Featured Actor Joined: 9/14/15
On paper Sutton might’ve seemed wrong for Violet or Reno but those were her best performance to date, imo. She’s proven that she’s a great actress, and if they trust her enough to lead such a large production I have no doubts she can sing the score.
Ok. I am so excited for this!
Holy hell, this won't be out for a long time though. UGH.
JayElle said: "tickets likely 700m in orch, but I wonder if current theater goers know who she is...6 years a long time"
Oh ffs, she's a SIX time Tony-nominee and twice winner. Not to mention she is quite prolific with her concerts. People know who she is. Additionally, I'm not sure what you mean by "current theater goers" - theater going audience still skews heavily 40+ who have all seen her before.
Understudy Joined: 7/18/06
Would rather see Gavin Creel as Hill and Foster as Paroo, but am excited for this production nonetheless.
ColorTheHours048 said: "I love Sutton, but is anyone else thrown by how... totally wrong she is for the role?"
No no, I completely agree with you. I adore Sutton Foster and have loved her in everything I've seen her in, but this does seem way out of left field. I'm trusting that she's hiding a legit soprano voice in there that we just haven't seen yet. The only glimpse of that we have is at the end of the reprise of "Show Off" where she does one note.
We saw her play subtle, innocent, and vulnerable in Violet so I know she'll be great with that part of the role. Just super curious about the singing portion (something I never thought I'd say about her!)
JayElle, why do you have to be so damn negative all the time. Of course people know who she is, she’s on a hit TV show that has had 6 seasons, and she is a Six time tony nominee. Come on.
I just can't imagine she'd have been cast without singing the score though. Especially a show this high profiled.
I really don't know about this one. I just don't think she's the right voice for this at all. She is a name however and will help sell tickets, but honestly most people are buying tickets solely for Jackman. They could've cast a complete unknown as Marian and it wouldn't have mattered. I bet she takes the David Hyde Pierce slot, below the title.
_(•_&bull_/ said: "JayElle, why do you have to be so damn negative all the time. Of course people know who she is, she’s on a hit TV show that has had 6 seasons, and she is a Six time tony nominee. Come on."
I'm a "people" and I've never heard of her. I don't know her tv show or concerts and I'll lay odds a lot of other folks don't either. I'm entitled to my opinion as you are.
Is the average age like 14 on here now?? How do people not know who Sutton Foster is.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/31/08
Sutton is like...very well known because of Younger. You can be famous and still have people not know who you are. Why do people anectodally assume since they don’t know anyone they’re not a draw? The same thing happened with Dove Cameron. I don’t know who any NFL players are- that doesn’t mean they don’t have huge followings.
Can't speak for everyone, but id say 95% or more of the people on this board and people who attend theatre in NYC regularly know who she is. I wouldn't say she's a huge ticket seller, but a name for sure. Jackman is the one selling these tickets for the most part.
People comparing Dove Cameron to Sutton Foster?
I should just delete my account.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/31/08
Where did I compare Sutton and Dove’s talents? I meant no one on here knew who she was...except for that she has over 20 million instagram followers. Similarly, just because tons of people don’t know who Sutton is...tons do. You don’t need everyone to know who you are to be “famous” was my point.
Updated On: 3/25/19 at 02:27 PMHow does any self-respecting theatre fan not know who Sutton Foster is? I'm not even a huge fan, but damn girlfriend. Where have you been?
My first reaction upon hearing this news was, "I'm thrilled! But can she sing this?" I was greatly encouraged by what producer Scott Rudin says in the Hollywood Reporter article today:
"I've been a giant, besotted fan since Millie," Rudin told The Hollywood Reporter, speaking about Foster. "I think she's brilliant and I've wanted to work with her for years. In terms of what we're going for in this production, which is a rich, exciting, vibrant love story, she's a fantastic partner for Hugh. When this show works brilliantly it's when the Marian is a genuine obstacle to him, and I think she'll be that in spades."
"I've heard her sing it, I think she sings it better than anyone has ever sung it since 1957 and I think she's going to be completely stunning in it in a way that people do not have even the barest understanding of right now," added Rudin, hinting also at further enticing casting to come in the show's key supporting roles."
I AM SO G-DDAMNED excited for this! I'm expecting a lavish glorious production like DOLLY, and can't wait to watch the casting unfold for the other roles.... :)
TNick926 said: "My first reaction upon hearing this news was, "I'm thrilled! But can she sing this?" I was greatly encouraged by what producer Scott Rudin says in the Hollywood Reporter article today:
"I've been a giant, besotted fan sinceMillie," Rudin toldThe Hollywood Reporter, speaking about Foster. "I think she's brilliant and I've wanted to work with her for years. In terms of what we're going for in this production, which is a rich, exciting, vibrant love story, she's a fantastic partner for Hugh. When this show works brilliantly it's when the Marian is a genuine obstacle to him, and I think she'll be that in spades."
"I've heard her sing it, I think she sings it better than anyone has ever sung it since 1957 and I think she's going to be completely stunning in it in a way that people do not have even the barest understanding of right now," added Rudin, hinting also at further enticing casting to come in the show's key supporting roles."
I AM SO G-DDAMNED excited for this! I'm expecting a lavish glorious production like DOLLY, and can't wait to watch the casting unfold for the other roles.... :)"
He went out of his way to assure fans of her too, God I can't wait for this. I've never seen The Music Man live either so this will be a hell of a way to see it for the first time!
Mike Barrett said: "Can't speak for everyone, but id say 95% or more of the people on this board and people who attend theatre in NYC regularly know who she is. I wouldn't say she's a huge ticket seller, but a name for sure. Jackman is the one selling these tickets for the most part."
And I guarantee only HIS name will be above the title, for sure. Just as only Robert Preston's name was above the title in the original production, with Barbara Cook one of the featured players listed below title.
Same as Bette above the title for the recent Dolly. David Hyde Pierce listed below. Regardless, the pairing of Jackman with Foster has great promised, to my mind.... :)
GeorgeandDot said: "How does any self-respecting theatre fan not know who Sutton Foster is? I'm not even a huge fan, but damn girlfriend. Where have you been?"
If Sutton hasn't been on Broadway for years, why would you assume recent theater goers would know her? Forget her tv show or instagram. Not everyone follows her and not everyone watches her show.
And now some people here feel her voice isn't right for the show.
As stated in the Rudin interview with THR - she sang the score for them. I'm thrilled to hear a new part of her voice.
The only time Sutton has been woefully miscast was THE WILD PARTY. Outside that she has shocked us in VIOLET & ANYTHING GOES. I can't wait to see this.
JayElle said: "Mike Barrett said: "Can't speak for everyone, but id say 95% or more of the people on this board and people who attend theatre in NYC regularly know who she is. I wouldn't say she's a huge ticket seller, but a name for sure. Jackman is the one selling these tickets for the most part."
Agreed. This show already sounds like it will have a huge weekly nut. I'm no expert but I think Rudin would have been wiser to just have Hugh Jackman as the only 'name' and have the rest of the cast be very talented unknowns. I know if I were an investor I'd much prefer that since the weekly nut would certainly be lower.
Remember for Hello Dolly, it took a long while for that production to recoup and investors didn't really profit from it (like only 5%?) as much as they were expecting to.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/15/11
This is very disappointing. They didn’t need to cast someone famous as Hugh alone will bring in the crowds- they just had to get the right Marian. And it ain’t Foster. Her voice is horrible and nasal. I don’t want to hear her murder these songs. I hope she has lots of scheduled absences.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
It's fairly common for great high belters to have a legit voice. If singers with excellent training can hit such high notes in their chest voice, they can generally sing them in their head voice. I trust Rudin, and I trust Sutton and her enormous amount of experience. I suspect she will be mixing most of the score, but she can really do no wrong in my book! Welcome back, oh great one!!