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Laura Bell Bundy and the Note- Page 4

Laura Bell Bundy and the Note

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#75People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 10:10am

I don't think anyone should compare Bundy to Sutton Foster. There's a world of difference between the two performers. As for the note, it seems to me at this point they should lower or change the ending for her. It's not a random moment in the show, it's the big fat finish of act1 and can't sink everynight. Watching videos on "the" site, sounds like there might have been some "sweetening" going on during the SF production. I saw it here very early on in previews and there was a marked difference in Bundy's voice right away. I don't get the higher is better mentality so many composers seem to be obsessed with and Bundy does not have a tremendous range to begin with.

TabooPhan1 Profile Photo
#76People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 12:38pm

"And people who wanna bash her and say she shouldn't be on broadway...just to clarify - are you really that ignorant and so completely clueless? LBB is on Broadway. You are not. Get over yourselves."

For the record, those of us who are still students are most likely aspiring to reach Broadway, and even if that wasn't our intended goal, there is no reason why we can't critique her performance. Being on Broadway does not make you immune to criticism... quite the contrary, actually. If you would call criticism of a performance ignorant or clueless, I'd love to hear what you have to say about the shows/performers you don't like.

And I'm not trying to be a bitch or a troll. I'm sure LBB has done great work in the theatre. What I am saying, though, is that in this particular show, she is not doing her job. Being on Broadway, to me, is like being part of the elite- it means you deserve to be there because you have what it takes. If people keep calling LBB a triple-threat despite the fact that she's not hitting her notes in a dance number, I'm sorry, it's just not true... at least in this instance. A situation like this needs to be rectified (and that does not necessarily mean firing Ms. Bundy) because ticket-payers are not getting what they paid for, and the production is suffering.

I hold a degree in Musical Theatre from Montclair State University. It is useless. Now I'm funny for money. Oh, and I sing.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#77People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 12:41pm

Reagardless, the musical director really does need to throw her a bone and just take it down an half step.

TabooPhan1 Profile Photo
#78People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 12:47pm

"No offense, but none of the characters in Millie have quite the strenuous demands on them as the character of Elle in Legally Blonde."

I disagree.

I hold a degree in Musical Theatre from Montclair State University. It is useless. Now I'm funny for money. Oh, and I sing.

morosco Profile Photo
#79People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 12:53pm

TabooPhan1: If you were cast in a Broadway show and discovered that you were unable to hit one particular note, no matter how hard you tried, would you resign? Surely you would want to give the audience what they paid for.

thetheatrekook Profile Photo
#80People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 1:07pm

It's not that black and white, I don't think.

It would be one thing if every now and again, LBB gets tired (let's face it, it happens!) and can't hit the note. Completely forgivable, IMO.

But this seems like more than "once in a while". If LBB is hurting vocally, something needs to be done about it. You wouldn't keep a star baseball player in the game if he broke his ankle, would you? You may not FIRE them, but adjustments are made for the situation.

If LBB truly carries the show, I would expect that something needs to be done (I think she knows when her voice isn't up to par), and approach the appropriate person (it seems like from previous posts something WAS worked out with the...composer? musical director? but the producers are having none of it.) It doesn't need to be on the extreme - to the point of being fired/resigning, but hardly noticeable tweaks aren't going to KILL Legally Blonde...especially if it's just "one note".

Personally, I wouldn't want to be in a situation where the higher-ups don't have my best interest in mind. But that's just me. Everyone has different goals. I'm not saying that LBB shouldn't be on Broadway, clearly she's made it this far. But is it worth risking what sounds like her current health and future career over it?

allofmylife Profile Photo
#81People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 1:13pm

It all still boils down to this:

When faced with a note that only a freakishly (as opposed to amazingly) talented singer who is also a stunning dancer could conquer, the producers and directors of Millie chose to save the vocal chords of their star.

The producers of Legally Blonde appear to have other considerations. None of us can with any certainty say why, so we should note the disparity, implore a change and move on to discussing what hair products are used to keep Johnny Depp's mop alive in Sweeney Todd. Seriously, how do they do that?

#82People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 3:28pm

I don't think that LBB's acting and dancing is good enough to make up for her vocal flaws. I don't like her portrayal of the character that much, either, TBH.

As I've said, I've never been impressed with her voice. No, I'm not on Broadway nor will I ever be. But if I were, everyone would have the right to criticize me as well.

And if she does have serious vocal problems, she should rethink doing a show right now.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

TabooPhan1 Profile Photo
#83People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 4:19pm

"TabooPhan1: If you were cast in a Broadway show and discovered that you were unable to hit one particular note, no matter how hard you tried, would you resign? Surely you would want to give the audience what they paid for."

That depends, do I have a following already like LBB? Cause if I did, I'd tell the producers they had to change the note, cause they're not gonna recast someone like Bundy who's already got a following from Hairspray and Wicked. It's not so black and white, and I don't appreciate your snide comments, considering I've been nothing but respectful to your opinions while I voiced my own. I can understand how this is an emotional topic for some people, but I didn't insult you, I criticized an actress who's in the public domain. Please don't make this a personal argument.

And just so you know, it's not worth signing the contract if you can't sing the part and you end up getting vocal nodes, ruining your voice and your reputation, and potentially doing a considerable amount of damage to your career just to be on Broadway. Keep auditioning, and find a part you COULD play. THAT's what I would do.

I hold a degree in Musical Theatre from Montclair State University. It is useless. Now I'm funny for money. Oh, and I sing.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#84People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 4:38pm

The excuse that she carries most of the show on her shoulders, or 'sings her tits off' in the first act is no reason to not be able to hit a note.

If you can't do the job, then step aside and let someone else who can do it, take over the role.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#85People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 4:44pm

I hear this same complaint so often and it just frustrates me to no end. Excuses shouldn't be made for Laura Bell, if she cannot sustain that note 8 shows a week, FINE. I don't think they should fire her, I think they should give her another way to sing the end of that song. It's not fair to her to have to go out there every night and attempt a note that is just too ambitious for her to hit night after night, and that is not a comment on her talent at all.

Though, to be fair, I saw both Becky Gulsvig and Annaleigh Ashford as Elle, and both held "the note" without a problem. But keep in mind, neither of them have to do it 8 times a week.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

Juliash Profile Photo
#86People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 4:45pm

"And just so you know, it's not worth signing the contract if you can't sing the part and you end up getting vocal nodes, ruining your voice and your reputation, and potentially doing a considerable amount of damage to your career just to be on Broadway. Keep auditioning, and find a part you COULD play. THAT's what I would do."

I know some people who could use to hear that.

AKDPerformer Profile Photo
#87People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 5:03pm

This thread makes me laugh.

People get so WORKED up.

Simmer down now, its not the apocalypse.

"We need people not to come to Broadway shows wearing shorts and flip-flops. We are working hard up here folks. Find a pair of socks."-Joanna Gleason "I hear L. Ron Hubbard is gonna blow the ladies...and all that jazz! C'mon babe! We're gonna unicorn hug, I bought some NyQuil Wal-Mart?!"-Bebe Neuwirth singing ATJ to Musical Mad Libs at DQYNJ :)
Updated On: 12/6/07 at 05:03 PM

#88The Note.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 5:19pm

And just so you know, it's not worth signing the contract if you can't sing the part and you end up getting vocal nodes, ruining your voice and your reputation, and potentially doing a considerable amount of damage to your career just to be on Broadway. Keep auditioning, and find a part you COULD play. THAT's what I would do.

I don't get it.
If they could lower I Dreamed a Dream for Daphne Rubin-Vega, who was like the 87th "regular" to play Fantine, why shouldn't it be a simple matter (and not such a big deal) to lower one note for Laura Bell Bundy, who is like the only "regular" to ever play Elle on stage?

p.s. D flat major

#89People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 5:40pm


"ruining her reputation"

LBB is amazing, i don't walk out of the performance thinking "damn, the experience is ruined for me because of that one note". there's so much more to a performance than hitting a note (8 times a week). she could have allergies (seriously, the weather effects broadway actors too, they are human), it could be that she hasn't really taken a long amount of time off except to SING in a concert. Most lead actors that belt notes like that don't do the amount of dancing LBB does, or even appear in every scene like LBB. I think it's hilarious that people can base her entire performance as 'awful or perfect' on one freekin note.

as for the people saying "i can't believe she's on broadway", you know what? your totally right. I mean, she only was the original understudy for Glinda in Wicked and originated the role of Amber in Hairspray before this. She must suck. (dripping with sarcasm if you can't tell)

but yeah, they should transpose it a bit if she's having trouble so she can rest her voice

LBB is a great Elle.

AKDPerformer Profile Photo
#90People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 5:52pm

p.s. hit it right on the head. :)

Daphne is a perfect example.

"We need people not to come to Broadway shows wearing shorts and flip-flops. We are working hard up here folks. Find a pair of socks."-Joanna Gleason "I hear L. Ron Hubbard is gonna blow the ladies...and all that jazz! C'mon babe! We're gonna unicorn hug, I bought some NyQuil Wal-Mart?!"-Bebe Neuwirth singing ATJ to Musical Mad Libs at DQYNJ :)

Amneris Profile Photo
#91People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 5:57pm

this thread has totally been blown out of the water. Just because LBB can't hit "OH MY GOD!!" "THEEEE NOTE" does not mean she sucks. She is HUMAN. That is a very taxing role no matter how you look at it and she gives a damn great performance whether she can do it or not. It's only one stinken note you are all discussing.. not an entire song... cut the girl some slack.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#92People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 6:04pm

This particular quote from Morosco makes me laugh out loud:
I'm completely against the if she can't hit the note find someone who can mentality.
I think a better soulition would be if she can't hit the note find a way that she can hit the note (be it lowering the note or throwing it on a click track or employing a real time pitch correction device). Forcing LBB to sing that note night after night is unfair to her.

This is not "The Laura Bell Bundy Show". This is LEGALLY BLONDE, a show that goes on whether Laura Bell Bundy shows up to work or not. Why should they find a way for her to hit the note? If the composers want it that way, they should find someone who can hit it every night, or get an alternate. Why make exceptions for Ms. Bell Bundy? She's not Reese Witherspoon.

I'm so sick of people saying that LBB is a bigger star than Becky or Annaleigh. The only things on Broadway Laura has done in the past five years are WICKED and HAIRSPRAY, and in WICKED she wasn't even on stage every night. Becky was the full-time Amber once, too, and Annaleigh was a stand-by in WICKED. They have just as much cred as she does.

Do people really think Laura's portrayal of Elle was that great? I'm shocked. I remember so many people saying "she can't hold up the show" when it opened. I agree with that sentiment.

Neverandy Profile Photo
#93People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 6:06pm

Drama Rama- I am a performer who has logged 10 years of professional work, Regional, stock dinner theater, Broadway Nationals, European prodcutions, etc. THe one rule is that the most important person in the theater is not the star, not the person that gets paid the most, not the lead, not the chorus member. The most important person is the person who spent their hard earned dollar (be it 1 or 450) to sit and watch your show. You owe it to them (literally and figuratively) to give a solid performance. This is the responsibility of everyone in the entire show.
When LBB consistently misses this note, she is not performing the role up to its proper standards and the show (and the audiences) suffer for it. In this case there are many people to blame, the creative team, the musical director, and LBB herself. My opinion has nothing to do with jealousy over her being on Broadway as you have implied in your post, but rather Respect for what Broadway is-The finest practitioners of the craft of theater displaying their talents. We deserve nothing less. If she can't do this, she needs to rest or have the musical director fix the melody line. Replacement is drastic and probably won't happen, nevertheless there is no excuse for repeated mistakes at this level,especially in the first year of a show being open.
Case closed.

Other than that, did you enjoy the play Mrs Lincoln?

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#94People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 6:08pm

Thank you.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Broadway_Bound_Star Profile Photo
#95People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 6:19pm

Lol, i'm really surprised this thread hasn't died already.

#96People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 7:34pm

People are acting like she's killing babies or something. Yeah, she misses the note, but then again, do you think the majority of the people who go to see Legally Blonde go for the deep story and powerful broadway ballads? Probably not.

Change the note and be done with it. Don't know why the writers don't do that.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#97People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 7:46pm

"Lol, i'm really surprised this thread hasn't died already."

Like you?

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#98People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 8:15pm

While we are on the topic, shame on Gwen Verdon for cutting "Where Am I Going" whenever she was tired!

Tick Tock

allofmylife Profile Photo
#99People here are weird.
Posted: 12/6/07 at 11:53pm

I love people saying these other young ladies are as big a star as LBB. They raised the money with her attached, not Ms. Gulsvig or Ashford. The woman is a star no matter what some of the people here choose to say. And she'll be around for a long time, long after one note is forgotten.

Talk about a one note thread, BTW.
Updated On: 12/6/07 at 11:53 PM
