Honest, total nerd question: Are people in the audience dressing up and bringing their wands??? Asking for a friend? ?? Mostly don’t want to show up looking like an asshat!
gottagetaGimmick2 said: "Honest, total nerd question: Are people in the audience dressing up and bringing their wands??? Asking for a friend? ?? Mostly don’t want to show up looking like an asshat!"
Yes, people are dressing up and they all look like asshats. (At least via those acting like adults)
dramamama611 said: "gottagetaGimmick2 said: "Honest, total nerd question: Are people in the audience dressing up and bringing their wands??? Asking for a friend? ?? Mostly don’t want to show up looking like an asshat!"
Yes, people are dressing up and they all look like asshats. (At least via those acting like adults)"
Shut up and let people enjoy things how they want, you jaded has been queen.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
As an adult in possession of a harry potter robe that I adore, I would never wear it to the theatre unless explicitly invited to by the production. No more than I would wear a costume to Hamilton or Frozen. The theatre is not an appropriate place for cosplay, and the productions costumes should be the only ones on display.
I would, however, be decked out in my harry potter t shirt, snitch earrings, ect. Some merchandise/love for the show isn't an issue, but if you wouldn't wear it to work I wouldn't wear it to the theatre.
Now standard disclaimer that it's a free world and you can wear whatever the heck you want to the theatre and no one can stop you. I have a friend who went to wicked in full costume, including the green. I personally don't think it's appropriate.
I have been thinking about how would be the best way to be respectful and showing my Slytherin pride at the same time when I go. Figure since I am doing an all in one day I would go casual to part 1 (going end of July so it will be hoooot) in the afternoon to be comfortable but then change into something nice in the house colors for the part 2 in the evening. I usually do casual matinee and dress for evening on a two show day. Debating bringing a wand however. My friend took some great pictures in the theatre with her wand and kinda want to as well.
Sondheimite said: "dramamama611 said: "gottagetaGimmick2 said: "Honest, total nerd question: Are people in the audience dressing up and bringing their wands??? Asking for a friend? ?? Mostly don’t want to show up looking like an asshat!"
Yes, people are dressing up and they all look like asshats. (At least via those acting like adults)"
Shut up and let people enjoy things how they want, you jaded has been queen."
I didn't tell him what to do....i addressed his question, based on my opinion, using his words. And I should be so lucky as to be a queen - has been or otherwise. Jaded? Sure, I'll own that - but sorry that I think being in the theater demands a bit of decorum.
dramamama611 said: "gottagetaGimmick2 said: "Honest, total nerd question: Are people in the audience dressing up and bringing their wands??? Asking for a friend? ?? Mostly don’t want to show up looking like an asshat!"
Yes, people are dressing up and they all look like asshats. (At least via those acting like adults)"
I don't know where you get off being so condescending towards people who want to dress up for the show. I could understand if the costumes were distracting or crude but the robes people have been wearing to previews so far aren't distracting or impacting anyone else's enjoyment of the show.
I've seen people wearing shorts and flip flops at matinees so who am I to care if someone wears a robe.
Scarlet Leigh said: "I have been thinking about how would be the best way to be respectful and showing my Slytherin pride at the same time when I go. Figure since I am doing an all in one day I would go casual to part 1 (going end of July so it will be hoooot) in the afternoon to be comfortable but then change into something nice in the house colors for the part 2 in the evening. I usually do casual matinee and dress for evening on a two show day. Debating bringing a wand however. My friend took some great pictures in the theatre with her wand and kinda want to as well."
Hello fellow Slytherin! I plan on buying a Cursed Child Slytheirn themed thing from merchandise store a few days before the show and wear it there. A tie might be a good idea.
I love that two other slytherins responded! I know it’s silly to be in cosplay as an adult and trust me, i dress for the theatre always, but like, it’s Harry Potter. Mostly just trying to get use of the $180 robe i bought in Universal last summer! I heard people in London really got into the dressing up part, so i don’t know if we’re just uptight.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/13/13
We saw a handful of people in robes but most people were dressed casually or in house/hp shirts or wore ties. I liked seeing everyone so excited and dressed up. The only person we thought may have gone a little too far was someone with the deathly hallows drawn on them.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
House ties seem like a great option. Formal, not ostentatiously cosplay but still showing your pride. If it was winter I'd wear my slytherin scarf as well, gotta rep your house.
I think there is definitely room to have fun, and I am a strong believer in dressing to match the show (What I wore to The Great Comet I would never wear to Hamilton) but straight up cosplay is still a no to me. I would not do it and I feel uncomfortable when people I going with do it. It's not the place.
I do agree with needing more places to wear my robe though, it's been a good two years since I've had it out. Maybe at geek market this year.
Stand-by Joined: 5/5/17
Sondheimite said: "dramamama611 said: "gottagetaGimmick2 said: "Honest, total nerd question: Are people in the audience dressing up and bringing their wands??? Asking for a friend? ?? Mostly don’t want to show up looking like an asshat!"
Yes, people are dressing up and they all look like asshats. (At least via those acting like adults)"
Shut up and let people enjoy things how they want, you jaded has been queen."
Best post I’ve seen here in ages. Thanks for putting her in place.
Side note, SO many Slytherins up in here. House pride!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/30/08
I have to ask: how do you know what house you're in??
The past two nights, I saw tons of people wearing house flair. I loved it! I was wearing my typical theater get up, but I considered wearing a house shirt under a blazer to class it up a bit.
Most people were wearing house ties or house pins. I did see some robes at the snack shop and I thought it added to the fun, thematic atmosphere.
wonkit said: "I have to ask: how do you know what house you're in??"
Take the official sorting hat quiz on Pottermore.
For what it’s worth, I think dressing in house colors/ other apparel is more appropriate than showing up in robes or a full costume, but then again, while I’m a huge fan, I’ve never understood the adults in costume phenomenon.
(Gryffindor here, which surprised me. I assumed for sure I’d be a Ravenclaw).
Broadway Star Joined: 11/24/16
wonkit said: "I have to ask: how do you know what house you're in??"
It's a complicated, personal thing. Your house is about what you value, what qualities you posses that make up the core of who you are, what fascinates you. Quizzes can certainly help, but many (including pottermore) are not unbiased. Ultimately it's a personal decision. I think it can say a lot about someone, what house they choose.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
Hufflepuff here! I realized I didn’t have any Hufflepuff swag and got a t-shirt after Part 1 which I then wore to part 2 under my button down with some house colors and the pins they had given out.
They were giving out pins!!?!?!?!?
For those wanting to wear something Harry Potter without doing cosplay, Target currently has several wonderful and affordable Harry Potter shirts. They even have a short sleeve men’s button up shirt that can be worn casual or a little more dressed up. They also have a great Slytherin tee.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/20/08
gottagetaGimmick2 said: "They were giving out pins!!?!?!?!?"
I just mean the “#keepthesecrets” pin and the “Our journey has only just begun.” pins.
I don't care what anyone wears to the theatre as long as they're respectful and quiet during the actual show.
If you want to wear your robe, wear it and have fun. It's not hurting anyone else.
Eliza2 said: "I don't care what anyone wears to the theatre as long as they're respectful and quiet during the actual show.
If you want to wear your robe, wear it and have fun. It's not hurting anyone else."
Like animals on airplanes, I'd much rather be seated next to someone in a robe who doesn't talk, eat, text, or kick my seat, than a person in a suit who behaves like the theatre is their living room.