Stand-by Joined: 4/25/17
Does anyone have a full cast that includes the names of some of the minor characters? I know Kathryn Gallagher plays Bella. Thanks!
I caught JLP this week and WOW. That was... a lot to take in. The energy of the cast is palpable and it's clear they have a hit on their hands. But oh boy, the book needs A LOT of work. So many plot points and themes were being thrown around, and none of them amount to a centralized theme of the story. I agree that it's Next to Normal, American Idiot, and Spring Awakening all in one. I would also throw in Dear Evan Hansen, Rent, and 13 Reasons Why for further emphasis.
What I find so disappointing about this piece is that it is SO ambitious in what it is trying to say and goes beyond anything new we've seen on Broadway this year (save for maybe The Band's Visit). That's not enough though. These stories and characters should be told but they need to be better crafted and developed. The rape subplot is unacceptable (that character is given NOTHING to work with) and needs to be completely revamped or cut.
They need to decide who the lead of the story is because at some points it's the mom, other points it's the daughter, and other points it's no one, just an ensemble piece. This constant switch in character significance makes everyone seem irrelevant. Poor Derek Klena is completely wasted in another terribly written high school character. Elizabeth Stanley did a good job as the mom, but it felt like she was playing it as "Elizabeth Stanley as Idina Menzel as Mary Jane." I was impressed with Mini Lachanze (Celia Gooding) who probably was the most developed and realized character. Lauren Patten gets the iconic songs and she OWNS them. Jo is another super interesting character that would also benefit from more development.
The music is of course great but in typical jukebox musical fashion, the songs are forced and don't move the plot forward. There's a lot of music, some songs gotta go. I sat right behind Tom Kitt which was fun watching him take notes and jam out to his orchestrated music.
All of this sounds super negative, but the potential is there. They have LOTS of work to do and I hope it actually gets done.
Projections are the worst and should be banned from all future productions.
Understudy Joined: 5/5/11
I saw this last night. I agree with a lot that has been said previously, biggest takeaway for me was that the plot needs ALOT of work. Most of the characters' storylines feel "half-baked", none of the characters are fully realized except maybe Frankie (the daughter). They are trying to squeeze in a lot of relevant plot lines that go with the songs but I somehow felt it was too much info without actual development of the idea. This will definitely get a lot of Next to Normal comparisons (PS I saw Tom Kitt during the first Act seated behind me) with a touch of Spring Awakening/DEH in the mix. I understand that it is a tryout so they can still work on the book if they do move forward.
Loved the performances. Standout for me was Lauren Patten, she blows the roof off the place singing You Oughta Know.
Does anyone know if they are putting in changes on an active basis? How easy would it be to make major changes during the run? When is the Opening Night?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
CapnHook said: "Does anyone know if they are putting in changes on an active basis? How easy would it be to make major changes during the run? When is the Opening Night?"
I'm sure they are. When Waitress was there they changed stuff every day. I was there the first weekend, during the middle of the run and closing and it changed a lot. When it came to Broadway act 2 was almost completely reworked from all the changes they did in their run at ART.
Understudy Joined: 5/5/11
CapnHook said: "Does anyone know if they are putting in changes on an active basis? How easy would it be to make major changes during the run? When is the Opening Night?"
Opening Night is May 24. I'm going to try to go back later in the run to see if any changes were made.
Swing Joined: 2/3/15
I saw the second preview and agree with a lot of the reviews that have already been posted. It's fun to hear the music live and there are definitely some standout voices (read: Lauren Patten) ... but as a piece of theater, the show is a mess. The lack of focus is a huge downfall. I don't think the writers even know what story they are trying to tell. And if they do, they chose the wrong characters. Bella's and Jo's storylines felt the most dynamic, and yet they were given the least amount of time.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm frustrated by the concept of the show overall. Why did they choose to tell the story of a privileged family from suburban Connecticut? I grew up in suburban Connecticut and there is no shortage of stories about people who look like me. And about people who have the resources to pick up the pieces when life falls apart. Representation matters. From the outset, this felt like a missed opportunity. And it just didn't feel like Alanis. I wanted more grit and more grunge. More Rent and less Dear Evan Hansen.
I wish the book were salvageable, but I can't see the show going very far without a major rewrite.
I cannot get over how easily Nick is redeemed. He watched his friend rape an unconscious classmate and did nothing. He comes forward eventually, and there are no repercussions. Wow, he's so brave. He did the right thing. Come on. Really?!
Swing Joined: 2/3/15
Mary Jane Healy - Elizabeth Stanley
Steve Healey - Sean Allan Krill
Frankie Healy - Celia Gooding
Nick Healy - Derek Klena
Jo - Lauren Platten
Andrew - Logan Hart
Phoenix - Antonio Cipriano
Bella - Kathryn Gallagher
The Chorus - Jane Bruce, John Cardoza, Antonio Cipriano, Kathryn Gallagher, Laurel Harris, Logan Hart, Max Kumangai, Soph Menas, Sean Montgomery, Nora Schell, Whitney Sprayberry, Kei Tsuruharatani, Ebony Williams
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
I went today and Celia was out. She lost her voice from allergies. Nora had 15 minutes notice. As for the show I loved it. It's definitely heavy and emotional. Lauren steals the show with You Oughta Know which IMO is worth the ticket price alone. I LOVED Nora and am shocked she is an understudy. All of them were great.
Celia has apparently missed a bunch of shows already. Can't be good if they take this to Broadway. Maybe they'll recast the role of Frankie?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
ACL2006 said: "Celia has apparently missed a bunch of shows already. Can't be good if they take this to Broadway. Maybe they'll recast the role of Frankie?"
She got hurt in rehearsals when she rolled her ankle. That's why she missed those shows. They dance plus run and jump all over the place. Allergies suck for everyone and that's why she missed yesterday. Had she not got hurt she would have missed just 1 show. It's not like it's going to Broadway next month.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
Unless something changes I'd imagine they would replace Celia for future productions. She is supposed to attend Pace for MT in the fall.
Not that I know anything.....but why would she choose to go to college if given the chance to actually perform on b'way? The school (likely) would defer her acceptance.
My guess is maybe she's enrolled just in case it doesn't go to Broadway, but will defer if it does? If not, then I agree it's strange, but to each her own.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Not strange at all. I've known of many actors who pass on professional opportunities to attend college. Some people value education more, and make it the utmost priority.
Swing Joined: 4/11/10
What is the latest running time of the show? I'm trying to catch a bus from Boston after the performance. Thanks.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
If it comes to Broadway and the cast stays the same, I'd probably just go to hear some of them sing and because I like the album but nothing relayed about the story so far sounds that appealing. And I'm discouraged by Whizzer's reports about the rape story line. I can't remember loving any of Diablo Cody's writing (Juno, Young Adult, United States of Tara) even when I was trying to see what everyone else saw.
HenryTDobson said: "I agree that it's Next to Normal, American Idiot, and Spring Awakening all in one. I would also throw in Dear Evan Hansen, Rent, and 13 Reasons Why for further emphasis."
Oh my God, that sounds like... the worst.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
oxnfree said: "What is the latest running time of the show? I'm trying to catch a bus from Boston after the performance. Thanks."
Almost 2.5hrs plus a 15 minute intermission. I booked a 6pm bus and had plenty of time to get it even with chatting with the cast after plus they had a talkbalk. My show was a 2pm one and it started late.
Liza's Headband said: "Not strange at all. I've known of many actors who pass on professional opportunities to attend college. Some people value education more, and make it the utmost priority."
Didn't mean to call it strange, that was the wrong word. I'm not sure I would make the same decision, but I absolutely don't judge anyone either way!
Swing Joined: 4/11/10
formative album - and being a fan of Diane Paulus, my performance date cannot come soon enough.
I do hope the buzz i am hearing - about the book needing some work - and the entire piece being very dense - comes together.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/24/17
Does anyone know if they might extend?
Understudy Joined: 11/25/15
I hope so. I'll be in Boston end of July. I'm seeing Moulin Rouge but hoping to see this too. It looks like the calendar is open if they wanted to extend but I don't know how much preproduction time they need to give the next play.
Updated On: 5/22/18 at 11:28 PMChorus Member Joined: 10/24/17
V2David said: "I hope so. I'll be in Boston end of July. I'm seeing Moulin Rouge but hoping to see this too. It looks like the calendar is open if they wanted to extend but I don't know how much preproduction time they need to give the next play."
I'm in the same boat!! I really wanna see this and would be devastated if I missed it.