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HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews- Page 6

HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews

Dylan Smith4 Profile Photo
Dylan Smith4
#125HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/2/23 at 2:05pm

Glad to hear that the show is making improvements! I definitely will try to see this in the next couple of weeks! Hopefully, it will be a great show to close out 2023 for me!

The idea is to work and to experiment. Some things will be creatively successful, some things will succeed at the box office, and some things will only - which is the biggest only - teach you things that see the future. And they're probably as valuable as any of your successes. -Harold Prince

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#126HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/2/23 at 2:07pm

Voter said: "I'm always wary whenmajorcuts are happening right against the clock of the freeze date. "

Of course, Broadway is littered with examples of shows where major major changes were made just weeks before a show was frozen


#127HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/2/23 at 9:48pm

Was back at the matinee today (4th time). The was the best performance. Changes, cuts, and everyone just seeming settled and confident. This has really lifted the energy and made the pacing feel very comfortable. Audience was standing before the lights came back on for the bows.  Lots of laughs and tears throughout. Many families today.  One week till the official opening.  The creatives and actors should feel proud of the work here.  I am rooting hard for this show with only 8 days till opening night.   1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8!

Updated On: 12/4/23 at 09:48 PM

Voter Profile Photo
#128HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/3/23 at 6:27am

EricMontreal22 said: "Voter said: "I'm always wary whenmajorcuts are happening right against the clock of the freeze date. "

Of course, Broadway is littered with examples of shows where major major changes were made just weeks before a show was frozen


1. Against the clock and “weeks before the show is frozen” are two different things

2. Broadway is also littered with examples of flops that follow a certain development pattern and not seeing the vision fully through. ALW wasn’t wrong about Broadway currently looking like a vanity project vs. actual commercial prospects. Broadway is a business set on monetary returns and the fiduciary responsibility of the production. Not every show is going to be a success and is cut out for Broadway. Cut. Print. Done.

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

HunterK Profile Photo
#129HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/3/23 at 11:55am

I was at the matinee yesterday (12/2) and I have a completely different take on what I saw than compared to the above. I am ready to get ripped (even though as discussed before, this is a place for conversation). No, I am not autistic or have a family member who is autistic. My issues were not with that part of the show. I loved how it opened having the 7 young adult actors explain about the show and tell the audience their options if they’re our intense moments and what can be done about it. It was the most thoughtful and smartest thing I have seen in a Broadway show. Seeing so many families and people of all ages with autism warmed my heart and just showed what a show could do for a new and diverse Broadway community. Showing representation is what it is all about. 

My issues were the show looked extremely cheap. The sets and costumes at the top. The set with the letters constantly blinking didn't make much sense, and the thrown in "how to dance steps" look like they were thrown up last night. Reminded me of a good community theatre set. Especially with the non-automated pieces from homes that looked even cheaper. The lack of costume changes boggled my mind. We went 99 days without a costume change. I did enjoy the finale costumes and for the parent it screamed Ohio. 

Most of the scenes had a few good jokes, but they all ran together and there was no consistency from one to the next. This Dr. Amigo stuff, I just shook my head. I wanted more about these young adults. I loved their back stories, their songs and the families. How come Caroline and Jessica's Mom's didn't have more? Darlesca Cearcy and Haven Burton are Broadway goddesses and they basically get one song? They killed that moment, but left the audience wanting more. Loved the interaction with their aughts and shows a great difference between Marideth and her father. I really didn't care about Dr. Amigo's love life and it made me mad how he personally butted on certain situations. I know it was based on a documentary, but we embellish in the theatre as one actress stated at the top of the show. 

The finally just reminded me of THE PROM (with way less and less smart choreography). The beats of the music and the theme..PROM PROM PROM. 

While I got Dear Evan Hansen vides from Drew and his songs and Kimberly Akimbo from Meredith. 

Yes, the matinee was pretty full, but after hearing conversations, so many orchestra seats were papered and many, at least 25-30 left in the in the right orchestra section at intermission. This show has a certain audience. I was just not it and I feel a 100-minute (non intermission) show would have worked just fine over at New World. 


#130HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/3/23 at 12:17pm

You should not get ripped by anyone. All views should be respected and you seem like a very thoughtful person. I was sitting Center Row D yesterday and the vibe I was getting from the people around me was really positive. Lots of laughs and tears.  Broadway needs a bigger tent to thrive long term IMO.  My hope is that families and less frequent Broadway attendees find joy and love in this show.  It is not Sondheim (who I love) or Hamilton (although it is groundbreaking in its own way)  but it has its lane and to me provides something very different and positive for the Broadway community.  

Voter Profile Photo
#131HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/3/23 at 1:32pm

If anyone is interested, one of the lead producers is doing a very honest Q&A on Twitter/X right now @benaholtzman 

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

#132HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/3/23 at 3:27pm

Voter said: "If anyone is interested, one of the lead producers is doing a very honest Q&A on Twitter/X right now @benaholtzman"

Something he revealed is the show has 230 investors, that seems abnormal for a show of this size....?

#133HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/3/23 at 4:57pm

I am seeing the show Saturday - told it has improved during previews.

I'm hoping the critics are gentle..... 

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#134HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/4/23 at 10:27am

BoringBoredBoard40 said: "Something he revealed is the show has 230 investors, that seems abnormal for a show of this size....?"

It costs up to $15.5M, so it's not exactly a cheap musical. And it has more than 70 entities named above the title as producers (including XENA herself, Lucy Lawless!)

There's been a substantial growth in investors who put up, like, $25K. Especially coming from copros and investors who are new to the theatre.

Voter Profile Photo
#135HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/4/23 at 12:27pm

Also notable from the X/Twitter Q&A, the rush policy for tickets is coming soon.


Other notables:

- Thematic reasoning for the Dr Diego moment with the reporter

- "We’ve got about 230 investors in the show. Investments range from $25K - $1M. As lead producers, we need to incentive investors & producers to join the show. Offering above the title billing is one of those incentives in addition to a share of our (hopefully) profits. Our min co-producer threshhold is $125K-$250K."

- Show will be frozen 12/6

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

Voter Profile Photo
#136HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 11:09am

If anyone is interested today, producer Ben H is polling users on X/Twitter on what made them/is making them hesitant to buy tickets to H2DIO.

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

Bill Snibson Profile Photo
Bill Snibson
#137HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 11:15am

Eeeek! This seems like a very odd approach to me. 

#138HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 12:31pm

Feels desperate.....

Bill Snibson Profile Photo
Bill Snibson
#139HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 1:04pm

100%! Producers not knowing how to sell their show so decide to ask "Why don't you like us?" via twitter/x 

Voter Profile Photo
#140HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 1:13pm

Interesting he mentions TDF as they aren't on TDF today or yesterday

I'd reply that one of my hesitations is the director's track record but alas... 

There are like 3 other people called Voter on here, FYI. Deleted comment count: 12

#141HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 1:20pm

To be fair, I think to the general public it could be seen as transparency and willingness to listen to direct feedback.  There's been a lot of talk on these boards about how shows aren't marketing correctly and finding their audience, so why not try a new tactic (is it the best/most efficient route he could've taken? Probably not, but to be fair, we don't necessarily know what else they're doing).  Also, it increases social engagement and builds the idea of a more "personal" brand.

Kad Profile Photo
#142HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 1:58pm

I suppose a producer directly engaging with the public could work. But this just seems like a fairly green producer who couldn’t afford a focus group. 

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#143HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/5/23 at 5:24pm

This seems to be an increasing trend - producing via focus groups.


EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#144HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/6/23 at 6:12pm

How to Dance in Ohio is a unique songbird because unlike most movie-based shows of recent memory, it can stand on its own two feet and it doesn't feel like an exact replication or imitation. A lot of this seemed brand-new to me, even as someone who has seen the documentary.

Sammi Cannold was right next to me the entire show with her pen and notepad, taking up the couple of pages she had left throughout the duration of the performance. Jacob Yandura was two rows in front of me and off to the left a bit, and I spotted Mayte Natalio as well. They are all very kind individuals.

The cast — full company was in this afternoon — is uniformly excellent, but I must shout out Liam Pearce who is making a stunning Broadway debut. Caesar Samayoa and Cristina Sastre do some fine work as the Amigos.

The film spends the most time spotlighting Caroline, Marideth, and Jessica in particular, but the musical gives the seven young adults pretty much equal stage time (until Pearce's Drew becomes a bit more prominent in the final 15 mins or so). They truly felt like the collective center of the piece.

Much of the score is not instantly hummable upon first listen, but it moves the show along at a nice pace. I would even dare say that a few snippets of Bruce Coughlin's orchestrations sound a bit Sondheimy. I look forward to the cast recording when it releases.

And FWIW, I went with someone who saw a workshop of the material a couple of years ago and thought today was much improved. 

Stage door: Five of the seven co-leads signed. Samayoa, Melina Kalomas, Nick Gaswirth, and Haven Burton also came out (and it is GREAT to have her back on Broadway). Was very quick today!

This is a sweet little show that wears its heart on its sleeve. Whether it catches on or not, though, is the $16 million question.




Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.
Updated On: 12/6/23 at 06:12 PM

#145HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/7/23 at 2:30pm

Sammi Cannold, the director of the show, is also sharing on TikTok all the changes they’ve made since the previews.

#146HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/7/23 at 3:34pm

Critics are going over the next few days - wishing them the best. 

ErmengardeStopSniveling Profile Photo
#147HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/7/23 at 3:52pm

Kad said: "I suppose a producer directly engaging with the public couldwork. But this just seems like a fairly green producer who couldn’t afford a focus group."

It's also a way for him to get his name out there as a producer.

Listening to a lot of different people is not a bad thing. Especially if there's a pattern ("I didn't understand this plot point" or "this song did nothing for me"). A good idea is a good idea regardless of where it comes from. The bad thing is when there are too many decision-makers in a room: this production has 5 people across 2 entities functioning as lead producer, which is a lot but it's actually less than something like HERE LIES LOVE.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#148HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/7/23 at 3:54pm

Rapper/actor Ludacris has just hopped on as a co-producer. 

Well, I’ll be. That bird really did it.

#149HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO Broadway Previews
Posted: 12/7/23 at 4:04pm

EDSOSLO858 said: "Rapper/actor Ludacris has just hopped on as a co-producer."


As did Paula Abdul
