And you know this, how?
Swing Joined: 6/9/13
Well there is the detail of the full frontal anatomically correct wolf just in case anyone missed the message in "Hello Little Girl"
I read the script.
It was a draft script, yes, but I'm sure it will. As you know, it's a good part that pushes the story forward
Updated On: 8/7/13 at 08:51 PM
Hyperbole is right about one thing: Sophia has little experience. Yes, she's a great actress and voice, but I don't know if she can do it. Again, her audition was supposed to be pretty good...
On the other hand, there were TONS of other girls who auditioned for this role who has experience and training while like I said above, has hardly any experience and untrained voice. So, that's a head scratcher.
Lilla Crawford should have been picked. She has the voice and the experience. She did a great job, being tough and spunky as Annie and she could easily used that for LRRH.
Sophia was obviously the BEST out of ALL the other girls who auditioned for the role. We are not seeing what the casting directors saw when they chose her. They obviously thought she was the best and thought she has a lot of quality and potential. If she was terrible, they wouldn't have cast her in the role. Come on, we are talking about Rob Marshall here, he wouldn't have nodded his head if she was terrible or if he couldn't see her in the role.
Sophia Grace has exactly as much film and/or acting experience as Academy Award-winner Tatum O'Neal and last year's Best Actress nominee Quvenzhané Wallis.
Also Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson, Oscar-winner Haing S. Ngor, Oscar-winner Harold Russell ...
Just sayin'.
As for the leaked (draft not final) screenplay by James Lapine, Little Red Riding Hood is described (and I quote word-for-word) as "a small, plump, young girl in a red cape."
And yes, "Your Fault" is in the leaked draft.
"Sophia was obviously the BEST out of ALL the other girls who auditioned for the role."
Tell us more!
As for the leaked (draft not final) screenplay by James Lapine, Little Red Riding Hood is described (and I quote word-for-word) as "a small, plump, young girl in a red cape."
And that might be why too.
Sophia is at the orthodontist as we type.
"That's the point."
What's the point?
That you are just guessing?
Were you at the auditions?
I'm not going to explain myself. You are ridiculous.
Why do you like coming for people...
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/11
Eos, there ARE sexual overtones in "Hello Little Girl". And Little Red IS a little girl. Deal with it.
Updated On: 8/7/13 at 10:18 PM
Yeah, I know. I just love that pic is all -- nothing for me to deal with. I'm looking forward to the film regardless of the casting.
Okay, Marshall gave a chance to Queen Latifah and Fergie and it paid off. He also cast Daniel Day-Lewis--possibly the least musical actor to appear in a musical film since Michael Douglas' debacle of a performance in A CHORUS LINE--as the lead of NINE, and he gave us an entire film about Japanese culture (MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA) cast with a Chinese cast, and he made them all speak in English. So he does have some brilliant casting in his past, but he also has some atrocious casting choices. Let's hope Sophia Grace is more of a Fergie than a Daniel Day-Lewis...never thought I'd type that sentence.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
This whole process of making this movie with people involved tweeting daily and what not is realllllly going to drag on. I hope they're smart enough not to make everybody sick of it by the time it's released.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
For what it's worth, I was never worried about Fergie. But I really hated Marion Cotillard.
If people feel that strongly, maybe some could start a Facebook group to oust Sophia Grace. Internet outrage sometimes gets some really asinine things done, so have at it. It might knock Sophia Grace down a peg or two, too, which is just gravy.
Updated On: 8/8/13 at 12:20 AM
I don't like the Sophia casting choice but I don't care enough to actually do something about it. I don't think its a horrible choice but I think there are better people for this role.
No matter what your opinions are of this child's performance that any of us have yet to witness...I can't believe that anyone is feeling betrayed that this isn't going to be an accurate representation of the stage show ... OF COURSE IT ISN'T!!! Phantom, Les Mis, Sweeney, Nine...even Chicago & Hairspray are not true representations of their stage counterparts. It will be it's own thing, for better or worse. Let go of your desires to see the Broadway musical on the big screen, cause it aint gonna happen folks. Just be grateful we have the OC on Netflix.
Updated On: 8/8/13 at 12:50 AM
Being true to stage DOES NOT EQUAL on film.
I really wanted Sarah Hyland for the role.
How can they infer that Sophia Grace as Red Riding Hood is stunt casting in the Atlantic Wire article? Is she really that well known outside of her appearances on YouTube and the Ellen DeGeneres Show?
Personally I'm a fan and look forward to seeing the film now. For a child she's kind of quirky which makes her even more fit for playing the character as written. Give the kid a break before jumping to conclusions. As others have stated, she must have had something special during auditions. I hope she doesn't frequent this site with all the early naysayers here.
Remember Daniel Day-Lewis was Marshall's second choice for Guido. He really wanted and cast Javier Bardem, who dropped out of the movie before production began due to exhaustion.
Daniel is a great actor, but he's not good at light comedy bordering on the satirical. He has a built-in gravitas about him, even in an occasionally humorous moment. There is always underlying "heavy turmoil." Way too heavy for Guido. So Day-Lewis ended up weighing the movie down with his brooding, introspective smiles, and the whole thing became morose and disengaging.
(For those who haven't tried this yet, watch the movie again, but start it AFTER the opening scene, where Daniel explains through much broody pondering what he thinks of "making film." Bleccch. Start the movie when he walks into the empty soundstage and the Overture Delle Donne starts. It takes about 300 pounds off of the film. Then you can see what a difference his "heavy" performance makes.)
I think Rob Marshall generally casts very well, given his (no doubt) studio edict of casting people who will increase box office (aka "movie stars," music stars, tv sensations, with plenty of acting trophies around them).
I also think that when he goes outside the box (Fergie, Queen Latifah) he often has his biggest triumphs. I'm hoping Sophia Grace falls into that category. We shall see.
This whole process of making this movie with people involved tweeting daily and what not is realllllly going to drag on. I hope they're smart enough not to make everybody sick of it by the time it's released.
Not only that, I wonder how they can even do it. Whenever I worked on a movie (albeit for home video release), we were involved with pre-production, seeing dailies, being on set, and were privy to all sorts of "leakable" information as much as a year before the films were released. And we all signed NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements). Not only could we be fired if we leaked photos or info, we could be sued.
I'm sure everyone involved with production is on an NDA, even the big stars like Streep. It's a standard part of any contract to do studio work.
Regardless, I got sick of all the Les Mis tweeting many months before the movie came out. Still, that movie did really well at the box office, so maybe all the advance buzzy tweeting does help ... as long as they don't show too much behind the curtain.
I'm definitely not impressed with Grace's singing, and I think she's too young. The age doesn't have as much to do with the sexuality so much as it does with the attitude of Red. She's worked best for me when she's played kind of like Elaine Stritch/Bea Arthur in a little girls body. And I think you need to be a little older than Grace to be able to understand that Stritch type attitude well enough to play it.
BUT, I also thought Renee Zellwegger was a bizarre, wrong choice for Chicago and she ended up being my favorite thing about it. So I'll wait and see how it plays out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
"Daniel is a great actor, but he's not good at light comedy bordering on the satirical. He has a built-in gravitas about him, even in an occasionally humorous moment. There is always underlying "heavy turmoil." Way too heavy for Guido. So Day-Lewis ended up weighing the movie down with his brooding, introspective smiles, and the whole thing became morose and disengaging."
Point taken, but wouldn't it then be the job of the director to take him aside and say, "Look, Daniel, if you play the role that way you're going to completely sink the film, nobody's going to give a damn about him and the whole movie is going to be a big fat downer."
Nope -- I think Marshall & Co. wanted Guido played exactly the way Day-Lewis played him. It is part of the whole project of the film, from Day-Lewis to Marshall to the script adaptation by noted gloom-meister Anthony Minghella, to make NINE into a more superficially "serious" affair altogether, and they succeeded beyond their wildest expectations, and the film is a ponderous bloody bore as a result.
Maybe a screenplay by James Lapine will prevent a similar horror from happening with INTO THE WOODS. Maybe. Who knows. It could happen. We'll see, of course. But considering Mr. Marshall's abominable track record...