Didn't they re-release Mamma Mia! as a sing along version? Do you think they'll do the same for Les Miz?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
...I feel like Mamma Mia, a movie that no one including its cast and team took seriously, is more conducive to that sort of thing than Les Miserables, a musical in which most of the characters die.
All those off harmonies at the end of One Day More
"I can sing that high!" *sings a flat note two steps lower*
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Not to mention it's so long and it's virtually endless singing.
I went to one of those sing a long Sound of Musics several years ago and it was fun for an hour or so, then it just became totally tedious. And that was without wall-to-wall music.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around a sing-along version of anything. Isn't that something you do in the shower or when nobody's home? I'd first plug my ears with heavy duty earplugs before even considering attending such an event.
Who wants to listen to a bunch of men attempt to sing all the girl parts? It's fun when I do it here at home, but that's only one queen, and that's enough for me!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/4/04
If you want to watch the movie without a singalong you can...go to a regular screening. The Les Misérables score isn't as easily suitable to a singalong as something like Hairspray, but geez, why not let people have their fun?
Meh, I assumed half in here are being half-serious. Which is why I contributed half-seriously. We're hardly a threat to sing along versions of Les Mis. Why so serious? LOL.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
At the end of the day *mumur mumur mumur*.. And we're counting our blessings!
What a horrible idea. It's like Sing-Along Sweeney Todd, Sing-Along Umbrellas of Cherbourg, or Sing-Along Dancer In the Dark.
I'm guessing it works a little better with (generally) upbeat movie musicals.
I don't know- I think a show like Les Mis, which is iconic in a way none of those above, not even Sweeney Todd, can match, WOULD generate buzz for "sing-it-yourself" screenings. Especially if they turned the subtitles on and the vocals off.
Only good thing that could come out of this is that some of the audience members have better singing voices that Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried and drown them out.
Updated On: 1/5/13 at 05:56 PM
Actually, the town I grew up in had one showing only of a singalong version earlier this week. I don't know anyone who went but if I find out about how it was I can report back. The very thought makes me shudder, though.
The screening I was at seemed to be a singalong version - albeit there were no words on the screen.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
It'd be hard to sing along to the movie version because a lot of times they talk or shout the lines.
It's hard to do a sing-a-long version to Les Miz because some of the people in the film don't (know how to) sing at all.
There's also a handful of songs that people know. And then the rest of the score.
I'm thinking more about everyone knowing one of the various, cut versions and striking contorted WTF expressions throughout when they find themselves singing parts not included in the film.
I spoke to a friend earlier who attended the screening and apparently it was horrific. There were no lyrics on the screen so it was basically "sing what you know." The crowd was a mix of annoying teenagers wearing Les Mis sweatshirts from before they were born and senior citizens. Apparently everyone belted "On My Own," "One Day More," and "I Dreamed a Dream" and interjected and massacred whatever other random lyrics they knew.
Sounds like a good time.
I think a sing-a-long Les Mis would be absolutely torturous.
"Only good thing that could come out of this is that some of the audience members have better singing voices that Russell Crowe and Amanda Seyfried and drown them out."
Finally saw Les Mis the other day, my brain immediately began comparing aspects of Russell Crowe's singing to the gentleman who sings tracks 9, 11, and 12 on Florence Foster Jenkins Glory (????) of the Human Voice CD. Amanda Seyfried's voice didn't bother me as much as I was worried it would.
I would love to go to a sing-a-long version of Les Miz where Piet Arion is in attendance.
I will wait for the sing along at Outfest. This must be done with 1000 gay men.