"I don't want to wait in line and audition for Broadway."
Either this is one of the best jokes ever, or you sir are just a jack a$$.
woah woah woah
voice lessons are not only for people who need to learn how to sing. where the hell did you get that from?
I smell a dirty sock puppet.
Look to see how many broadway actors still take voice lessons
ss, you amuse me! Carry on!!
"here I thought that I could post on this board to make connacts and get the ins and outs of Broadway." Ins and outs? of the casting couch?
Oh and btw I kept your spelling mistake, (it is contacts)
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/04
This is almost as good as the deer thread.
I'm kind of curious whose picture he stole from MySpace to use as his avatar.
wtf hahahahaha
>> That is an awesome story about your 18 year old friend...that
>> is what I'm talking about. When the casting people see how
>> talented you are, they will cast you immediately because
>> they want to have talented people in the show.
And team players . . . you are NOT that. And yeah, I do believe you are a troll. Definitely!
>> With my resume and the roles that I have played,
>> it just makes so much sense.
Oh yeah, right! LOL!
So, if you're not a troll . . . what's your "real name"? So we can watch your career. And hey, by the way, I happen to know quite a few casting directors, agents and managers here in New York -- and have friends on Broadway. Thus, you'd have to give us a name for any contacts on this board. Go ahead!
>> Look to see how many broadway actors still take voice lessons
Correct! Many, many . . .
>> here I thought that I could post on this board to make
>> connacts and get the ins and outs of Broadway . . .
Only way to make contacts and tell us your name. So, we can really find out who you are. Troll!
>> and you have to say such cruel things. Have I ever done
>> anything to you?
Yes, once again . . . you are saying cruel things to everyone on this board! All of very, very talented, hard-working, more deserving than you, in voice lessons [even though we know how to sing, but want to keep our instrument fresh, in focus and improve] and playing lead roles bigger and better than yours. You are saying cruel things in your very demeanor. So, yes, you are "doing it" to us.
BUT, since you are a troll and just being an jerk and total a&@hole. Walk your talk (typing) . . . Why aren't you in New York right now? What the hell is holding you up? What is all this talk . . . get over here, tomorrow and get your agent, manager and do not work, no classes or improvement of your instrument and take your lead roles. There are several auditions this week, I'm sure you can do this very quickly.
Check the listings and call the casting director yourself and just tell him or her what you have been telling us -- and maybe you won't have to wait in any line. They will, obviously, put you ahead of all the Equity actors with appointments (even though that is illegal -- agent or no agent, Equity has first choice of appointments) and you won't be required, by any means, to do anything proactive in your career.
In fact, wow, I'm sorry . . . Is that you, Nathan Lane?! LOL!
I can't believe you people are wasting your time and thoughts typing long posts to someone who is putting you on.
Well, Kevin Miller . . .you best learn the business side of the industry before you think "it's that easy"! LOL!
"How To Agent Your Agent" is a great book . . .
and again, "How To Sell Yourself As An Actor" by K Callan is another.
I mean, right . . . you're perfection and shouldn't take one more lesson. I get it! I'm surprised you don't drop out now and come here. I mean, come one, do you really need school or a degree with your talent? I think not!
Leading Actor Joined: 7/12/07
So, you're just gonna move to NYC, and immediately you'll be praised by everyone and land a starring role on Broadway in one shot?
...And you said you don't have an ego? I agree with others; you need to really find out the process and dedication it takes to get up there...
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/06
Thank you ssfun90067. I have had a long week and your comments have provided me with the good laugh that I needed.
Have you thought about performing in Forbidden Broadway or some other show where you could benefit from making others laugh?
Besides the oodles and oodles of talent that you keep going on and on about...you should also mention that you are VERY modest. Maybe you could put that on your resume under "special talents?"
Don't get me wrong...if you're good, then you're good. However, I think you're either: A) incredibly naive in your thought process, or B) incredibly stupid in your thought process, or C) BOTH A and B. (I'm leaning toward option "C", personally)
I'm sure if you ask even the most seasoned professionals, you will find out that it's not as easy as you think it will be. I'd be willing to bet your going to have to work your a$$ off to get into that chorus that you so despise.
And hey...since you won't have to worry about money issues since you clearly are going to get that starring role, like...tomorrow (even BEFORE the strike ends!)...maybe you can TEACH someone how to be as wonderful as you...(and charge a fortune of course!)
BTW...don't try telling me that I am jealous of your talent...it won't work and couldn't be further from the truth.
Updated On: 11/16/07 at 07:54 PM
I'm not sure. But I think it's talking to itself now.
hahahahaha wow. You sound like this kid I know who thinks he the best as well, i guarantee, there is someone in one of your shows that is just as good or even better then you. I think what we all need is proof so make a video of you acting, singing, and dancing and i guarantee there are people on this thread who have much experience in theater so youll probably get some tips. And btw, take singing, dancing, and voice lessons
Broadway Star Joined: 5/14/04
This is terrific comic relief from the strike and union threads. If this is a real person, OMG! If this is someone pulling our virtual legs, then he is funnier than hell!
How can anyone be jealous of something they have no knowledge of? We don't know you and haven't seen the perfection that needs no lessons.
He's not even cute enough for this biz. And I can tell by his pic that he'll be bald before he's 30...and fat.
Besides, with no vocal training he'll never be able to perform 8 shows a week for a year or two. His voice will be shot.
If someone doesn't shoot him first...
I'm with robbiej on this one. What a show!
People, honestly.
I'm that sucker P.T. Barnum used to target with everything he ever produced... and even I didn't fall for this one.
Such EFFORT, THOUGHT and CARE put into putting him into his place.
His place is in the top left drawer of my dresser, next to the REST OF MY SOCKS.
Let's make one thing clear, getting a lead in your high school shows doesn't mean you'll make it on Broadway. If you are saying "I'll only do leads" then be ready to be unemployed most of your career.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/12/05
I didn't actually think there was anyone who actually WANTED an MTV Award. Good luck transcending genres!
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
dude, no offense but if your head gets any bigger its gonna go BOOM!!!
Seriously, I'm 15, and I have been in almost 24 more shows then you (and 17 of them leads) and I dont go around saying "Ohh yea I am to good for lessons and I'm gonna be on Broadway" cuz you know what, THERE IS NO GURANTEE (sp) I would REALLY like to be on Broadway some day, but I know that is gonna take ALOT of hard work, energy, alot of rejections and alot of strenght, all of those you lack. You seriously think your gonna get to NYC and automaticly get chosen to play idk Simba in "Lion King"? cuz if you are then you have ALOT of dissapointment ahead of you. I take voice lessons, you know why CUZ I WANT TO HAVE MY VOICE GET STRONGER!Your voice is never gonna be as good as it CAN be if you dont have lessons. Men's voices dont stop changing till their 30 or so, and your in college so your in your early 20's (I think) so you certainly need them too. Almost every person on Broadway takes lessons still, All the actress's playing Elphaba in WICKED take them almost daily. And also, those parts you listed in "resume" on here, most arent even the leads in the show. Good luck, you will be needing it.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/1/07
I don't think it's the fact that people are jealous, because it's not like any of us have seen you perform. For all we know, we could all be better than you.
The fact of the matter is that you're arrogant and cocky, and that's why you're being mocked. Going from leads in college and high school to an ensemble on Broadway, or heck, even on tour, isn't a step back in your career. I mean, sure there are stories where an unknown 18 year old tries out and all of a sudden lands a lead in a huge show and goes on to win Tonys, ie. Lea Salonga, but in the last 20 years, I've yet to hear of someone who's achieved what she had at her age.
You're probably one of those kids that if you don't get a huge role, you'd get your mom to call the director and whine about it?
Sounds about right.
Stand-by Joined: 11/16/07
^ Haha true he prolly does. He prolly is one of those kids that comes from a family that thinks they hold the upper hand in everything.
But seriously dude, get a reality check. I suggest you try OFF Broadway first, see if you can handle a full out gig like that.
^^^ how about seancody.com?
Updated On: 11/16/07 at 09:32 PM