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Hamilton Previews

Anakela Profile Photo
#500Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:11pm

"Since Miranda was and still is so inspired by the Chernow book why not have it on sale in the lobby right next to the t-shirts and mugs. That would be pretty classy don’t you think?"

Is it not? I swear I thought I saw it at the booth when I bought my shirt. I know it's for sale on the Hamilton merch website.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#501Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:12pm

I think brdway411 has started a couple of Reviews threads. . . 

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

NYadgal Profile Photo
#502Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:13pm

The book is on sale.

In the lobby and online.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#503Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:14pm

Didn't see it last week. My bad.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#504Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:14pm

I threw away my shot!

Glittergrrl for the win!   Hamilton Previews

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#505Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:17pm

Ha! Atta grrl!

PalJoey Profile Photo
#506Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:23pm


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#507Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 3:30pm

Most of the responses to Glittergrrl's post have been valid in terms of their content, but the tone has been way harsh.

Harsh?  Absolutely.  Valid?  Only kinda sorta.  Glitter wrote about how she felt about what she saw.  If she left because of how she felt about what she saw, then it's perfectly understandable.  It doesn't have to be about how we felt.  It doesn't have to be about what happens in the second act because she didn't see it.  Pointing out what she missed and how her opinion may have changed is fine and great.  But criticizing and personally insulting her because she didn't form a desired opinion or retain the same information doesn't actually make her look stupid or foolish.  I'm really surprised by some of the responses and really scratching my head about these reactions.  

As for not paying attention, I definitely tune out when I'm not enjoying a show.  Hell, I absolutely LOVED Hamilton, but I admit I missed a lot struggling to keep up with the book and lyrics throughout the pace of the show (which is only one of the many reasons I really want to see it again). 

 I threw away my shot!

And still retains a sense of humor.  Thank you!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 8/6/15 at 03:30 PM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#508Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 4:53pm

"That would be pretty classy don’t you think?"

As others noted, the book is for sale but if you want to talk about classy things, the classy thing is that Miranda acknowledged, is paying for and has credited Chernow right under his own name. A lesser person could easily have written this show with none of the above

Kad Profile Photo
#509Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 4:54pm

It was even on sale at the Public, prominently featured at the refreshment bar in the center of the lobby - and shows at the Public rarely have any merchandise sold at all.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#510Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 5:09pm

"Most of the responses to Glittergrrl's post have been valid in terms of their content, but the tone has been way harsh. Nothing she said justifies the personal attacks that have come from a few of you; as far as I can see, she's been perfectly respectful of other posters. Some apologies are owed here."

I have to agree. The vitriol in this  thread is breathtaking. Do you posters who rip on others feel proud of yourselves? There's one thing regarding animated discourse with lots of opinions, but to demonstrate such nastiness is juvenile. Geez. 


HogansHero Profile Photo
#511Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 5:36pm


I do not think I have been vitriolic, but when someone posts about what they found lacking in a show that they left at the intermission and apparently slept through at least part of what they did see, it is hard to respond with much in the way of respect.

After Eight
#512Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 6:18pm


Your words are golden:

 "I found the whole thing very tedious."

Yes, indeed. Actually, consider yourself lucky that you only saw half the thing; the second act was even more boring than the first. It seemed as if the evening would never come to its long-awaited end. 

I found both your and your ex's assessment of the piece exactly on target. Indeed, it had nowhere to go but down. --- and it did.

I'm sorry you wasted your money and time at this show. But most of all, I'm sorry you had to endure the invective hurled at you here.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#513Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 6:21pm

After Eight,

Just to be clear, your comments about the second act relate to the Off-B version which, as has been rehearsed here, has been changed in important ways, right?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#514Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/6/15 at 7:04pm

Hey, After Eight! Welcome back! We were worried about you.

We thought maybe a pail of water dropped on you or something.

Glad to see you.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#515Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/8/15 at 11:15am

Glittergrrl...and anyone else that may be of interest.  Here's a great article about the women of Hamilton from The New Yorker. So as you see, it's not just folks on the boards not getting your take on the women...even in Act I.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Glittergrrl Profile Photo
#516Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/8/15 at 5:30pm

"Glittergrrl...and anyone else that may be of interest.  Here's a great article about the women of Hamilton from The New Yorker. So as you see, it's not just folks on the boards not getting your take on the women...even in Act I.


Thanks for the link. I stumbled across that article this morning. I bookmarked it. I'm definitely going to read it. I'm quite troubled that I don't like the show. I've never seen such universal praise for anything-in theater or film. Brantley's review wasn't just glowing... It was blinding. I just don't get it. I fancy myself as having good taste. I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts from NPR-it's not even a theater podcast and they're endorsing it. I can't get away from this show. So then I watch the montages and think... Nope, not for me. I want to like it. I want to get excited with everyone.

After Eight
#517Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/8/15 at 9:34pm

"I'm quite troubled that I don't like the show. "

Why? You should be pleased that you have such good taste. Don't let the ludicrous hype make you doubt yourself. And certainly don't allow the boors and bullies on this board to dictate to you what you're supposed to think about anything. 

" I fancy myself as having good taste."

You do.

"I can't get away from this show."

We're all in the same boat.

" I want to get excited with everyone."

It's best to get excited about something worth getting excited about. When something good comes along, you'll know it, and be more than excited about it.

#518Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/9/15 at 12:11am

Glittergrrl, it may just not be your thing, and that's okay. Personally, I don't like Something Rotten. Some of my friends LOVED it, but the show barely kept my interest - so I get the feeling. 

#519Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/9/15 at 12:43am

Glittergirl, I wasn't interested in Fun Home and have no plans to go see it but most everyone on this board did (and a few were quite mean to people who weren't likeminded) But we have different taste/opinion on things so do not let anyone make you feel the need to follow the majority opinion. If you change your mind at some point, make it be your decision. And if not, that's fine as well.

 I think I'm going to love Hamilton though. I am reading Ron Chernow's book (and find it fascinating), love the clips of the show that have been posted and have tix to see it in Sept and Jan 2016!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#520Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/9/15 at 1:15am

"I guess you thinking you're joking but it's never OK to call someone a "foolish ignorant slut." Dear god, you're awful. "

Are you too young to remember this?! 

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

haterobics Profile Photo
#521Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/9/15 at 1:20am

"I'm sorry you wasted your money and time at this show. But most of all, I'm sorry you had to endure the invective hurled at you here."

Aren't Hamilton and BWW both opt-in experiences?

#522Hamilton Previews
Posted: 8/10/15 at 9:18am

LizzieCurry, no I'm not too young to remember. But it's not funny.
