He's not even cute enough for this biz. And I can tell by his pic that he'll be bald before he's 30...and fat.
Besides, with no vocal training he'll never be able to perform 8 shows a week for a year or two. His voice will be shot.
If someone doesn't shoot him first...
I'm with robbiej on this one. What a show!
People, honestly.
I'm that sucker P.T. Barnum used to target with everything he ever produced... and even I didn't fall for this one.
Such EFFORT, THOUGHT and CARE put into putting him into his place.
His place is in the top left drawer of my dresser, next to the REST OF MY SOCKS.
Let's make one thing clear, getting a lead in your high school shows doesn't mean you'll make it on Broadway. If you are saying "I'll only do leads" then be ready to be unemployed most of your career.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/05
I didn't actually think there was anyone who actually WANTED an MTV Award. Good luck transcending genres!
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
dude, no offense but if your head gets any bigger its gonna go BOOM!!!
Seriously, I'm 15, and I have been in almost 24 more shows then you (and 17 of them leads) and I dont go around saying "Ohh yea I am to good for lessons and I'm gonna be on Broadway" cuz you know what, THERE IS NO GURANTEE (sp) I would REALLY like to be on Broadway some day, but I know that is gonna take ALOT of hard work, energy, alot of rejections and alot of strenght, all of those you lack. You seriously think your gonna get to NYC and automaticly get chosen to play idk Simba in "Lion King"? cuz if you are then you have ALOT of dissapointment ahead of you. I take voice lessons, you know why CUZ I WANT TO HAVE MY VOICE GET STRONGER!Your voice is never gonna be as good as it CAN be if you dont have lessons. Men's voices dont stop changing till their 30 or so, and your in college so your in your early 20's (I think) so you certainly need them too. Almost every person on Broadway takes lessons still, All the actress's playing Elphaba in WICKED take them almost daily. And also, those parts you listed in "resume" on here, most arent even the leads in the show. Good luck, you will be needing it.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/1/07
I don't think it's the fact that people are jealous, because it's not like any of us have seen you perform. For all we know, we could all be better than you.
The fact of the matter is that you're arrogant and cocky, and that's why you're being mocked. Going from leads in college and high school to an ensemble on Broadway, or heck, even on tour, isn't a step back in your career. I mean, sure there are stories where an unknown 18 year old tries out and all of a sudden lands a lead in a huge show and goes on to win Tonys, ie. Lea Salonga, but in the last 20 years, I've yet to hear of someone who's achieved what she had at her age.
You're probably one of those kids that if you don't get a huge role, you'd get your mom to call the director and whine about it?
Sounds about right.
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
^ Haha true he prolly does. He prolly is one of those kids that comes from a family that thinks they hold the upper hand in everything.
But seriously dude, get a reality check. I suggest you try OFF Broadway first, see if you can handle a full out gig like that.
^^^ how about seancody.com?
Updated On: 11/16/07 at 09:32 PM
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
Chorus Member Joined: 11/1/07
Oh yeah AllShowsrock, that reminds me of another point.
Isn't high school and colleges like 4 performances a week and only on weekends or something?
At least my high school's like that.
Off Broadway/Broadway is 8 shows a week.
Do you think you can handle that?
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
eeh the school I go to we do 2 weekends and the regional theater I'm in we do around 2 weeks of shows. But yea NOTHING compared to 8 shows A WEEK for however long the show runs. If you dont get lessons....bye bye voicy.
This is the most fun reading I've had in a long time. Thanks!
Another hundred puppets just got off of the train
And came up through the ground,
While another hundred puppets just got off of the bus
And are looking around
At another hundred puppets who got off of the plane
And are looking at us
Who got off of the train
And the plane and the bus
Maybe yesterday.
I'll play!
If you really, truly love what you're doing, it shouldn't matter where you do it. You should be able to do regional theatre and Off-Broadway and work at it like everyone else... and be happy about it. Yeah, it's not always glamourous (sp?), but, you deal. If you're not going to be happy until you get your starring role 5 minutes after stepping off the bus at Port Authority, then I don't know if I honestly believe your heart's in what you're doing.
(I can't believe I just wrote that...)
>> Ang....did I ever say I was perfect..NO...
Kevin, of course you DID say you are perfect. It's all over you responses.
>> I don't need lessons...singing/dancing/acting otherwise.
THERE IT IS! See, you're perfect and don't need lessons. Only PERFECT people do not need lessons. Because they've grown as far as they can. There is nothing else for you to learn, obviously! Thus, you must be the PERFECT PERSON. So, yes, you said it!
>> all my roles that I have done I have sung, danced,
>> acted......a triple threat. Why would someone take lessons in
>> something that they can do naturally.
Hmmm, perhaps to grow? To improve [if they're not as perfect as you already] and to learn new techniques as your body and voice age and change, and they do and will. To keep the talent fresh in between shows . . .to break any bad habits you may form or have already . . . etc., etc.
>> We had Tony awards in high school and I won 3 of them
Anywho, your a phony and we all know it. Anyone with an ounce of brains knows that high school does NOT count. You are, at best, a high school or middle school child trying to troll the board.
And until you're willing to accept PM and send me your real e-mail address and "real" contact info. No one is as snobby, ridiculous or insane as you in real life -- except playing children. And if you say it's jealously, you're probably a mental patient somewhere with delusions of grandeur and the IQ of a hen! Well, I don't want to insult any 10-year-old children on here . . . but your mental capacity is quite low.
>> Can't really quit school so far into the game.
Can't really be a real student with the attitude, spelling, and words you're saying -- as you must know more than your professors by now, if one bit of this was real.
> Yes, I am going to move to NYC right after I graduate . . .
I'll believe it when I see it. Hey, let's chat on the phone! I have free nighttime minutes . . . send me, in pm, your digits and I will call you tonight.
>> and get my first Broadway show in a leading role.
Keep dreaming, delusional weirdo or silly little child.
>> ..that's right...I will do it. Just you watch.
You have YouTube, we can see you in all your talented glory -- then we'll tell you! As proud as you are, you must be willing to display your talent via video to all of us jealous has-beens, right?
P.S. Yes, the thread is still going. But, hey, I feel good when a 15-year-old tells us he has been enjoying the thread. And perhaps, it will help a talented, intelligent young person wanting to know the real story.
I guess we can credit Kevin with that much. He opened up a discussion that lead to a lot of information for any up and coming Actor/Singer who wants to be realistic and try their hand at a Broadway career!
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
Man you guys are gonna feel really stupid when SS is a big star. I hope you remember- I was the NICE one SS and sign my playbill at the stagedoor!
Don't come to Broadway. Stay in Cali and write for a sitcom!! you're too funny for Broadway.....I really love the post about playing Motel in Fiddler. Priceless!!!
You are most definitely not real.
Lord Boxington?
That is absolutely fabulous.
And this guy is totally real. He was a great Herr Zeller in a production of "The Sound of Music" that I saw a few years ago.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/26/07
You do realize that it is almost impossible to have a successful career on Broadway. The way the chain usually works is that you have to do Off-Broadway first (or if your really talented, a Broadway Chorus) for a while just to get your name out. Then, you could be an understudy for a while. Lastly, if you are AMAZING, you get the opportunity to star in a show.
And no, your agent can't just make it so that YOU don't have to wait in line while everyone else does. Maybe if you're the equivalent of Chita Rivera or Julie Andrews, but it takes a lot of HARD WORK to get to that point. And no, college productions don't count as a lot of hard work. Take that, and do it three or more times over.
Not trying to be negative, just telling the truth.
Why is anyone even trying to explain things to this person?
He needs nothing explained to him.
When I saw him, I said to myself: "I just saw the next Edmund Lyndeck!"
I can't sing for sh*t, y'all, but I'm gonna be on Broadway next week.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/12/06
Why is this thread so long?!
Whoops, I contributed.