I was looking through the paper yesterday and found an advertisement for the Rent tour coming near me. This is how the conversation went.
Me:Oh, Rents coming to town.
*My mom comes over to look at the advertisement*
My Mom: Its not the same people.
My Mom: Its not the same people that were in the movie.
Me: So you thought that some of the people in the movie that were original cast members would still be doing it? And even if that was true, this is the touring cast.
My Mom- Well I thought when you were in a Broadway show you did it for a really long time.
I could not believe my mom said that. She's seen a couple shows with me. She should know.
Updated On: 1/28/07 at 12:59 PM
Leading Actor Joined: 1/22/07
walking by "the little dog laughed" stagedoor as julie white came out i heard a tourist lady exclaim, "oh she's much older than i thought she was." Horrifying.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/28/06
Yesterday at the TKTS booth a woman was informing her friend about some of the shows...
"Well, Les Mis is a play, not a musical."
Oh god, I forgot the best one from yesterday.
I was showing my mom what shows were on TKTS (since she sent me over) and she asked me what THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED was. I said it was play, and that it was closing in a few weeks.
The couple in front of us leaned to eachother and said. "That kid's stupid, its not closing in a few weeks. It already closed. It only played like five performances. We had the unfortunate mishap of choosing it as a show to see. Worst show ever."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
DRSisLove - I admire you for not going crazy on their asses. God knows I would have.
I haven't seen the show, but judging from the reviews here and the fact that its run 100+ performances, I knew everything they said was wrong.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/04
An older couple sitting behind me at the matinee of Les Mis after the show...
The Wife: That one who played Fantine, she must've had a cold.
Me: No, she always sounds like that.
Husband: Geez, what were they thinking? She wasn't even pretty!
I was at Men's Wearhouse picking up my tux for the Tonys this past June and the person helping me asked what the tux was for. I told her I was attending the Tony's and she said "Oh! Congratulations on your nomination. Good luck!" I laughed and informed her that I was not in "The Color Purple". I am a 45 year old black man and I knew that she was referring to TCP without her even saying the show's name. My best friend, who was with me, kept congratulating me all day.
At the Tkts line
Girl: Whats Mamma Mia?
Boy: Mario and Luigi are on broadway!?
Women at Phantom: Boy , that was long
Man: Well it is the longest running show on broadway
Forgot these
I was walking past the richard rodgers while movin out was running
Man: Do you know whats going there next
me: the show just opened
man: well it says they are movin out
me: thats the name of the show
man: really? I never knew that!
When i was at Little Shop at intermission
Man: I love that show. It is So much fun
After The show. Same people
Women: How could you hate that?
At Les Miz a couple of weeks ago there was alittle boy behind me,he had to be no older then 10 and after Fantine dies he turns to his father and says "Did she fall asleep?"
An old lady in front of me in les miz
When fantine died
women:Thank god!I actually like the show now
At Spring Awakening...after I return from the ladies room, I sit down, acknowledge that that was some interesting Act I finale and hear this...
[Middle aged blonde female, a likely tourist, but a theatergoer]: she said something to the effect of: I walked out of Wicked during intermission because I couldn't stand that whiny witch, the blonde one...
(Various responses from a group of women, trying to figure out what character in Wicked she is refering to, and the actress who played the role of Galinda)
She was at lost with her name, but she was referencing Kristen Chenoweth. She did give props to her for Candide. :)
Well I helped the group solve their Kristen Chenoweth dilemma, and then some other random couple chimed in and asked me if I was with them. Which was just weird, I guess.
In the middle of Poppins:
Lady 1: "Oh she sounds just like Julie Andrews"
Lady 2: "Julie Andrews NEVER played MAry Poppins"
When Kristen made her entrance on stage in The Apple Tree"
Husband: "Who's she?"
Wife: "I dunno, must be someone famous or something"
Not really that funny but at Spring Awakening a mother covered her 13 {?} year old sons ears during the b*itch of living.
Updated On: 6/8/07 at 09:27 PM
I totally forgot about this... During the last Weekend of pirate queen, I finally got tickets... any way, seated in the balcony next to this couple and the woman turns to her husband and I hear something like "Its so nice that Mary gave us these tickets. Its too bad that she has the flu... I hope its not a musical, the last show I saw at this theatre was Les Miz, and I really didn't like it..."
You alread posted that.
Ok, I know this might not qualify as "hilarious" or even really a "comment" but it was pretty funny and I guess it counts enough to share it here....
So I was at a production of Bat Boy (uh this is kind of a spoiler if you haven't seen the show) and it was the scene after Shelly and Edgar sleep together and Shelly's mom comes on and reveals that she's Edgar's mother too. Shelly and Edgar just looked at each other in the most ashamed way and someone in the audience went really loudly "WHOOPS!" The entire audience just started cracking up!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/23/05
PurplePrince- You posted the EXACT same thing twice, if people cared they would have said something, but they didn't so get over it.
When I saw "Company" with my friend, he brought some popcorn into the theatre.
There was also two Mexican women right next to us (who didn't seem to be enjoying the show) and at one point were trying to talk on their cell phone.
A guy in front of us told them to turn it off. Then his friend said to him "They smell like tortillas!" He was smelling my friends popcorn and thought it was the Mexican ladies! I thought that was funny anyways :)
I was singing Take Me Or Leave Me tonight with the karaoke version of the song for my parent. It went like this:
Mom: This song she's playing has nothing to do with what she's singing. (Uhhh...That's why it's the karaoke version of the song...because it's the WRONG music...wth?)
Dad (in the middle): I know this song it's from RENT.
Dad (at the end of the song): That was terrible. Sounded nothing like it! This is the song where the girl is dancing on the top thingee right? (Referring to Mim's catwalk dance in Out Tonight)You didn't make it sound like her at all!
I just walked out.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
MTVMANN, how can you find that story funny? The man's comment was incredibly offensive.