Well, I can't say that I'm glad Matilda lost but I can say that I am thrilled that Kinky Boots won. Having seen both shows on the same weekend early into their runs, I felt Kinky Boots had the edge. It has brought me back to the Hirschfeld twice since and while I thought Matilda was excellent, I can't say the same about repeat visits to the Shubert.
May both shows enjoy long and properous runs!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Clyde I honestly can't fathom why you would post on here. I know you are a jaded queen so i would think watching successful people live out their dreams would just hurt you? Aww poor baby..
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Keith I will ignore all the mean things you said about me because I LOVE on The Twentieth Century and REALLY love that poster!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"I know you are a jaded queen so i would think watching successful people live out their dreams would just hurt you? Aww poor baby.."
Says the outcast who retreats to BWW for love, attention, and acceptance because he cannot get it in the real world.
broadway guy, give it a freaking rest. No one on here is going to take you seriously if you keep acting like a three year old. The fact that you weren't banned after telling Clyde that you hope he kills himself is ridiculous. I thought you would've matured a bit by now. Jeez.
BroadwayGuy, with all of these people saying your picture is of some random child, I'll ask this. Are you related to the kid in the picture at all, or is it completely random? One of those would be sweet. The other would creep me out.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/19/05
I saw both shows the week before Tonys week (was in NYC 5/28 thru 6/3). Saw Kinky Boots on a Thursday and Matilda on a Saturday. I have to say, Kinky Boots has MUCH MORE energy and Matilda seemed a little flat. A couple sitting next to me during Matilda were from Florida had seen them both in that week as well. They agreed that Kinky Boots had more energy.
Although I thought Matilda overall was good - I like dark musicals - the production values and performances were top notch, just not very exciting or uplifting in my opinion (and everyone has theirs). Plus, I was jaded by the movie (my nieces made me watch it with them a long time ago) and I found the movie very charming. The musical lost something in the translation and I think that is what cost them the "big prize".
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
"Says the outcast who retreats to BWW for love, attention, and acceptance because he cannot get it in the real world"
HAHA and yet I have never once said that. You have no idea what i do in the real world so the fact that you have made up this imaginary story about me is completely hilarious cause it shows how you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I love when stupid delusional people make up stories. What exactly do YOU do in the real world? ( this should be good) :P
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
broadwaybaby -- it is a stock picture of a child from Google Images. He admitted as much in a different thread.
All he will say is that it's an "inside joke." I'm not sure who it would be an inside joke with since no one likes him. Perhaps it is meant to portray what his personality is like.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Wickedrocks: I didn't start this. I asked a simple question on this thread and then I was attacked By Liza's Headband. I didn't instigate anything. Plus I apologized to Clyde for saying that in a Pm even though he didn't have the decency to write back and accept it. But then that just becomes his problem not mine.
broadwaybabytn: It was a joke that i did to ljay88. He/she asked me my age and jokingly i said i was 10. We were talking about EVITA and the joke is that the kid is doing the famous V that Eva Peron does during DCFMA. I don't think he/she got it though.
Matilda didn't lose.
Kinky Boots won.
Broadway Guy: Stop making every thread about you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I didn't. I asked a question and then Crazy headband lady insulted me. Its not like i came on this thread to start stuff. I was instigated by headband's rude comment to me.
It's called letting. It. Go. You don't need to respond to everyone who makes a dig towards you. Based on the way you behave on here, people are going to be on your case and are going to try to instigate. So prove that you aren't a troll and that you're mature and ignore it. The "I didn't start it!!!!" excuse is just further proving your immaturity.
I swear, most people have more drama on this board than I do in real life.
broadway guy=suestorm. It all adds up.
That's right, Rocks, make the thread about you now.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
WiCkEDrOcKS: You are probably right. I try to keep on topic but when someone insults me the natural reaction is to insult them back but I am better than that and from now on Im going to try not let people get to me so easily. And i am telling the truth about my apology to Clyde. Here is what i private messaged him:
to ClydeBarrow
on 5/5/13 @ 01:46:50 AM
I'm sorry Clyde. The suicide joke was out of line and i would like to apologize for that insensitive remark. I'm sure you are a great person outside of this board but you just got the best of me the other day and i took it to far. Hopefully we can be at least civil from now on. Have a good night.
Can't do much else than that right?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I'd have trouble getting into Matilda simply because I cannot stand children singing.
I don't like kids on stage either. But I have never been as bored by them as I was at Matilda.
Well, I guess the good news is that for anyone who hasn't seen Matilda yet, a discount code will probably be on the way in a few months tops.
Watch for it in October. Mark my words.
You know what? It was a terrible season for musicals, imo. KB was okay, but nothing more, and I thought MATILDA was a big loud bore. Probably the best musical of the season was the revival of PIPPIN, which is not a great show to begin with.
So, yes, I am grateful that MATILDA lost the Tony award, but I can't honestly say it mattered. I think the whole musical season was third-rate.
"You know what? It was a terrible season for musicals, imo. KB was okay, but nothing more, and I thought MATILDA was a big loud bore. Probably the best musical of the season was the revival of PIPPIN, which is not a great show to begin with.
So, yes, I am grateful that MATILDA lost the Tony award, but I can't honestly say it mattered. I think the whole musical season was third-rate."
I agree with everything you say. Except it those matter. Financially it matters a lot.
the awards are more political than who was the 'best'.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
No more calls, please.
We have a winner!!!