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Hedwig after Taye

#25Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 3:58pm

Not that there's a snowballs chance in hell of it happening, but IMHO a great HEDWIG could be Joseph Gordon Levitt.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#26Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 4:04pm

"Does no one else share my Groff enthusiasm?? Think of the vocals! Think of the booty shorts, people! "

Love Groff's voice but otherwise he is waaaay too vanilla for my taste so that would be a "no" to seeing him in booty shorts.


skies Profile Photo
#27Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 4:12pm

Now Raul Esparza....


"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

Jamie Pierce Profile Photo
Jamie Pierce
#28Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 4:31pm

Love Groff's voice but otherwise he is waaaay too vanilla for my taste so that would be a "no" to seeing him in booty shorts. 

But weren't NPH, AR and DC pretty vanilla? And yet they all surprised us with their darker shades (to varying degrees).


Alix Profile Photo
#29Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:01pm

I've also always thought Raul Esparza would be a wonderful Hedwig--I would kill to hear him sing the score--but, sadly, he isn't a big enough name.


I adore Alan and would absolutely not miss him as Hedwig if/when it happens, but he doesn't seem ideal to me. Something about his body language/movements and, to a lesser extent, his voice I just don't see working, but he's an excellent actor and would, I'm sure, do interesting things with the role.


I've said it several times before, but my ideal Hedwig (aside from JCM, obviously) would be Ewan McGregor (any other Velvet Goldmine fans?). I think Jared Leto would also be pretty killer, and would love to see Lena do it. I don't know if he sings, but I also can't get the idea of Peter Dinklage as Hedwig out of my head. I think he could be astonishing.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#30Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:06pm

"Love Groff's voice but otherwise he is waaaay too vanilla for my taste so that would be a "no" to seeing him in booty shorts.  "

"But weren't NPH, AR and DC pretty vanilla? And yet they all surprised us with their darker shades (to varying degrees)."

Y'know J52 I take that back. You've made an excellent point and I must admit I did love me some Darren Criss, so yeah on second thought I wouldn't mind seeing Groff in the role....booty shorts and all. Hedwig after Taye


Updated On: 7/23/15 at 05:06 PM

hork Profile Photo
#31Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:08pm

"I've said it several times before, but my ideal Hedwig (aside from JCM, obviously) would be Ewan McGregor (any other Velvet Goldmine fans?). I think Jared Leto would also be pretty killer, and would love to see Lena do it. I don't know if he sings, but I also can't get the idea of Peter Dinklage as Hedwig out of my head. I think he could be astonishing."

Those are all great ideas. I'm not even particularly interested in seeing the show, but I would pay any amount to see Peter Dinklage in the role.

skies Profile Photo
#32Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:16pm

I know some hated the idea of Adam Lambert doing Hedwig, but I wouldn't mind some all out rocker who could do balls out vocals to some of the up beat numbers.  We haven't had a standout vocalist to that degree or such a rocker persona.   Steve Tyler, Bon Jovi anyone?   Hell let's just have the Boss do it.

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren
Updated On: 7/23/15 at 05:16 PM

VotePeron Profile Photo
#33Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:36pm

With the risks they've taken with Darren and Taye, I really hope they pursue a woman for the final go. Not likely, but I think that would be the most inspired choice as opposed to Alan or Adam.


I also wouldn't count out JCM because he said in an interview right before his final show that now that he's done the show again, he would totally pick up the heels a few more times.

skies Profile Photo
#34Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:39pm

If they can keep making money why whould they necesarily want to close with the next Hedwig after Taye?

They recouped their costs back with NPH so if Taye does good box office and his successor also why kill the golden goose just because?

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

Phillypinto Profile Photo
#35Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:42pm

wait Hedwig already played London? and it was unsuccessful?

I would LOVE to see Alan in the role and i think he would be fantastic, but I hope JCM finishes out the run because i want to see him in it! 

I think its closing because they are running out of actors to do it. I mean, nobody on NPH status is gonna want to be the millionth replacement. Therefore, they aren't making that much money as proof by Darren's run. Thats why they are closing in January.

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skies Profile Photo
#36Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 5:49pm

Im sure there are many seasoned actors  who would be willing to take a shot at Hedwig in the Taye category, whether TV , movie or stage actors.

The 64K question was whether  the dip in Box office with Darren Criss was due to the show showing it's age or whether the producers overestimated his market  appeal.  His last 2/3 weeks salvaged his run but his take was still the weakest by far all of the Hedwigs so far.  I mean JCM is far from a known name outside of BW circles yet he had clout to average well over 500K box office /week.

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

#37Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 6:09pm

Darren wasn't BY FAR the weakest in sales. He is only almost 4% behind JCM in capacity and 7% in gross potential percentage. That's not BY FAR in my eyes. 

His sales are the lowest of them all but not BY FAR compared to JCM who is the 2nd lowest.

Someone in the Darren Hedwig thread calculated all the numbers for all Broadway Hedwigs so far. 

2nd post on this page:

Updated On: 7/23/15 at 06:09 PM

skies Profile Photo
#38Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 6:47pm

"Darren wasn't BY FAR the weakest in sales. He is only almost 4% behind JCM in capacity and 7% in gross potential percentage. That's not BY FAR in my eyes. 
His sales are the lowest of them all but not BY FAR compared to JCM who is the 2nd lowest.
Someone in the Darren Hedwig thread calculated all the numbers for all Broadway Hedwigs so far. 
2nd post on this page:"

I look at actual gross because that tells you how much you are actually making and covering your costs.

Funny thing about numbers, the next weakest box office Hedwig, JCM:  JCM's gross sales per week were $546, 098 and Darren's gross sales averaged $481,987.  So in actual take Darren's grosses were over 12 % weaker.   

Even leaving NPH out of the equation, Darren's box office  was 12, 16, and 23 % less than the 3 Hedwigs who preceded him.

"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren

#39Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 6:53pm

To consider in that is that JCM's potential gross was higher than Darren's so that plays into JCM having a higher weekly gross. I am assuming some of the tickets were more expensive?

Just like they seem to have lowered the back mezz seats for Taye's run compared to Darren's. During Darren's run they were either $69 or $74. For several of Taye's performances at least (all I've seen but I didn't check them all obviously) they start at $49.

Updated On: 7/23/15 at 06:53 PM

skies Profile Photo
#40Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 6:58pm

Your missing the point, "projected potential gross" doesn't pay the bills. Actuall Gross sales (money in your pocket)pays the landlord.  By that measure Darren was at least 12 % less than the next Hedwig.  Now if you think that's not "by far" fine, but the numbers are what they are.

Of course shows try to find the sweet spot between demand and pricing but it still boils down to the gross collected.  Someone can have 85% capacity and stll gross less than someone at 80% or lower.

When Taye's numbers come in I'm looking at those same gross sales.


"when I’m on stage I see the abyss and have to overcome it by telling myself it’s only a play." - Helen Mirren
Updated On: 7/23/15 at 06:58 PM

Ragged Tear
#41Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 10:16pm

Of course, some stars may cost more than others, meaning that their run needs a higher gross to cover costs.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#42Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 10:22pm

Ewan McGregor would be such a great Hedwig. He would have the time of his life playing that part. I'd love to see him in the role. Maybe he should take it to London even if Cumming (who will be great) seems like a pretty sure thing.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#43Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 10:29pm

I would love to see Matt Bomer take a stab at it, but he'll be busy with American Horror Story.

#44Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 10:55pm

Wait, so I'm a little confused. Is it more likely (based off of the rumors) that Alan Cumming does Hedwig on Broadway or in London. Not that our friends across the pond don't deserve to see a performance as good as Cumming would perform it, but I just really want to see him do it here in New York!!

SDV Profile Photo
#45Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 11:19pm

I'd love to see Groff. I think he really needs to put down his "I'm so adorable" shtick for once and this would be the perfect opportunity. Don't get me wrong: I love groff's ridiculous adorableness, but it's getting a little old. Time to explore the dark side, my pretty...

#46Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 11:51pm

I am on board with many of these suggestions, but particularly Joseph Gordon Levitt or Ewan McGregor! I think either of them could be all kinds of brilliant! :) (And we already know JGL sounds fantastic on Midnight Radio!). Jake Gyllenhaal is pretty much amazing in everything so I'd be way on board for him as well, though I don't think I've ever heard his singing voice so I can't really have an opinion on that yet haha. 

I also really would love to see a trans person or a girl take on the role as well... in terms of who could be well known enough to keep ticket sales up but still be a really interesting choice, I'd honestly totally see GaGa! At least from a vocal standpoint, she's got the chops. A trans person, though I think that would be fantastic to see... I'm just not sure there's anyone "big name" enough who also has all the chops for the role. I mean I've thought of Laverne Cox before (I know, I know, def the most obvious trans choice, but that's kind of the point if we're thinking people who could get butts in seats!), but I feel like from the little bits I've heard of her singing voice I'm not sure it's quite there haha. She'd be awesome from an acting standpoint though!  

ETA: Oh yes, duh, I am also ALWAYS down for some Groffsauce :P I think he could kill it! 

I don't need a life that's normal. That's way too far away. But something next to normal would be okay. Something next to normal is what I'd like to try. Close enough to normal to get by.
Updated On: 7/23/15 at 11:51 PM

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#47Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 11:51pm

"Does no one else share my Groff enthusiasm?? Think of the vocals! Think of the booty shorts, people! "

All of his singing on that trainwreck Glee was absolutely terrific, and I think he would slay the score. I wouldn't mind the shorts either.

I don't agree with people that he's too nice, although he's mostly played likable characters (other than on Glee). I would love to see him explore his dark side, as SDV says.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#48Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/23/15 at 11:58pm


Jamie Pierce Profile Photo
Jamie Pierce
#49Hedwig after Taye
Posted: 7/24/15 at 9:07am

"I would love to see him explore his dark side, as SDV says."

Have either of you seen Hamilton yet? It may not necessarily be a full demonstration of Groff's dark side but it is interesting to see him with a bit more edge and a bit more camp. Seeing him in that show, I was able to picture the overlap of his George with what I imagine would be his Hedwig. 

But he's also welcome to just put on the booty shorts and sing the score. In my apartment. 

Updated On: 7/24/15 at 09:07 AM
