jo said: "Interesting that both Telecharge and the Shubert Organization have tweeted the news immediately. Is that a broad hint as to what kind of theatre to expect for this exciting revival"
I thought Schubert owned Telecharge.
GeorgeandDot said: "How does any self-respecting theatre fan not know who Sutton Foster is? I'm not even a huge fan, but damn girlfriend. Where have you been?"
I started theater going 3 years ago. She's not been on stage in the last 3 years. I don't waste my time with tvland.
JayElle, she's a Broadway legend. Do you not know who Audra Mcdonald is because she hasn't been on Broadway in a few years? <<edited by BWW staff>> I didn't watch her TV show and I know who she is. If you're going to call yourself a theatre fan, you need to know stuff that came out before 3 years ago. And I genuinely don't think she's right for this part at all, but she's still a contemporary legend.
Updated On: 3/25/19 at 03:16 PM
Also Sutton has been onstage in the last three years - SWEET CHARITY. It just wasn't on Broadway.
I don't know her tv show or concerts and I'll lay odds a lot of other folks don't either.
You would be wrong. Everyone besides you on this board knows who she is. Obviously people on here love theater more than most, but the average theater goer knows who she is through her many, many stage roles. And she has been on stage in the last three years, she was brilliant in Sweet Charity.
Would have loved to see Norm Lewis, but I understand their decision. Sutton will be wonderful for this role, she will definitely sell tickets. Exciting.
Why argue with someone who doesn't know Sutton Foster? That seems like a waste.
I think people who know Broadway know who Sutton is. I think this will be a wonderful new challenge for her voice, and I expect to be very happily surprised. And I do think it takes someone special to stand up to Hugh's lead and I think the two of them will play off one another delightfully.
I've had to take a couple years off my annual Broadway trips to New York because of two kids in daycare, but let me tell you I will be snatching up tickets to this and figuring out the rest of the trip logistics and cost later. Can't wait!!!
Chorus Member Joined: 1/1/08
I'm so excited for this but this is so far into the future. I wonder if Sutton will do another limited show before then. I miss seeing her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/03
a) Ms. Foster is not as famous as Mr. Jackman - really.
b) she's terrific and folks should just wait and see her before being all doom and gloom
c) For those who are saying she's hugely famous because of Younger - no. It's been on TV Land, not CBS, NBC, or ABC or even any of the major cable channels or streaming services. TV Land.
d) Famous to theatergoers? Since "star" and "famous" seem to have lost all real meaning, yes, she's well-known to the theater community, but, to bring it back to "a" - not even in the same ballpark as Mr. Jackman.
Hopefully, Mr. Zaks and Mr. Carlyle will be as respectful of The Music Man as they were with Dolly. It's one of my favorite shows.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
Count me as someone who’s pretty underwhelmed by the casting of Sutton Foster! I acknowledge how super talented she is, but I’ve personally never particularly enjoyed her voice. But it’s more that I wish they’d gone for someone who on the face of it is as talented but better suited for the role .... like Meghan Hilty or even Kristin Chenoweth. I’m sure she’ll do a stellar job though because she’s an absolute pro!
musikman said: "ColorTheHours048 said: "I love Sutton, but is anyone else thrown by how... totally wrong she is for the role?"
No no, I completely agree with you. I adore Sutton Foster and have loved her in everything I've seen her in, but this does seemway out of left field. I'm trusting that she's hiding a legit soprano voice in there that we just haven't seen yet. The only glimpse of that we have is at the end ofthe reprise of "Show Off" where she does one note.
We saw her play subtle, innocent, and vulnerable in Violet so I know she'll be great with that part of the role. Just super curious about the singing portion (something I never thought I'd say about her!)
Although she is not really my cup of tea I respect her talent- her voice doesn't fit the role at all but who knows?
If someone is said to be not right for a role, or miscast, as one is likely to feel about Sutton if you only experienced her in Anything Goes where she was bold and brassy and dominated the stage, can a good actress adapt herself or learn to play another role where the character is of a very different temperament?
In reference to Ms. Foster, a very smart casting choice.
I'm curious to see what the artwork will look like. The fonts they've chosen so far have leaned more toward the same color scheme and stylistic approach as Carousel rather than following the Hello, Dolly! formula and using something that closely approximates the original artwork.
Useless to debate if she sells tickets or not –– SHE DOESN'T NEED TO when she's starring opposite Hugh Jackman!!!!! It's like David Hyde Pierce in Dolly: nobody was going to see him who wasn't already going to see Bette.
I think we all should have been 'in the room' when Ms Sutton auditioned for the part of Marian in The Music Man.
Maybe then we might have agreed that the production team and Mr Jackman made the right choice.
"Useless to debate if she sells tickets or not –– SHE DOESN'T NEED TO when she's starring opposite Hugh Jackman!!!!! It's like David Hyde Pierce in Dolly:nobody was going to see him who wasn't already going to see Bette."
We can talk and debate about whatever we want. Thanks so much!
This is David Hyde P all over again. I have to say Rudin usually knows what he is doing.
Understudy Joined: 12/26/16
Really looking forward to this revival, and I love the casting so far. How about Christopher Fitzgerald as Marcellus?
qolbinau said: "This is David Hyde P all over again. I have to say Rudin usually knows what he is doing."
David Hyde Pierce?
Yes. When Dolly casting was announced we all complained about it and then everyone loved him. I guess it’s slightly different because people are concerned about her vocals and we know what she sounds like. I’m not the biggest fan of Sutton but even I acknowledge there was something special about Violet and (surprisingly) Anything Goes despite coming across a little bit as one (former?) member here described her: the luckiest chorus girl on the world. Maybe others won’t agree but if we look at Scott Rudin’s track record he almost never gets it wrong. I’d be surprised if this will be anything less than an amazing tony award worthy performance - he could have picked anyone.
I'm most interested in this quote, mentioned above, about Sutton Foster's casting and the show in general: "When this show works brilliantly it's when the Marian is a genuine obstacle to [Harold]". TBH, I do find that the original film version drags a bit because Harold manipulates things to his advantage so easily at first, apparently without having to break a sweat. There's a bit of a lack of dramatic tension there for a stretch, IMO. I have wondered, sacrilegiously I know, if a slightly less slick Harold Hill would have made it work a little better for me. A very strong Marian could be another way.
Sutton as Marian vocally is a complete WTF- I don't really care about Hello Dolly or even really know that much about it but Sutton who is really vocally the complete opposite of Marian seems like a much bigger eyebrow raiser. I've never heard her sing anything above an E5 from what I want to say now and that wasn't even sung in head voice although yeah I've heard her do that one note in Drowsy. Acting wise she isn't a completely wrong choice for the role but I'd love to see some other examples of her doing some soprano stuff. Anybody have any high head voice singing clips of her?
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/14
I wondered how Lauren Ambrose would do in MFL- and was a bit skeptical- but she was great in the role- and her voice was up to that challenging score. Foster, of course. is not as big a star as Jackman- but few are. She was selected, I have to guess, because reading opposite Jackman, there was chemistry and vocal harmony. I will see this- though I have to admit- like Dolly- it is pretty lightweight. But, like Dolly for Bette- it is a perfect vehicle for Hugh Jackman and it will be a smash hit, of course. That first day online will be a zoo- would not be surprised if the Telecharge site crashes that day. And tickets for the good seats will be comparable - or more expensive than Moulin Rouge- which is charging-per ticket- 399 for most nights and 349- plus fees of course- for matinees- for the really great seats- which is where I like to sit. That really is an expensive night or day.
I just hope we see Hugh Jackman perform at the Tony's in 2021!!!!!!! Not like what happened in 2017 with Bette..