It was one of the last few months Les Mis was in NYC. There was a family behind us and their young son kept asking his parents questions about the show. At the scene where Fantine is taken away after Valjean says she needs a doctor, the boy asks, "Is she dead?"
He asked a few other things like that which were so funny.
Understudy Joined: 8/17/05
My friend Stef and her mother were coming into town from Florida to see Three Days of Rain.
Stef was worried that her mother might be a little confused with the three actors playing 2 different characters each, so she emailed her mother a description of the play.
The next day this phone conversation took place:
STEF: "So Mom, are you clear on what Three Days of Rain is about?"
HER MOTHER: "Yes, of course. It is about Hurricane Katrina victims."
Updated On: 6/16/06 at 01:26 PM
"Barefoot in the Park with George" made me do a spit-take.
Ahaha. I love this thread.
At the Odd Couple, a lady was talking to her friend and she goes...
I saw this show last month when I was on business, and later I went to the stage door, and Ferris Buler's wife was there. What's her name? Ashley Olsen? No...Maybe it's Mary Kate.
Sitting in a Starbucks
Lady 1- So what's that show Wicked about?
Lady 2- It's about Wiccans and their way of life.
Edited to add the Wicked story
Updated On: 6/16/06 at 01:38 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
My mom told me this, when we went to see Wicked, some lady near her was reading her playbill and said, "The Boy From Oz, I wonder if that's another Wizard Of Oz show." My mom apparently under her breath, said "It's About Peter Allen."
More recently, I went to student rush Jersey Boys in April for my second time, and while I was waiting on line for the tickets, the one couple were on line buying tickets and the guy said something like, "Is there alot of Four Seasons songs in this?"
"I'm Colonel Kurtz, fat and bald like old Fred Mertz. Watch me do a hula dance, to shake the eggrolls from my pants."
-Apocalypse Wow from The Critic.
One more I just remembered
At the TKTS booth....
Girl-Omg. Let's see Rent
friend-eww no. Isn't that like that emo show where everyone gets AIDS and dies?
Featured Actor Joined: 5/8/06
Another one, but it's slightly funnier if you've been to Vegas.
The Aladdin hotel has a theatre that hosts mostly the only touring shows that come here, which would be Beauty and the Beast...and Rent. (Rent went to the Paris this year, though) So, about two years ago when BatB was here, I overheard this conversation...
GIRL #1: Hey, look, Beauty and the Beast is playing at the Aladdin.
GIRL #2: Why would that show be there?
GIRL #1: Duh! Think about it: Aladdin?! It's Disney! Of course they would have their show at THEIR hotel!
Of course...the Aladdin has NOTHING to do with Disney...
Understudy Joined: 6/15/06
this wasn't by tourist but its still kinda funny
I was going to rehearsal for a show at one of the theatres in my area, and there were some little girls getting out of a class. I was wearing my wicked shirt, and
First girl: are you in wicked?
2nd Girl: hows New York?
1st girl: why did you come back here?
I went to a restaurant and this lady set at the next table and was talking very loudly about all this stuff and you could tell that she thought of herself as "Mrs. Cosmopolitan" and she asked the waitress for another one of cookies that were on the table and the waitress said (very loudly) "Can we get some more coasters at this table, a lady has just eaten coaster!"
Very Funny!
I used to work at Broadway NY (the souvenir store on the ground floor of the Marriot Marquis building) and this woman calls the store. Here is a rough sample of the conversation:
Caller: Hi, is this Broadway New York?
Me: Yes it is.
Caller: I'd like to buy tickets to a Broadway show.
Me: Unfortunately we're a retail store. We sell the merchandise from the shows but not tickets. If you tell me which show you're interested in, I can give you the number for the box office.
Caller: So this isn't Broadway?
Me: Well, this is a store. It's located on Broadway. But we don't sell tickets here.
Caller: Well, I called the operator and told him I wanted to call Broadway, NY [author's note: note the comma] and this is what I got connected to.
Me: That is the name of our store.
Caller: But you don't sell tickets.
Me: No. Listen, if you tell me the name of the show you want to see, I can get you all the information you need and you can always order tickets online.
Caller: I don't have a computer.
Me: OK. That's fine. What show were you interested in seeing?
Caller: "The Color Purple."
Me: Great. If you hold one second, I can get you the # to the theatre's direct box office.
Caller: has it's own theatre?
Me: Yes...
Caller: But there's so many shows playing. Where do they all fit?
Me: Each show plays in it's own theatre. It's not like a cineplex.
Caller: Wow. OK. So where is "Color Purple" playing?
Me: [realizing where this is heading and muttering "Oh ****" under my breath] It's playing at the Broadway Theatre.
Caller: I know it's on Broadway! What's the name of the theatre?
I couldn't have made that up if I tried.
Updated On: 6/16/06 at 02:19 PM
How does one eat a coaster? I can't see cardboard being very flavorful.
EDITED TO ADD: Wow, Diva. That's - just wow. And the Color Purple just has to be playing at the most generic theatre too.
Updated On: 6/16/06 at 02:20 PM
I was at a Broadway show and the woman next to me said, "can you believe it? Sarah Jessica is sitting two rows behind us. She's a doll. I loved her in the 80s." My first thought was 'why does Sarah Jessica Parker have worse seats than me?' I quickly turned around to discover it was Sally Jesse Raphael. Total celebrity buzzkill.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
This isn't a tourist thing because if I were to go to NYC I would be a tourist, myself, but I overheard this at Les Mis from a bunch of teenagers who went to see the show and obviously had no clue what they were in for:
"What's this about?"
"The French Revolution!"
I'm sure you've all heard it. Yargh. Later on during intermission, they kept talking about how they didn't know what the heck was going on, and trying to figure it out. I really had to resist turning around.
This isn't a musical, but overheard at an opera... You have to imagine it with the Thurston Howell accent. Seriously.
"Yes, Maria Ca-LAHS's pahfohmahnce of Rosina wahs brilliant, baht she wahs a dahkahr sahprahno, raylly bettahr-suited fohr roles lahke Cahrmen... I rathah prafahh Johanne Suhtherlahnd..." "Oh, thaht remahnds me ohf this faymahs violin professahr I knew ihn Bawstahn..."
The most pretentious thing I'd ever heard. Of course, opera and "pretentious" go hand-in-hand.
My mom said this during intermission of Phantom about, well, the Phantom. Just the way she said it cracked me up:
"He's a BULLY!"
Sweeney a few weeks ago.
You can't make this up.
There was a morbidly obese woman sitting in front of me with her husband. At intermission:
Morbidly Obese Woman: Wait..wait...I don't get it. Are the people playing the instruments also characters?
Mind you, this was at intermission.
"He's a BULLY!" Not a bully, just selfish. "If I can't have her, no one can!"
"I was at a Broadway show and the woman next to me said, "can you believe it? Sarah Jessica is sitting two rows behind us. She's a doll. I loved her in the 80s." My first thought was 'why does Sarah Jessica Parker have worse seats than me?' I quickly turned around to discover it was Sally Jesse Raphael. Total celebrity buzzkill."
This isn't excatly from an audience member, but we were listening to random music in Marine Bio class and "On My Own" from Les Mis started to play(It said this on the computer screen) one idoit said ; "I don't know who Less Mizz is ,but they really suck."
Edit: I forget the name of the poster ,but the one about "The Color Purple and The Broadway Theaters" is GREAT!
Stupid people. Nicole is so hot.
Divabrigader---That's classic! It reminds me of a story from the days I worked for a local symphony. We were presenting a concert on Valentine's Day...Hanson's Romantic Symphony, another "lovey" piece, and a group of Puccini arias, including Mimi and Rodolfo's arias and duet from Act I of La Boheme. Consequently, the evening had been entitled "Arias D'Amour" (Songs of Love, for you non-French speakers)
So, I send out the press release, and a few days later, our local newspaper calls to follow up. One of the other girls in the office answers the call, and I hear her say , "Please, hold" and then burst out laughing. Seems the reporter on the other end of the line wanted to do an article on the concert, and needed to know who this Arias D'amour person was since there was no biographical information about them in the press release.
The three of us who worked in the office then made a vow, that should any of us achieve any sort of fame, our stage name would be Arias D'amour!
During high school, our theatre teacher instructed us to read a play and do this project over it. Whatever. Easy as pie. The only catch was that the teacher assigned which play we would have to research.
One of the students was assigned THE GOAT, OR WHO IS SYLVIA.
She got excited because she thought she was given a choice between the two.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Reminds me of freshman year Intro to Theatre class in high school. We were reading through Oedipus Rex, and EVERY FREAKING PERSON in my class pronounced it "Oh-di-pus." I wanted to scream out "IT's "Ed"! ED!!!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/4/05
I am guilty of one of these (for shame!). Yesterday in choir we sang Summertime and my best friend goes "Oh I like this song" and I told him "That's because its from a musical." He says "Oh right. Which one again?" and what is my answer? "Showboat." Once I realized that it was really from "Porgy and Bess" I felt so idiotic. I don't know WHERE I got Showboat though. Seriously.
I had a customer who just tried to order a CD---he wanted the original cast, but not a Broadway show.
I spit Mountain Dew all over my computer screen!
"There was a morbidly obese woman sitting in front of me with her husband. At intermission:
Morbidly Obese Woman: Wait..wait...I don't get it. Are the people playing the instruments also characters?"
Does the fact that she was morbidly obese add to the humor of the story for you? Would it have been less funny had she been thin?
I have to add my own stupid moment.
About halfway hrough the second act of The Color Purple, I turn to C is for Company and say "I think they're gay."
. . . . ugh.
My senior year in high school, one of the last research papers had to be on an act of fiction. I chose Les Miserables, the novel. My teacher was reading over some of our outlines and said, "Oh Amber... Les (pronounced correctly) Miserables (pronounced in American phonetics, the end rhyming with tables.). Excellent choice." I just didn't know what to say.