than 9 days. I just got to a point 9 days ago where I thought, well... I have something to say as well. And then it took me 9 days to figure out how to put a comment, until the other HONEYMOON thread was created due to the same issue.
You seriously think this will be up for Best Musical, the only way it would happen is if the producers bribe the Tony committee and I really don't think that will be happening... I have to say Phillypinto, what did you think of the cancer song/scene?
What are you talking about seahag?? 4 men worked on the orchestrations.
What quotes are you referring to Kad?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Phillypinto loved it, I'm sure, since he loved the portrayal of women.
the men in the show aren't exactly classy either!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
seahag, you know "orchestrations" is not the same thing as "orchestra", right?
ethan, i was okay with that number. I don't really think it could be cut because it tells us what happened to Donna, and its not anything offensive. The way everyone spoke about that number, I was expecting Skin Cancer to be made fun of or something like that. I thought it was fine. I was more mad that Tony Danza was cracking all over the place, and was ohh so flat
I can't get friki friki out of my head haha. I love the score. Nobody told me what the Chris Christie joke was!
Also, does anyone know if they blew fruity Hawaiian smells out to the audience?
I got to say I like Friki Friki also!, Its fun and nicely sung. The joke is primarily funny to people that live in the NY, NJ area.
Updated On: 3/16/15 at 05:05 PM
Sorry Philly, I thought you were referring to individual orchestra members receiving nominations by the way you just said lots of guys and I was confused as a category like that does not exist. My mistake!
no I'm from New Jerseeeey , I just go to school in pa now haha. i just didn't hear the line before he said CHRIS CHRISTIE so i missed what was funny about it!!
Jack is trying to conjure the least-erotic images he can to keep himself from getting turned on during Friki-Friki ("catheters, iron lungs...") and shouting "Chris Christie!" is his last-ditch effort. That's the joke.
Updated On: 3/16/15 at 05:20 PM
oooh yeah i got that, but for some reason i thought the Chris Christie joke was separate from that number. Thanks Scaryrwarhol haha
Unless things really tank, this week will be a momentous occasion for Jason Robert Brown as Honeymoon becomes the most heavily attended show of his life, passing Parade in total attendance.
But before anyone gets too excited about that, it is still the lowest attended musical currently on Broadway.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/22/14
PhillyPinto loved reading your review! I am still not interested in seeing this show but glad to hear someone really interested and enthusiastic about it!!!
aww thanks! maybe i should become a theatre critic :)
Kad, what quotes do you like from my fabulous review?
>>Unless things really tank, this week will be a momentous occasion for Jason Robert Brown as Honeymoon becomes the most heavily attended show of his life, passing Parade in total attendance. <<
But, it still lags a way in performances: (excluding previews)
Parade 85 performances
Urban Cowboy 60 performances (if this show counts)
13 105 performances
Bridges 100 performances
Honeymoon 69 performances