Leading Actor Joined: 5/16/12
Philly-"I'm tellin you this show is Definately getting a lot of nominations."
It's spelled definitely. Please find a better college.
"If they stick it out long enough, this may become a cult show."
It lacks the camp, the audacity, the weirdness of the best cult shows.
Why doesn't this thread die?
"Why doesn't this thread die?"
Oh, I don't know. Maybe it is because, after all this time, Honeymoon is STILL struggling on Broadway. A few years ago, a deer was struggling on Broadway (up by the park, seriously). It had been hit by a truck, and was put out of its misery by a humane animal control officer.
What else is new...
Tomorrow's performance only around 30% sold as for the rest of the week, pretty much the same.
Friday the 13th is sold out since Phillypinto is attending that night...NOT!
i thought the show-especially for one set in Vegas-looked inexpensive. reminded me of dinner theater!
Noticed that In Vegas has gotten smaller in their art work and website:
It's been like that for a while but clearly has not helped.
So, Phillypinto is finally seeing Honeymoon tonight after months of all this chatter...can't wait to hear his review
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/1/14
Even though he painted himself into a corner and literally has no option but to give it a glowing review no matter what?
I wish they would revive War Horse cause this horse sure is dead,
Phillypinto, TONIGHTS THE NIGHT!!!!!
So nice of the producers to keep it open for him!
Good for Phil. I predict he will predict that Vegas will receive a record number of Tony Nominations. New Musical, Two Best Actor, Best Actress, 4 featured Actors, 4 features Actresses, Directing, Book, Score, Scenic Design, Lighting, Costumes, Choreography, Orchestrations and Editing.
A record breaking 20 nom's Phillypinto, I can't wait to hear what you say! But please don't say that the set is amazing.
Saturday night looks sold out...NOT!
Broadway Star Joined: 7/13/08
An ATC poster says closing notice is going up.
Looking at Ticketmaster for tomorrow night, they're selling Q27, the seat in the very last row of the Orchestra all the way off to the side for the $152, the same price they're selling 8th row center Orchestra seats. That's just dumb.
^FishermanBob, well look at the list of producers...all amateurs not knowing what they are doing and as for keeping this show open...for what to lose money week after week?
Sad, but time to move on and just close as theater-goers are just not interested...never were!
This is one of those shows that will do very well regionally.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/22/14
I have to say that this thread has been thoroughly entertaining. About the show, the producers should have found some way to have Bruno Mars come and reprise his role as an Elvis Impersonator. It seems like they have all kinds of crazy cash to spare.
Anyway, if this show was staying open due to Tony Danza, it's got to be because he so desperately wants to win a Tony...or any award...and he really thought he'd have a great chance of winning because Brantley liked him. If only he could stay open long enough for the Tonys...I mean the award is his first name.
Seriously though...were the people behind this show so out-of-touch with what general audiences in 2015 like that they thought a show with that lame storyline (with all the issues raised in this thread); with a tired setting and concept; with an old 1980s sitcom star, who most people forgot about, as its selling point (not even with bankable Broadway stars); based on a movie that has had no impact on most people's lives was a good investment?
Well, Sondheim liked it.
"Favorite Recent Broadway Show: Honeymoon in Vegas The essence of the musical theatre I grew up on."
Probably the same producers who thought Bridges of Madison County would make a great musical. The music was beautiful, but who the Hell wants to see that?
Stand-by Joined: 7/19/10
I was at Honeymoon on Wednesday night. Absolutely loved the show -- it was a great time. Anyway, I had seats in the fourth to last row of the mezz, and to say that there was hardly anyone in the mezz would be an understatement. I was able to move down to first row center mezz with no problem. Besides the first row, both side sections were COMPLETELY empty, and I would say only about 40 percent of the center section was full. Very, very sad. I hate to see such a fun show go through this...
They made it this far so will they keep it open and lose more money for the next 6 weeks till the Tony award nominations are announced?