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Jordan Fisher—DEH

suicidalmickeymouse Profile Photo
#125Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/7/20 at 8:02pm

According to Twitter he is out again tonight. I wonder what the deal is.

Hunter: Your teeth need whitening./ Heidi: You sound weird./ Jeff: You taste funny.
-Jeff Bowen's worst onstage line flub.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#126Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/7/20 at 8:04pm

I am really looking forward to catching him during his run, but I have to say while I understand attendance isn’t guaranteed, it’s a bit frustrating to see him so active on social media with no word about his absences. I’ve seen many people reporting they traveled to NY just to see him, so I have to feel for them especially.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#127Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/7/20 at 8:53pm

I completely agree. Even though he doesn't owe patrons anything, I think he knows that people are coming to the show for him, have spent money traveling to see him, etc., so no mention of it by him is a little strange.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#128Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/7/20 at 9:07pm

I know this may seem a little far-fetched, but does anyone remember him having some thing about playing Evan in his Instagram bio? Because that’s gone now if it was ever there, can’t tell if my mind is playing tricks on me that I am remembering that it was there at some point.

I believe he started the show on Tuesday and was replaced mid-act one so I’m sure I’m reading too far into this and he may just be sick but it all just seems a bit...... off.

#129Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/7/20 at 9:18pm

And y’all didn’t think this was stunt casting hmm

#130Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 10:23am

SouthernCakes said: "And y’all didn’t think this was stunt casting hmm"

Yes, because there have never been "real" stars who've gotten ill or injured and had a string of absences and mid-show call outs...

#131Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 10:43am

No one seems to be coming to the conclusion that he simply could not handle the vocal and acting demands of the show, and they are struggling to come up with a reason for him to gracefully leave. 

Something similar happened recently with a production of ANNIE that I saw with an Emmy Award winning actress and musical comedy stage veteran in the role of Hannigan.  It was very clear when I saw it that this actress was not able to sing the part.  I had seen her play Hannigan about ten years ago and she was fantastic; great comedic performance and wonderful vocals.  But clearly her voice has not aged well.  She sang LITTLE GIRLS an octave below the norm.  Within a week after I saw her in the show, a press release came out saying that she had broken her leg on some ice and would need to be replaced.  

People who were present the night Fisher left the stage would have some insight into what happened.  Was he struggling vocally?  Why and under what circumstances did he leave the stage?  The fact that he has not performed since he left yet continues to do publicity for other projects and does not seem to have any health issues (like the flu), and the fact that he has left with literally NO EXPLANATION would indicate that they are trying to replace him with as little publicity as possible.  I predict that he will not be returning to the show, though I wish him all the best (had never  heard of him before his casting was announced). It's a monster of a role.

l agree 100% with those who praise Piser.  I saw him as Evan and he was amazing!  I would still love to see Josh Colley in the part. 

#132Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 11:23am

AEA AGMA SM said: "SouthernCakes said: "And y’all didn’t think this was stunt casting hmm"

Yes, because there have never been "real" stars who've gotten ill or injured and had a string of absences and mid-show call outs...

I think the OP was referring to the groans from people in the audience that Yankees02 mentioned.  I've heard only good things about his performance from online, so I don't think it's a "graceful exit" as mikey2573 mentioned.  There's almost certainly more to the story.

"I think that when a movie says it was 'based on a true story,' oh, it happened - just with uglier people." - Peanut Walker, Shucked

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#133Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 1:08pm

I don't think Jordan is making any sort of graceful exit or anything, I think he overbooked himself and now is feeling that with everything going on at once. Evan is a taxing role and he even said himself how much of a toll it was taking on him in the interviews I've seen him do. 

I really think this is simply him being overbooked and having too many plates spinning and the aftershocks of all of that. I feel like he's resting and will return sometime next week, but it just seems so odd not to even just say a simple "Getting better/resting" tweet or post. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 2/8/20 at 01:08 PM

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#134Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 1:18pm

With the Netflix movie premiering next Friday, you’d think there’s only more press and things to come up to keep him from healthily returning next week, though. I think this was truly a case of bad timing and booking. It’s disappointing, to say the least.

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#135Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 1:35pm

^Oh, absolutely. This definitely is a poor planning/timing thing and I'm surprised they wouldn't have had Zach and Josh (the Evan understudy) split off the time between Andrew and Jordan to allow for this to not be an issue. They're doing something similar with Dan covering for Connor between Alex leaving and David starting next week. 

I really feel like if he's not going to be back next week, this should be addressed either by him or the production because it is as you noted disappointing.

I still don't consider Jordan a stunt cast (star casting, there's a case for, but Evan Hansen the show is the draw) and I was there on Wednesday night when he was out and I didn't hear anyone groan or complain nor did it appear there was a line in the box office to exchange/refund. 

I'm sure he feels awful about missing and like I said it's just odd for him to be posting random things but not acknowledging the elephant in the room. 


"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 2/8/20 at 01:35 PM

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#136Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 2:03pm

Per his Instagram Stories, the boy is in Los Angeles right now. Broadway what?!   cheeky

#137Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 2:08pm

^^I think he’s just resharing a story of someone tagging a billboard for his show- I don’t think he’s saying he’s in LA.

#138Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 7:33pm

Just an update: Zach Piser is playing Evan tonight (Sat 8pm on 2/8) so still no Jordan

#139Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 9:18pm

Zach is the best Evan

Updated On: 2/16/20 at 09:18 PM

#140Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/8/20 at 11:03pm

Shamoney said: "Zach was good? A lot of videos I have seen of him he seems very soft spoken and quiet, not powerful. How does he compare to Michael lee brown( was that his name)? He is good though?"

I never saw Michael Lee Brown but wow I thought Zach was phenomenal. He was a bit soft spoken at times but it felt appropriate. He was a very emotional actor and when he belted out (both while acting and while singing) it felt so powerful, especially compared to his soft spoken-ness just moments before. I felt he was more relatable with less of the usual “tics” I’ve seen from some other Evans. While the tics add a whole new dimension to Evan, there’s something to say about the way Zach portrayed him too - just more like a regular kid with anxiety. 

All in all I would highly recommend to see this show with this cast. Oh and Zoe was played by Talia Simone Robinson - she wasn’t my favorite Zoe on the planet but she was rather unique and her voice was great. I felt Talie and Zach had really nice chemistry 

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#141Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 11:42am

I've seen both Michael and Zach and they're both great in their own ways, but there's just something very different and refreshing about the way Zach plays the role.

He brings a new energy to it that I've not seen in other Evans and he doesn't have the major ticks that a lot of them have and just comes across very real and natural if that makes sense. His voice is incredible and leads beautifully to the score and it is such a juxtaposition to his soft spoken Evan. 

Michael was wonderful and has a fantastic voice but he definitely was similar to Ben with some of the ticks and mannerisms. He was a wonderful Evan and I'm glad I got to see him a few times before he left the show.  

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#142Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 12:02pm

Shamoney said: "Zach was good? A lot of videos I have seen of him he seems very soft spoken and quiet, not powerful. How does he compare to Michael lee brown( was that his name)? He is good though?"

Zach is incredible. Literally, incredible. I honestly would go again specifically to see him on. I haven’t seen Michael but I’ve seen Ben Platt, Taylor Trensch, and Zach. I can’t sing his praises enough. 

#143Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 1:19pm

I think I've already vouched for Piser, but I will do it again.  I've only seen the show 4 times (twice with Ben) but I found Piser's Evan to be, for me, the most moving of them all.  Not sure why, but his performance really got to me. 

GiantsInTheSky2 Profile Photo
#144Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 3:01pm

There’s no way that they’re planning on getting rid of Jordan - both Instagram and Facebook have had ads today highlighting him in the show.

This is no different than when that most recent Elphaba went MIA for weeks on end. He’ll be back in the show eventually and everyone will forget about it.

I am big. It’s the REVIVALS that got small.

suicidalmickeymouse Profile Photo
#145Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 3:48pm

Still out today. Strange there’s been no explanation.

Hunter: Your teeth need whitening./ Heidi: You sound weird./ Jeff: You taste funny.
-Jeff Bowen's worst onstage line flub.

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#146Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 5:49pm

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "There’s no way that they’re planning on getting rid of Jordan - both Instagram and Facebook have had ads today highlighting him in the show.

This is no different than when that most recent Elphaba went MIA for weeks on end. He’ll be back in the show eventually and everyone will forget about it.

There was an explanation. She had laryngitis. It wasn’t specifically announced by the company, but she didn’t miss for no reason. Lol

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#147Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 6:00pm

There's definitely a reason and I'm sure it's him being exhausted given the show plus press for To All The Boys I've Loved Before 2 and other projects. Why he hasn't acknowledged his absence, I don't understand. 

I feel like if he had simply said something like not feeling well or resting and sorry to be out on Twitter/Instagram things would be much better understood. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

#148Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/9/20 at 6:57pm

He wasn't too tired or sick/on vocal rest to do an almost 5 hour Twitch stream of him playing a video game 3 days ago......

#149Jordan Fisher—DEH
Posted: 2/10/20 at 7:12pm

Awesome thanks.

Going Sunday Feb 16th at 2pm. Any idea who will be Evan?
