Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
"Oy. My friend, who isn't a theater person but generally enjoys the shows I drag her to, asked me today..."so, which city is bigger with theater? Chicago or New York?" A little piece of me died when she asked that."
Actually, they are pretty equal. New York has a much larger commerical theater enterprise (obviously), but Chicago has many more theater groups (most would be comparable to off-Broadway and off-off Broadway) and many more shows going on at any giving time than New York.
Stand-by Joined: 7/13/06
At the tour of Mamma Mia:
Girl: So what's the mom's name? Pepper, right?
Later, the same girl.
Mom: I didn't know there was a song called Dancing Queen in this.
Girl: Yeah, it was, like, the one where they were gay and stuff. With hairbrushes.
Mom: Hm. I SWEAR they called that something else back in the day.
Obviously, a brillant pair. Almost strangled them, as they talked through the ENTIRE SHOW.
And then a little piece of me died when I heard this and then remembered I am related to her.
Sister: Patti LuPone? I've heard of her! Isn't she going to be Elphaba after Shoshana leaves?
Just got back to NYC and sad to report I didn't run into any unintentionally hilarious tourists... besides the one guy saying "WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!" after ever line Greg Jbara said.
Swing Joined: 4/23/06
"OMG, one time I saw this musical Les Mis and it was so bad!
All they did was like sing, THE WHOLE TIME!"
I love how people don't know the definition of "musical".
One time, when I saw RENT at the Nederlander, I was sitting there...and the song "Rent" was being performed. These 13-ish-year-olds next to me had quite a humorous conversation:
(after "Rent")
Girl 1: Music? Ugh, I hope it's not like this the entire show.
Girl 2: Meeee toooo...
(after "You Okay Honey")
2: Let's keep a song count!
Sure enough, they kept count throughout the entire show. After number five or so, I leaned over and said, "Hey, RENT is a musical. There's going to be a LOT more songs..." One of them said, "Ohhh, okay. THANKS!" But they kept counting.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/24/06
When telling a coworker of mine that I was going to see Evita in London she said" Oh, I know that play , isnt that the story about a blonde girl and her microphones?"
Sister: Patti LuPone? I've heard of her! Isn't she going to be Elphaba after Shoshana leaves?
haha!!! that made my day.
Understudy Joined: 12/31/69
Not a surprising comment from the level of person who would discuss Elphaba and Shoshana in public
A blonde girl and her microphones? Londonskyguy How did your co-worker get that idea?
Featured Actor Joined: 7/24/06
Think back to the original poster and advertising,, with a picture of Patti LuPone ( blonde wig) standing in front of a bunch of microphones.
Oh I get it now.
I remembered some!
At Wicked, when Elphaba gives the Grimmerie to Glinda at the end, and says "Oh Elphie, you know I can't read this" (ya know, because it's in a ancient language taht only ELPHABA can read as they said 184901 times).
Lady next to me: "HAHAHAH!! she can't read!"
and when I saw Hairspray, there were was an old couple next to me, adn they were obviously very annoyed at the idea of integration, but they stormed out of the theatre when Penny and Seaweed started making out....
I was horrified, it's 2006 people!!!
"Lady next to me: "HAHAHAH!! she can't read!"
I laughed for about two mintues.
"and when I saw Hairspray, there were was an old couple next to me, adn they were obviously very annoyed at the idea of integration, but they stormed out of the theatre when Penny and Seaweed started making out...."
I would have got up and kicked those people.
The Cats synopsis made me almost choke on my drink.
Stephanie, that couple's behavior is appalling. It reminds me at one performance of Hairspray, I heard several audience members laugh when Darlene sang "though the night is black as my skin". That made me sick.
Yeah, I was furious, I couldn't believe that...
and that goes back to the thought: Why don't people research what they're seeing before shelling out $80?!
and if you are that close-minded how do you enjoy an art that is as liberal and OPEN-minded as THEATRE!?!?
oh well, they are going to hell. ahha
I don't know if this is really funny, but it was amusing as I was waiting in line to get into the Eugene O'Niell Theatre for Sweeney Todd this past Thursday.
very young boy: *looks at Patti LuPone's picture on the stage door* Is that a man or a woman?
very young girl: ummm It seems like her name is Patti, it must be a she
very young boy: No, it can't be! She's too ugly to be a girl.
very young girl: No, I'm pretty sure that's a woman.
very young boy: She must be TRYING to look VERY ugly then!
Also, the parents that were with these kids were talking about how their friend "Honey" got them these great seats for this great show.
woman 1: This looks kind of bloody and scary *looks around at the marquee*
woman 2: It's ok, Honey always picks the best shows to take children to.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/19/05
Look at the Times on the 31st, One of my theater audience member stories should be in Metro Diary.
July 31st? hell's yeah I'll look at it! love those things!
Stand-by Joined: 12/7/05
"and when I saw Hairspray, there were was an old couple next to me, adn they were obviously very annoyed at the idea of integration, but they stormed out of the theatre when Penny and Seaweed started making out....
I was horrified, it's 2006 people!!!"
My most embarresing moment was when I took my grandma to see Hairspray. I know it was about the early days of rockn roll, knew it had a man as a woman, but didn't realize some of the racial undertones in it. I usually try to choose musicals VERY carefully when going to one with her. To me it seemed like a fun little musical. Well, she was fine durng the pefformance. She is after all, an upstanding Southern, but at the intermission told me how "radical" the musical was. (concerning the intermingling of races. The shame.:) Thank god I never took her to see Rent. That taught me to research better when going to musicals with granny. Though obviously I think her views are arcane, I'm not going to change them, and there are non contreversial musicsl we can both enjoy. (Hey the French Revolution is kid of safe, right?:)
Love the song count on Rent. Would have "accidently" run over their toes in my wheelchair. (just kidding.)
This isn't a stupid tourist comment, it's just funny. And I love telling this story, so here goes.
A couple years ago, a friend and I were going to see Little Shop. On the way to Times Square, because we're, well, us, we were singing. The whole time. Mostly showtunes.
Actually, I think we were singing Chicago songs because I had just seen the movie and he had just seen the show.
So there we are, walking down 8th Avenue, singing "Roxie" at the tops of our lungs, when I noticed this woman walking behind us giving us a weird look. I said, "Oh, I'm sorry, are we being annoying?"
She goes, "No, I was just wondering if you take requests!"
It was one of my prouder moments. :)
Going to see Ave Q. a few months ago and there was this couple in the lobby down from the mezzanine talking and chatting it up! The first guy says This show is Hilarious! Second guy says yeah, do you know when Gary Coleman left the show?
Stand-by Joined: 2/10/06
i saw the tour version of the phantom of the opera and when i was going to the bathroom a girl asked her friend.. why is the pahantom so pissed? it seems like he had it going great for him... all i did was look back puzzled and then went back to my seats.
Not really an audience moment but funny never the less....after Sweeney Todd Pattii comes out and is signing things and taking pictures.....she gets into this convo with this lady goes a lil' something like that
Patti: oh yes I know where that is My mother is from there and lived there
Woman: Who is your mother?
Patti:My mother mother you dont know her
Woman:Who is she whats her name? I wonder if i have ever met her
Patti:No Im sure you havent *continues signing playbills*
Woman:*becoming insistent*Who is your mother I know everyone in(whatever town it was)
Patti: *in a tone only patti can give* My Mother is dead I'm sure you dont know her lol
The lady looked like she had been verbally punched in the face it was hilarious!
Updated On: 7/25/06 at 12:21 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
oooooo...that was bad! loL! My heart kinda felt for Patti!