There is the base plot of the dance, then each of the core 7 have their own subplot, Dr. Amigo has a subplot, his daughter has a subplot, even each of the parents have subplots. It's just a lot.
Honestly, I feel like the core 7 should've been a core 5, as I feel like Mel, Tommy, and Remy could honestly have been combined into one character. I find it a crime that they did not flesh out the characters of Caroline, Marideth, and Jessica even more, as they are based on the actual individuals in the original documentary. Drew's character is fine, but like the others, could've been fleshed out more as well.
I feel like they need to remove the entire subplot of Dr. Amigo looking for love and remove the daughter entirely. As, with these you sorta lose time to care more fore the core 7. Also, remove some of the parents material as well.