Well now we know who to thank for Sophia Grace. Thanks Ellen!!
THis is grounds for stripping her of her Oscar Hosting.
Talk about starting at the top: Eight-year-old Sophia Grace Brownlee has already become a star on YouTube and a favorite of chat show hostess Ellen DeGeneres. Now she'll be making her movie debut in one of the most anticipated films of 2014
Sophia Grace gained a fan in Ellen DeGeneres.
Several "Ellen" appearances later, Sophia has started writing her own rap songs, has released her first single (a cover of Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"), and is, of course, now on track to become a movie star
I agree it's not Day-Lewis's fault alone, and he could have fared much better with a lighter script and more focused directorial choices.
As I've mentioned other times, Fellini had to hang a sign next to the camera while he was making 8 1/2 that said, "Remember, this is a comedy."
Marshall really needed that sign, too. Big-time.
And to your point, as I said above, lop off that opening "I'm so serious" scene with Guido being interviewed and the movie plays a lot better (still not perfect, but it lifts a ton of weight right away). That's an editorial/directorial decision. There's no need for that scene. It wasn't in the original Nine, and it wasn't in 8 1/2. It starts everything out on the wrong foot. It looks like a "serious" and dark documentary about an artistic, visionary filmmaker. Ugh. The tone is already doomed. Then add an "weighty" actor like Day-Lewis taking you on the journey, and you never get out of the mud.
"I'm not going to explain myself. You are ridiculous. "
No, you need to explain yourself and your posts. When you claim that Sophia was the best at the auditions, you can either prove how you know that 'fact' or its proof that you just post garbage and make things up.
I personally feel predisposed to question most of Rob Marshall's directing decisions after sitting through the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie.
Diva, could you also address the second part of that post?
Why DO you like coming for people?
The pay is good, growl.
For my part, I love me some Diva. One of my favorite posters.
Well, Diva, one can assume in good faith that the decision was made after an extensive audition process and based on the relative quality of her audition compared to others' she was chosen on her merits.
But justin didn't articulate it that well if that's what he meant.
I personally am with besty on this; the sexual content of Little Red/Wolf is only in it as much as any audience member reads into it (and, arguably, the same can be said for the source material) and having an age-appropriate (to the fairy tale) Little Red is far from a dealbreaker to me.
I am concerned about her ability to execute the role, but she's not gonna have to do "I Know Things Now" 8 times a week; she only has to get it once, and will have many takes to get it as best she can.
-- This isn't meant to be apologist, it is simply a part of how the two art forms are different. I remember in school having a Q&A with an alum who was a TV director who had worked on many numerous hit shows. He mentioned how some actors in the industry have reputations for being "Frankenstein actors" - he knew when they cast one (name not mentioned) they would have to edit his performance together in post, and once he even directed a guest performance that way who went on to win an Emmy for it. --
I reserve the right to judge her once I actually see the movie in 18 months' time, but right now I do not for the life of me understand the impulse anyone has to judge her, them, or the film for casting decisions made this far out. Never have, never will. I can understand unease, trepidation, dismay... but judgment and scorn I can't.
"No, you need to explain yourself and your posts. When you claim that Sophia was the best at the auditions, you can either prove how you know that 'fact' or its proof that you just post garbage and make things up.
How about the FACT she got the part. You think some kid auditioned, was better and turned it down? I'll go out on a limb and assume you're not a brain surgeon.
How about the FACT she got the part. You think some kid auditioned, was better and turned it down?
It's a fact that Sophia Grace got the part. We'll never know if she was the "best" who auditioned because it's a subjective status, plus we can't get into the creative team's heads and see what they saw.
It's also possible that someone gave a better audition, but they decided to go with Sophia Grace because her YouTube videos have 60 million hits on some of them. She has a huge following and will bring in a different demographic audience to see the movie than fans of Meryl Streep or Chris Pine or Emily Blunt.
In other words, a "wise business decision" can often sway casting.
There is no doubt in my mind that Sophia Grace gave a good audition and convinced them all that she could play the part. As I said earlier, I heard they were "knocked out" by her.
Does that mean she was the "best" person they saw? Who knows? We never will.
The only FACT, however, is that she got the part. The rest is all conjecture.
Okay, so it might sound like we're being complete jerks to an innocent child, but it's not really Sophia Grace's fault. She's just a kid who gets a chance to star in a movie with Meryl Streep. So, note that all our complaints are directed toward Disney and Rob Marshall. Brownlee is simply wrong for the role. As Erin Strecker at EW points out: she's 10. Sure, the character cutely chirps the show's titular "into the woods" chorus, but the Red of the musical also has a thinly disguised sexual flirtation with the show's Wolf, who will be played by Johnny Depp. It's, yes, supposed to be creepy, but Red is typically played by a teenager or a young-looking adult—Danielle Ferland was 16 when she appeared in the original Broadway cast—making it not that creepy. So either the movie has to be really creepy, or do away with those sexual undertones, which are ultimately important in context.
Aside from that, while Brownlee can surely belt, singing Sondheim is not that simple. It's all about phrasing, and, let's face it, Brownlee (who takes large gasps for air when she sings) doesn't have great technique. The charm of her viral videos is not that she's fantastic, it's that she's enthusiastic. Enthusiasm does not a Sondheim star make. And who knows if she can sit still long enough for Anna Kendrick's Cinderella to sing No One is Alone to her.
Unless Brownlee did something totally out of character in her audition, her casting amounts to little more than a stunt. Red is a significant role that shouldn't be stunt-cast. This is not to say that Marshall and Disney haven't made any interesting casting choices. James Corden is an actor who deserves more attention in America, which he will hopefully get from his turn as the Baker. And at least Jake Gyllenhaal is no longer playing Rapunzel's Prince. But casting Sophia Grace embodies the problem with turning this show into a Disney production. Disney is all smiles and happiness, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's certainly not Into the Woods. Sondheim's tricky, melancholy, gorgeous musical may have a fairy tale veneer, but once you hit the second act you realize it's mostly a dark, sad show about bad choices. If this latest bit of cutesy casting is any indication, those themes are going to be lost in the movie.
Sophia Grace is Everything That's Wrong with the ITW movie
Am I the ONLY PERSON who had absolutely NO CLUE who this kid was until a few days ago?
And I can't say her casting does much to make me want to see the film.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
dreaming, there is a large demographic that has no clue who she is... But those people are covered by some of the actors. In my humble opinion, this was a move made to secure the younger viewers who are connected to pop culture and obsessed with that YouTube world.
Taz--- I read that earlier. It sounds like some hysterical teenaged fan, beginning with that "drama club" pearl-clutching headline.
Taz, that is the article I posted on the last page.
"How about the FACT she got the part. You think some kid auditioned, was better and turned it down?"
No, it reeks of stunt casting. This girl can not hold a note and has no acting experience.
" I'll go out on a limb and assume you're not a brain surgeon"
And I'll go out on a limb and say that neither are you, Brainiac.
I only go after these dumb ass summer posters who come to the party and only pee in the punch bowl.
Oh my bad guys. I didn't catch the link earlier in the thread.
"Do not put your faith in a cape and a hood
They will not protect you the way that they should."
When it's sung by 16-year-old Danielle Ferland, the audience can be delighted at the oblique reference to condoms.
Sung by a 10 year old, it's about a cape and a hood. So you lose a level of meaning. Which is a shame.
Unless, of course, the entire character is completely re-conceptualized.
you know whats weirdo? the last few years, old stories, fairy tales, comic book movies have been remade with a darker tone. it sounds like they are going against stream and making it tamer
* * * * * * SPOILERS * * * * * * *
* * * * READ AT YOUR OWN RISK * * * * *
Well, according to the leaked screenplay, they're not toning any of it down. The "wolf" is described pretty much as he is costumed in the Broadway production (minus the junk). He is a "handsome, sexy man" with a snout, low hairline, a tail, and lots of chest hair. He also has "smooth moves" and slithers around her while he sings to Little Red.
And the lyrics to Hello, Little Girl haven't changed at all. In fact the only change is at the end of the scene, he turns into a real wolf before running off.
As for "I Know Things Now," the only change is that she sings it to the Baker, telling him what happened. There are flashbacks during the song of the Wolf devouring Granny and Little Red, so these are "literal" lyrics not metaphors of other "dark, slimy paths." And no lyric changes at all.
I can definitely imagine Johnny Depp slithering
I think it's going to be fine. Creepy? Yes. As much as it was on Broadway.
They've taken away his "junk" (I'm assuming!) and made her younger. So we have a different reason to squirm now.
I don't think Disney is going to mess with this. They will probably stay totally silent about it and let the "smutty, outraged minds" churn away.
The clever thing is that there's nothing overtly sexual. it's all undertones, innuendoes and allusions. A predator "seducing" his prey.
How far it is taken has more to do with the audience, not the performers or the writing or the direction.
He is "slithering" around his lunch. If you want to take that further in your mind, you can. If not, "that's okay, too," to quote Jack's Mother.
"that's okay, too,"
That's my favorite line in the show. I hope they keep it. I'd love to hear it delivered by Tracy Ullman.
Swing Joined: 3/27/06
I also tend to prefer a slightly older Little Red, since the couple of younger ones haven't been able to hit their moments as well as others.
Sophia has the look, a very interesting presence and, of course, a whole mess of people who already know her. I'm willing to bet she's got the chops. I'm looking forward to seeing her in the role.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
I can totally see Sophia pulling the knife out on Jack and later telling him that she'll be his new mother.
BTW, I never picked up on that condom reference in all the times I've seen the play, whether on video or live.
^ Well, that's the thing. I'm not offering my opinion in a vacuum. I've seen Red played by teenaged actresses as well as pre-pubescent actresses. I always feel that the younger actresses simply aren't able to convey the meaning of I KNOW THINGS NOW. I think it hurts the storytelling. I'm more than willing to be proven wrong.