Pretty sure an old woman in the audience orgasmed after two fellas sang Agony last night. Disturbing.
At the touring production of Mamma Mia! tonight. Walking in I heard this woman turn to her friend and say, "If this is half as good as Shrek it is going to be AMAZING!!!"
While sitting and waiting for People in the Picture to start, there were two boys who appeared to be 15 behind me.
Boy A: You know we're going to get all good at music and **** from all these musicals.
Boy B: It would be so chill to do shows like this when you're old, you know, just taking the piss out of Mormons and Holocausts and that **** for money. No homo.
Boy A: Yeah dude it makes me okay with society that people can make fun of the Holocaust now without it being a big deal or something. (Laughing) I wonder if it even happened man.
Boy B: (Also laughs) I dunno, I just hope this ****'s worth my money, I'm gonna be pissed if it's not as good as Book of Mormon.
I listened for what they had to say at the end, because they surprisingly came back after intermission. As they left, on Donna Murphy they said "What a bitch," on Nicole Parker one of them said "Wait was that the chick from Mad TV? Dude I wanted her mad hard," and on the whole they believed the show needed more jokes about "penises and other Jewish ****."
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
At a recent performance of A MINISTER'S WIFE at the Newhouse Theatre, a rather obese man turned to the lady beside him and asked, "Are you sure this is the same theater where we saw WICKED?"
Saw Carrie Fisher's Wishful Drinking this past weekend.
Couple behind me: HUSBAND: I think I liked the first half better.
WIFE: Yes, the second half was too much about her. I also didn't care for when she took her shoes off and sat down. She's doing a show, not sitting at home.
In May seeing Catch Me If You Can:
With the up most seriousness, like they were theatre experts:
"I'm only seeing this show because of Leo Norbert Butz, he was on broadway for a long time playing Mee-et in that show about his death"
After a COMPANY screening in June:
Old Man A:"What a weird show! It wasn't nearly as good as Priscilla! *whips out digital camera and proceeds to flaunt pictures taken during the show*
Old Woman A: "It was such a lovely show about some strange boys who like to dress up"
Old Woman B: "Didn't Bette Midler choreograph that show?"
Old Man A: "Yeah, and she's going to be in it soon."
Old Man B: "Oh honey, we should see THAT!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/6/04
I read these comments and I have to wonder where the hell do these people come up with their information???? are they just pulling it out of their ass or do they actually read it somewhere?!?! amazing
I saw next to normal in Providence and was surrounded by people who had no clue what it was about. At intermission, one woman turned to me and said, "Is Catch Me, I'm Falling literal? Did she drop him on his head?"
I thought it was hilarious.
I was in a store today when Streisand's "Woman In Love" came on. An elderly woman turns to her husband
Woman: "Honey, they're playing Fiddler On The Roof."
They then both started to sing along.
Swing Joined: 9/28/11
Overheard in the balcony at the top of intermission during Jesus Christ Superstar tour a few years ago in Chicago. Man and woman, probably in their 40's, apparently enjoying the show so far, "So what happens in Act 2?"
'I was in a store today when Streisand's "Woman In Love" came on. An elderly woman turns to her husband
Woman: "Honey, they're playing Fiddler On The Roof."
They then both started to sing along."
aww, that's so sweet!
Back in the '80's I was in line at the Times Square TKTS booth and when the woman in front of me reached the window, she asked whether they had any seats for Barefoot in the Park with George.
NoName3: that is brilliant. :)
I have a couple ...
On facebook when the hurricane was heading towards the city, I saw this gem: "frigen hurricane irene better not ruin my chance to see legally blonde on broadway.. i already have my pink outfit all picked out." I told her it closed a few years ago. To which she replied: "it's on tour right now." ... I didn't bother to explain it to her.
This one is more of a stagedoor encounter, but still amusing. One day my friends and I were waiting to talk to Sutton Foster. An ebay hounder was waiting as well. He showed us the pictures he was going to have her sign. His Millie picture was literally a random Millie from a high school production. We told him. But he still showed it to Sutton, she just laughed and said "that's not me." Dumbass.
Oh, the stagedoor stories I have. hahaha.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/17/10
At the stage door for Follies, someone asked Bernadette where she lived. I'll never forget her stunned expression as she stepped back, said "New York...", and quickly moved on to the next person.
I was directing two young girls to their theater, and told them to turn right where two young men were standing. "Oh, we have to stand during this show?" they asked. I just rolled my eyes when they walked away.
Without the the benefit of being able to visualize what you've described, it makes absolutely no sense.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Perhaps if it were about changes to Les Miz...
lol Namo-good try but not apropos to the situation.
For chichi-the two young girls thought they would have to stand in the audience of the show simply because I pointed to two men standing by the entrance. I guess you had to be there because everyone who was there was in a state of disbelief at what they said.
Perhaps this one will make more sense, Chichi-I was managing a theater years ago, and a young girl asked me if she could move up a few rows in the audience if the seat remained empty. I told her yes, but make sure the show had already started. She asked me how she would know when the show already started.
Over the summer, my friend and I did SRO for Book of Mormon and this family with a 10-11 year old boy walks out of the theatre and goes straight to stage door. After thanking one of the Mormon boys for a great performance, he sees the kid and the kid says "You were so good in the show!" and he chuckled and said "Wait! You saw the show?" The kid said yes and his parents were behind him. This man gave his parents the dirtiest look I have ever seen! We could not stop laughing!
Understudy Joined: 8/16/11
After reading this hilarious thread, it reminded me of a couple funny comments I have heard over the years. When I first saw CATS well into its run on Broadway, two ladies behind me were discussing Grisabella's departure to cat heaven after singing "Memory":
WOMAN #1: "...very sad moment, huh?"
WOMAN #2: "yeah, sad...but I think these are feral(ferile-sic) cats. I guess she wasn't fixed or had her shots...she would"ve maybe lived longer..."
WOMAN #1: "...You think?"
WOMAN #2: "Seriously...yeah."
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Saw the National Tour of Spamalot today and heard a couple good ones:
Teenage/early 20's guy to his girlfriend:
"I saw Young Frankenstein the Musical as was like 'oh my god, this is incredible!' and then I watched the movie and it was like 'oh my god, this is terrible! It's and white and stuff..."
Middle-aged woman during intermission, after going down and looking into the pit:
"There are actually instruments in there!"