@Fisherman-what a truly inspired idea your post inspired. Let's get Honeymoon to close only to be reprised during PBS pledge drives every year!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
This thread gives me life too.
Stand-by Joined: 8/5/11
Last week when I was in NYC my plane arrived in time for me to see a Wednesday night performance (I had tickets for 5 other shows already). I had not planned on ever seeing Honeymoon In Vegas, but then decided "why not?" if nothing else to see Rob McClure. I'm glad I went! I liked it and was entertained - that's all I expected. I wasn't going in thinking I would see a Sondheim type show...
Featured Actor Joined: 3/18/15
I did go into Honeymoon in Vegas with extremely high expectations, particularly because of the strong review it got from Ben Brantley back during its Papermill run, not to mention all of the songs I had heard from the show were very catchy and memorable.
I saw the show prior to it officially opening on Broadway, and I did go in having seen the movie although it had been well over 10 years since I had.
I left the show extremely confused....what I left feeling positive about was the score and orchestrations which were both great, along with Rob McClure. I think the biggest thing that hurts the show is the book and that becomes more apparent in Act Two.
If anything though, I think it deserves better business than it is getting.
Well, Tony Danza has been determined to be eligible for Featured Actor. Not Lead. Even though his name is above the title.
I think it's the right category for Danza.
his chances are much better now being featured
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Featured actor seems wide open as of now. Never say never.
I think it's the one smart thing these producers have done, if they petitioned it. Unless it was the committee exercising their own judgment.
Despite the fact that Danza is now apparently their entire advertising campaign, Rob McClure is clearly the lead in this show. And none of the other men besides Danza would have a snowball's chance in hell of scoring a nomination, so divvy them to try and score where you can. Since you can't justify McClure as Featured for this role, Danza should be it. And he is.
Of course, I'd be surprised if any of this actually matters in come May.
Swing Joined: 3/16/15
Happy for Tony Danza, assuming this becomes an actual nomination, but seems a bit disingenuous. If Tony Danza is a featured actor, then Rob McClure should also be a featured actor. Assuming neither of them is the lead actor.
Is there history of no leading actor in a musical but more than one featured actor?
Someone said that Christian Borle is featured for Something Rotten while Brian d'Arcy James is a lead
Leading Actor Joined: 5/12/12
Having seen the show, Rob McClure definitely seemed like the lead actor to me. I think they were correct to place Tony Danza in the featured category. Even though the musical numbers felt evenly distributed between the two of them, I felt that Rob McClure were on stage more, and had more dialogue. I thought they both delivered amazing performances and wish them the best of luck.
We go through this all the time - and it took me a while to understand:
The Tonys are not the Oscars.
Simple rules:
Lead: Name above title.
Featured: Name below title.
The category may be changed based on producer application. So, Danza had to ask to be changed.
The rule has caused all manner of trouble over the years. William Daniels turning down his nomination for 1776. Rita Moreno commenting during her acceptance for "featured" and not "lead" Tony.
Moreno Acceptance Speech
Moreno Acceptance Speech
Updated On: 3/20/15 at 02:21 PM
Re: LoveGReatVocals
Many shows have had their entire casts eligible under the featured category. Spelling Bee comes to mind. It happens all the time for ensemble shows where the characters are more or less weighted equally. This year the entire cast of You Cant Take it With You competes as featured. So its not uncommon.
And it was reported producers did indeed ask for Danza to be considered featured. Smart move. Right now Grammer and Karl seem the only locks with other spots wide open. And Danza gets tons of stage time.
Quite sad for Friday night right now, http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/03004CD7F433E71F
Awaiting post 817...818...819...
Do you think the show will be nominated? I'm kind of assuming it's in direct competition with Something Rotten for the 4th slot alongside Fun Home, American in Paris and The Visit.
LOL American in Paris is not getting nominated. Fun Home, The Visit, Something Rotten are definites. Finding Neverland, Honeymoon In Vegas (which i think will be nominated), It Shoulda Been You, and Doctor Zhivago will take the last 1-2 slots
At this point, I suspect Rotten has a lock on a spot. American in Paris, not so much.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
LOL, Philly, Shoulda Been You, is NOT getting nominated. You'll seeeeeeeeee!!!
hahah it might!!!!!!!!! I still wouldn't count it out yet, and we have yet to see Doctor Zhivago which i feel like is just gonna be a huge surprise and be amazing :)
"which i feel like is just gonna be a huge surprise and be amazing :)"
And you had to ask what being a happy clown meant...
Both Shoulda and Zhivago are DOA. And you know it.
how do you know when Zhivago has yet to be seen?