Leading Actor Joined: 7/20/09
(At Hairspray on Broadway)
I was in line, waiting to get into the theatre. Behind me was a young boy (12 or 13) and his mother. He looked at the pictures of Marissa Perry and George Wendt and said: "Oh, man! This is the national tour! I don't want to see it anymore." To which his mother replied: "I paid two-hundred dollars for these tickets. We're seeing it."
Updated On: 7/29/10 at 05:33 PM
In line for tickets at Beauty and the Beast....
"I don't give a s**t how much the tickets are, my kid wants to see singing and dancing plates and if she isn't able to see them I'll be pissed. You don't want to see me pissed."
"I wanna see cats, I wanna see cats!!" Boy in 2009
A woman at the Wicked Box-Office
W-"Yeah I need 27 tickets for tonight's performance... "
B-"Ma'am we only have lottery seats...(she explains them to the woman)"
W-"I'd rather just buy them full price..."
Stand-by Joined: 3/11/10
At the next to normal stage door the other evening:
Woman (to Meghann): Is your brother coming out?
Meghann: Hmm?
Woman: Your brother. Is he coming out?
Meghann (really confused for a moment): I... OH! Kyle usually comes out. He should be.
^That's a wonderful one, angelplays.
I can't count how many times I've heard old women at the n2n stage door telling Louis Hobson that he's "too young to be a doctor."
In The Heights tour last weekend, my friend's first day as Sonny (I know, I'm saying it everywhere, but it's so exciting!
These two ladies at the stage door had seen the show the day before and come back because they loved it so much....but didn't realize that a new actor (who had a special insert in the playbill and everything) was playing Sonny, and they kept talking to themselves about when Shaun was coming out.
Granted, mid-run role changes don't happen very often, but...I just thought it was kind of amazing that you could see a show literally the next day (and be totally fangirling out over it...knowing all the actors' names, etc.) and not realize that there's a completely different person in front of you on stage.
A colleague once had to explain to someone that Sinatra died several years ago, so no, he will not being performing in 'Come Fly Away'.
A older gentleman to me after being told he wasn't able to get Addams Family tickets: "Oh, that's too bad. I really want to see Nathan Lane. I'M NOT GAY!" he said suddenly getting defensive for no particular reason, "I just...like his work."
A conversation between 2 friends of mine on facebook (today, august 18, when the wicked tour was well gone from philadelphia) was along the lines of:
1: WICKED!!!
2id you see it in new york or philly?
1:New york! I love seeing shows on broadway
2:Same! I just realized i was sick when I saw it in philly. I'm gonna try their lottery next weekend. how much do you think i'll win?
1: probably a few hundred thousand dollars and a ticket to the show! lucky.
I get really bummed when people are stupid. dont be stupid, stupid.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/13/08
Last week, in front of the Longacre
Man (pointing to the La Cage marquee:) Denzel Washington used to be in that, you know...
A woman sitting behind me at Night Music last week kept telling her husband that the show takes place in Scotland.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/30/08
A woman once ask for a refund for Les Mis because they had cut the helicoptor scene...
If that's really true, you may have just 'won' this entire thread!
July 22nd @ NEXT TO NORMAL
During intermission I go up to Tom Kitt (who was taking notes in the audience) and got his autograph. I left to go to the bathroom when I returned the women next to me said "A women went to get an autograph from that man, but didn't know who he was...who is he?"
On the same day...
Walking to the show with my sister:
Sister: What show are you watching?
Me: Next to Normal
Sister: Didn't you watch that already? (Which I did)
Me: Yeah
Sister: That's the one with the Spanish people, right? (referring to IN THE HEIGHTS)
At Chris Jackson's last show of ITH
Boy (about preteen) to his mom: I really hope we get the same Benny as last time! I think his name was like Christopher Jackson.
That one made me laugh, but after the same kid, just seconds later, watched a video clip of LMM on a screen, he turns to see LMM live and goes "What the hell!! It's really you!"
Updated On: 11/25/10 at 06:17 PM
At the Longacre Theatre downstairs in the lounge a woman says "This lounge looks familiar". She pauses a few seconds and says "Oh now I remember, we saw Lion King here"
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
The fine people at Lincoln Center have helped us out.
Too bad they didn't hear the person behind my friends and me exclaim "Finally!" when Stokes started singing when we saw Women on the Verge on Saturday.
Outside of Wicked in London
Woman: 'Well that certianly was NOT The Wizard Of Oz'
At a local theatre production two women were talking about something which I didn't catch then one said
' That's about as useful as an all black production of Hairspray'.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/11/10
Girl from college on Facebook during the 2010 Tonys- the La Cage performance:
What is that "woman" doing sitting on Mr. Shue's lap?
Said girl is no longer my Facebook friend.
I'm slowly working my way through this lovely thread, but in the meantime, I thought I'd add my own story.
Two late-middle-age couples from somewhere in the vicinity of NYC, but not within the five boroughs (they were very chatty; I gleaned one couple had a daughter in school in Manhattan, so they'd been visiting a lot) sat behind me at TIME STANDS STILL. I don't know how or why they came to be in possession of their tickets, but they had *no idea* about *anything* relating to the play.
One of the husband spent the 10 minutes before curtain quizzing his friends about what they thought it would be about. Most of them assumed it was a light comedy, for some reason. But my favorite comment was, "Well, the title -- TIME STANDS STILL. Hmm. I suppose that could refer to a lot of things."
At intermission, after a lengthy post-applause pause, one of the wives said, "Well... this is awfully cheery." They all got a big kick out of that.
Understudy Joined: 5/3/09
Overheard while sitting outside Next to Normal:
"Is that the one where she sees her dead son? And then he sings to her?"
In the lounge area at the Booth before a performance of Next to Normal:
Man dragged to the show by his wife who had no idea what it was about: "I think it's a comedy."
He was also explaining how musicals = comedies and more serious dramas could not be musicals.
Not quite a theatre.
But, I work at a fast food joint and I like to play musicals, to 'educate' the customers. Was playing Bernadette Peters!GYPSY and someone actually commented on it saying how much they love Barbara Streisand!!
Chorus Member Joined: 4/29/11
like the product as in cosmetic product wtf ???