Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Non-theatre geeks are stupid.
Overheard on 44th Street on December 30, walking past the Majestic:
Guy on the street (I'm assuming a tourist): "I thought this show closed awhile ago -- Phantom."
Me: It'll never close....
Same day, 8th Avenue. I'm walking south, and an older woman and her husband pass me going north. As she passes she says:
"Why does this always happen?!" (In reference to the crowd on the street)
Well, it is New Year's weekend after all...
Updated On: 12/31/06 at 10:57 AM
Inside Colony Records yesterday...
There was a lady talking to another lady. It went something along the lines of:
Lady #1: What is Les Miserables about?
Lady #2: It's this french play. The lead is Onjoelras [pronounced like that]. Basically everyone dies in a war.
Lady #1: Oh, is it any good?
Lady #2: It's alright.
Lady #1: Does it have songs like like Think of Me? I hate that type of music.
Lady #2: Basically it's like that. I've never seen it though.
My best friend and I had a field day making fun of them for hours!
Featured Actor Joined: 6/15/06
While trying to get to Port Authority a while ago a young boy clearly not from the States said to his mother:
"Wow, these Americans sure love their New Years!"
Broadway Star Joined: 10/30/06
Pronunciation, however, is not far off.
The "s" is clearly sounded when Enjolras is addressed,
although it sometimes sounds more like "hs".
p.s. To check, you may go to:
About The Show
Pronunciation by Claude-Michel Schonberg
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
YAY! First one of '07:
Friend who has no idea who Jay Johnson is and never saw his show: Yeah, I heard that closed cause it sucked! It said so in all of the reviews!
Understudy Joined: 3/30/06
This was a couple years ago.
I was talking to one of my "theatre-geek" friends (who goes to a different school than I did, and I was suggesting shows that their school could do. I mentioned A Chorus Line too wich she replied "Who would want to do that? Every actor has to stand in a line for the show."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
When I saw the DREAMGIRLS movie at the Ziegfeld Theatre last week:
Alright, so Beyonce had just had her final note in "Listen" and she is standing there
And this woman behind me says "Yeah, Effie!"
This is a totally true story. You seriously would hope someone would not be that stupid, but then again, you can only hope...
Leading Actor Joined: 2/22/05
Overheard at Spring Awakening the other night:
THIN PALE MAN #1: that Jonathan Groff is good. I've never seen him before.
THIN PALE MAN #2: yes we have - remember he played Tom Sawyer a few years ago? His picture was everywhere swinging on that vine thing.
Overheard during intermission at this evening's performance of "Spring Awakening" (1/6/06)
Teenage Daughter: Mom, get with it. The show takes place in the 1930's. Can't you tell by the costumes?
Mother: Oh. Well why haven't they mentioned Hitler?
Teenage Daughter: They probably will in the 2nd Act.
Needless to say, Hitler wasn't mentioned. At all. Doesn't anybody read their G_D_ program?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
Overheard outside before Butley.
Dumb Blonde 1: Oh, that's Butley (She pronounced it Boot Lee.) It's a one man show with that guy from The Birdcage.
Bumb Blondes 2 & 3: OMIGOD! Oh yeah! I've heard of that!
Walking into the theatre:
Tourist #1: Last time we were here we saw CATS and oh, was great! We were right in front so the cats jumped out at us! I'm taking the kids to see that tommorow.
^ o_O???
After Butley:
Two Dumb Blondes/Rentheads: Nathan Lane is over rated.
I said to them: So is RENT.
WOOOOOOOO! Hahaha. They got PISSED!
Two guys (kinda ghetto-ey.) come up to me and point to the Butley marquee.
Guy 1: Is the show about to start?
Me: It's already over.
Guy 2: SH*T! Man....
Guy 1: *shows me a clipping from what looked like Entertainment Mag.* Then where is this? (It's a stand up comedy club called Broadway Comedy or something like that.)
Me: Oh......that's not a broadway show, that's a comedy club.
Guy 2: We know, and this is it right?
Me: No.
Guy 1: SH*T man. Let's go.
They thank you....they just leave!
During a performance of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, I happened to be seated next to a group of uber-conservative, republican high school students from Texas on their Senior trip...
Lawrence: The Bush's of Tex were nervous wrecks because their son was dim...but look what happened to him!
Students: :::unamused, cricket-chirping silence:::
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
Some girl in my chorus class was reading the inlay card from a Dreamgirls CD. She said, "Just because it's the first line of the song doesn't mean it's the title of the song." Of course, she was talking about AIATYING. I replied, "It IS the title of the song." She replied, "No it isn't." I left it at that as I could tell I wasn't going to win with this one.
Another story. We're singing Over The Rainbow for our next concert. The teacher says it's from The Wizard of Oz. Some girl (different one) starts singing Ease On Down The Road. I say, "That's The Wiz." The teacher also corrects her.
Swing Joined: 1/2/06
"But I was at the Stagedoor for Mary Poppins and the lady goes. Oh! Can I have your autograph? You were wonderful! And I was like. Oh, I wasn't in the show. "
No joke, one time after Rocky Horror I saw a guy get approached by two people who thought he was Lea DeLaria. He smiled and took a picture with them. Probably signed their playbills, too, but I can't confirm that.
D2, that's one of the weirdest, most frustrating things--people not knowing how to read their playbills. I can't tell you how many times I've heard people debating things an actor has been in, without thinking to check the who's who. Best is when they go up to actors at the stage door, say so this is your debut, and the actor's this is my 6th Broadway show...which they would have known had they read the who's who
Yesterday at the Drowsy Chaperone stage door when Joey Sorge, the understudy for Aldolpho came out, this kid next to me said, "You have no idea how fast I want this show to close." Joey kind of laughed and looked at him puzzled, and the kid said, "I want to play Aldolpho." ...Awkward.
When Patrick Wetzel came out after just performing as Man in Chair, the same kid said, "I wish I had enough money to stalk people because you'd be like third on my list." Patrick laughed a little bit as well.
Too creepy!
Updated On: 1/7/07 at 12:16 PM
This is going back a while, but a friend of mine, after seeing "Falsettos" gave me his opinion.
"It's too jewish"
Off topic, but still funny, when I worked in a video store someone once asked for the movie "Tina and Louise".
Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
"But I was at the Stagedoor for Mary Poppins and the lady goes. Oh! Can I have your autograph? You were wonderful! And I was like. Oh, I wasn't in the show."
okay, when I saw Wicked my friend's mom had done Cabaret with Joel Grey so he told us to come back stage and after, we walked out through the stage door and all of these screaming fans are like, "OMG OMG OMG IT'S IDINA AND KRISTIN!!!!! AHHHHHH!" b/c I have blonde hair and my friend actually does kind of look like Idina. so they were shoving playbills at us and taking pictures. I signed about 20 playbills it was the funniest thing ever!
but the best part was that we had come down in the elevator backstage with Idina and she slipped out un-recognized.
I just got back from NYC and as I have many quotes, but one has really never left my mind. This happened last Wed when I saw the matinee of THE COLOR PURPLE:
Man: Wow, I had no clue that Celie was a lesbian?
Woman: Yeah, how weird, I don't remember that in the movie.
Man: It was not in the movie, they went around that subject in the movie.
Woman: Well, yeah they were smart not to put it in. I wonder what Steven Spilberg thinks about this musical, I wonder if he had a hard time letting them put it in the show.
Not really to funny..but found it interesting that the film director needs to give permission to what goes in and not goes in the the stage version...
This afternoon (1/7/07) at GREY GARDENS was a bonanza of overheard hilarity.
1. Waiting on line to pick up our tickets at will call. An elderly man and wife come in all flustered and see that there is only one window open. The woman comes up to my partner and me and says quite imperiously "Excuse me, but we have tickets to this afternoon's show." My partner just looked at her and said "So do we." The husband said "But I'm 72 - you're going to make me go to the end of the line?" And before we could say anything to him, the woman behind us said, quite loudly, "If you want to make it to 73."
2. Going into the theatre, a couple of elderly women talking.
Woman 1: "I saw SPRING AWAKENING a couple of weeks ago. At this same theatre."
Woman 2: "Oh, did that close already?"
Woman 1: "I don't think so, I think they moved it. Just like they moved this one. They do that a lot. It get's confusing."
Woman 2: "That's probably why tickets are so expensive. When Mary moved to Tampa last year it cost her a bundle."
3: Our seats were in the third row of the orchestra. A few minutes before the show began, a woman came rushing in to her seat in front of me in the second row. She looked at the person next to her and said "Wow, could we get any closer?" The gentleman looked at her like she was out of her mind and said "Yes. The first row."
4: On our way out of the theatre, a 30-something gay couple were arguing.
Man 1: "You said this was going to be like WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? It wasn't at all like that. First of all, they weren't sisters, and in the second act the crazy one didn't have blonde hair. She didn't have any hair!"
Man 2: "Shut up."
I'm so glad my own crazy mother taught me to eavesdrop. Sometimes it's more entertaining than the show.
Grey Gardens is full of crazy tourists! I saw it a week or so ago and I had these HILARIOUS middle aged couple who were A) all up in each other the ENTIRE show and B) the husband tried to sound uber-smart about Bway and would just spout wrong facts willy nilly and than his wife would correct him with even less-correct facts.
To MrsLovett7: Hahahahahaha, that's incredible.
A bit selfish and underhanded for my taste, but Brava!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
When I saw Dreamgirls the second time, these girls felt like they had to comment on everything. Here's what I remember:
When Effie leaves the doctor's office: She's pregnant
During AIATYING: She's crazy!
When it is revealed that Deena and Curtis got married: Whaaaaat?
When Deena leaves Curtis: He's all alone. Yeah, well he deserved it.
Sheesh. They wouldn't shut up.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/20/06
Sheesh. They wouldn't shut up.
Neither will you.
Can I just say thankyou, guys: discovering this thread has made my first day on this site so utterly hilarious!
My own story:
A couple of years back, I was in a production of "Anything Goes", and - as part of the director's conceit - there was this gangplank leading up to the ship on stage, which all of the main characters entered by. And as the curtain went up, a few different cast members began to emerge from the doors and the back of the theatre, and head onto the stage. Keep in mind, these people were in full 1920s costumes and makeup. Two old ladies from the second row could be heard SO loudly:
Lady #1 - Well, THOSE women are going up there!
Lady #2 - I think there must be seats by the stage.
Lady #1 - You think they have tickets?
Lady #2 - We'll ask at intermission.