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Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love- Page 10

Little Moments on Cast Recordings That You Love

LifeofTheParty2 Profile Photo
#225Favorite Moments
Posted: 12/19/07 at 6:41pm the top of my head...

Light in the Piazza: Aiutami, it's hard to explain the exact moment. But after "give me suspicion...." when they all go nuts and Sarah hits a crazy note.

Spelling Bee: The entire I Love You Song, but particularly the last "Mama, mama, mama!"
"I like my hair...really, it is pleasing to the touch" cracks me up for some reason, probably the way he says it

Avenue Q: The Money Song - "So would a burger!"
Everyone's A Little Bit Racist - "I can't even get a taxi!"

Seussical: Here On Who: "It's up to you, sir. Please help Who, sir. You're the only one who hears."

Two Gentleman of Veona: Calla Lily Lady "I want my best friend to be happy, but not happier than me"

Rent: La Vie Boheime "To sodomy, it's between God and me To S & M!"

The Wedding Singer: "The 'i' is dotted with a broken...heart" The way she builds up like she's gonna hit a big note, then sings it breathy amuses me to no end.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I've got for now.

ETA: And, not that much later, I remembered: In Lippa's Wild Party "How Did We Come To This" the little gasp and pause after the line "People die"
Updated On: 12/19/07 at 06:41 PM

pandajen14 Profile Photo
#226Favorite Moments
Posted: 12/19/07 at 7:55pm

In "Finale: I Imagine You're Upset" from Bat Boy, the Meredith/Dr. Parker duet when the chorus kicks in behind them... I'm playing Meredith right now so I'm sort of biased ^_^

Kate Shindle belting "Shoes".

Roger Bart's "in better times than these" during "You Have it All" from King David.

Douglas Sills holding the last "Into FIRE!" in the finale of The Scarlet Pimpernel.

The beginning of "Gun Song" from Assassins- James Barbour's "Men in the mines to dig the iron..." is awesome.

"Writing should be easy, like a monkey driving a speedboat..." -[title of show] "I'm tired of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going and meet up with them later." -Mitch Hedberg

JRybka Profile Photo
#227Favorite Moments
Posted: 12/19/07 at 8:59pm

It is not from a cast recording but one of my favorite moments ever is Julia McKenzie singing "I Dreamed a Dream" on her Broadway CD that she recorded.... when it goes into the end... "And still I dream he'll come to me..." and the strings counter melody the song.. it is always makes me chill up!

...and... Judi Dench singing "Send in the Clowns" at the Hey! Mr. Producer! concert.... Chills, Tears, Heartbreak

...and... Ellen Greene singing Suddenly Seymour with all she has to give in her life during the same concert.

...and... Lilnda Eder singing If I Had My Way from her Christmas Stays the Same Concert right after 9-11 and she breaks down at the end. I have seen it probably 100 times and I still choke up every single time

"Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion's starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don't see that. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often it's not particularly dignified or newsworthy, but it's always there - fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, old friends. When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around."

#228Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/13/08 at 11:33am

My favorite moments on the 2005 revival cast recording of Elisabeth:

When the entire cast is singing "Alle tanzten mit dem Tod/Doch niemand wie Elisabeth" and the orchestra is building and then it all just lets loose.

When Lucheni says, "Die Liebe. Un gran amooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

On Tanz der Vampire:

We drink your blood and then we eat your soul
Nothing's gonna stop us, let the bad times roll

On Rebecca:

Every time Susan Rigvava Dumas opens her mouth

On Notre Dame de Paris:

The chorus of La cour de miracles

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."
Updated On: 5/14/08 at 11:33 AM

#229Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/14/08 at 9:49am

Bumping up this thread, but I had a moment I wanted to add. One of my favorite moments on the "Lord of the Rings" casting recording is the end of the "Final Battle." It moving when Galadriel and some the cast sings:

"Out of death,life. Out of night,day. Glory from sorrow. Out of grief, joy. Out of storm, come. Strength for tomorrow. Far beyond feeling. Destruction of pain. Come, breath of healing. A new life will reign."

For those who have seen the show, I am wondering if that is when the ring is destoryed? I am assuming it is, or it happens soon afterward.

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#231Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/14/08 at 5:30pm

In The Heights pacencia fe (I don't know Spanish) with the "we went through oo oo oo oo oo" It gives me chills it is so great.

elphabelle07 Profile Photo
#232Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/14/08 at 5:34pm

Gah! I have so many!
"I will never, I will NEver! I will never leave you!" from Side Show

When Emily Skinner does "Send me flowers or a telegram" during Who Will Love Me As I Am?

When Audra says "beyond this lifetime" and "and he will ride, our son will ride on the wheels of a dream"

"I shall see you in the garden" during Come to My Garden in The Secret Garden

The music during "I'm Still Hurting" gives me chills!

Ruthie Henshall during "I Dreamed A Dream" and her very last note when she dies. Amazing

Whenever Brian Stokes Mitchell opens his mouth in "Ragtime"

Anthony Warlow's singing "Being Edward Hyde!" during Alive

aaaaand more. haha

and many many more

"I'm a bagel on a plate full of onion rolls!"-Funny Girl

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#233Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/14/08 at 11:26pm

I have a total obsession with the tiny instrumental break after "the moment I mutter I do-oo" in "By the Sea" from the revival cast recording of Sweeney Todd.

BenKaye Profile Photo
#234Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/14/08 at 11:32pm

On the LaChiusa Wild Party Cast Recording, on the track "Tabu/Taking Care of the Ladies," after one of the D'Armano Brothers sings the second part of Tabu, there's sort of this musical interlude, and it's just soooo beautiful, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, they know just how beautiful of a piece of music this is.

God Bless you Michael John LaChiusa!!

My blog-

broadwaycat3113 Profile Photo
#235Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/14/08 at 11:37pm

on the spamalot OBC during"The Song That Goes Like This" when galahad and lady of the lake are complaining about how long the song is and chris sieber sings "jesus christ, god damn it!" i think i love it because of the facial expressions i know he makes during the show when he sings that song.

"Put Your Faith In What You Most Believe In...."

TheKryptoniteKid Profile Photo
#236Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/14/08 at 11:40pm


In "You've Got Possibilities", the miniscule pause between "YA" and "YET" when Linda Lavin says, "Relax honey, I'm not gonna bite YA... YET".

#237Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/15/08 at 2:29pm

The first two that came to mind because I heard them recently on my iPod:

--CHICAGO original Broadway cast album - The very end of "All That Jazz" is one of my favorite things. (Where she sings "that jazz" - the way she strings those notes together. Love it!) A former roommate of mine was obsessed with the revival and Bebe's version of the song and I said, "But wait, have you never *heard* Chita's rendition?!?!" I played it for him and told him to pay attention to the finish. He agreed - Chita's is definitive.

--25th ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE - "I Speak Six Languages" - I love where the piano part gets embellished. For those that saw the show - it's the part where Marcy Park takes over for the piano player in the middle of the song. As I recall (I saw it a few times) the actress did not play what you hear on the cast album, but I like the arrangement on the album because it reminds you of that moment in the show.

#238Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/15/08 at 2:46pm

In Lansbury!Sweeney during Slow love slow, times so fast.

In Peters!Gypsy when she says, "are you ready Louise?"in Toreadorables and also "Why did I do it?" during Rose's Turn

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#239Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/15/08 at 5:56pm

I have like so many and im really bored so im gonna list like as many as possible.
Lippa's Wild Party:

In Make Me Happy right after "Take One Step!" there is this very errie sounding echo and it just creeps me out every time. I love it!

"People Die and Party's Fail" into the Queenie was a blone reprise. Such emotion from Julia Murney.

Taye Diggs Singing "Then I looked into your eyes. Your heavenly eyes. Now I believe in You" such a beautiful tendor moment. It gets me every time.

I also love during Let Me Drown how Brian cracks his voice during "The Moment You've All Been Waiting FOR" and it like goes really high. I can never imitate it, and I love it.

In The Juggernaut once the cast keeps repeating do the juggernaut, do the juggernaut and Idina comes in belting like crazy. I love her riff there. This show is my favorite work she has done.If you havent noticed I absolutly love that cd.

Spring Awakening: Skylar's Solo in Touch Me. Its my favorite moment in the whole show as well. I will be sad when he leaves. I hope I get to see him sing it since I had an understudy last time I saw it.

City of Angels: The final notes in the Tennis Song after "shall we say the ball is in you court"

The entire song of Everybody's gotta be somewhere is one major highlight of that cd and show for me.

1994 Jekyll and Hyde: The final time Linda sings "And I'd feel so Alive" is a heartwrenching moment for me. The firocity (sp?) that she shows in that song is incredible.

The final not of Alive and then he like grunts all evil like. Its creepy but funny.

At the end of the world has gone insane when he says it as hyde and the orchestration is chilling.

Urinetown: Hunter belting "In the Sky!"

And for some reason im absoultly obsessed with "Im Not Sorry" with like 20 seconds left in we're not sorry. Its so random and i just really like the guy singing it.

Last 5 Years: "All right I get what I need and nobody needs to know" I love when NBL goes high in that song.

I have so many more but thats about all for now.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

[tos]fan999 Profile Photo
#240Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/15/08 at 6:09pm

I love Sherie's "coming back!" at the end of the "I Want The Good Times Back (Reprise)" of The Little Mermaid.

<-----Bernadette Peters and Alexander Hanson in A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC.

Send in the clowns...Send in the crowds!

"I prefer neurotic people. I like to hear rumblings beneath the surface."-Stephen Sondheim

practically_perfect Profile Photo
#241Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/17/08 at 3:05pm

I have a few:
RENT: the whole mark/roger fight in goodbye love...i love that whole scene
the opening chords of seasons of love (already been said, worth repeating)
all of christmas bells
the very end (finale b.) I cry every time
LES MISERABLES: lea solanga's (sp?) on my own- amazing
the end of one day more
MARY POPPINS: the last "anything can happen if you let it"

Myfavmeatpie Profile Photo
#242Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/17/08 at 6:17pm

Into the Woods: Bernadette Peters During Stay With Me, "Who out there could love you more than I..."??? I love IT!

How can the opening Chords of ALL THAT JAZZ (as velma rides up on the elevator)not give you chills?

The Original Sweeney Cast Recording, The Orchestra just before Worst Pies in London! Thrilling!

The first chords of the the strings OBC COMPANY!

and so many hundreds of others....

#243Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/17/08 at 11:48pm

"* Deven May's last "for me" in Apology to A Cow -- BAT BOY "

I concur.

oohshizz146 Profile Photo
#244Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/17/08 at 11:51pm

My Fair Lady, I second that completely.

"I told you, NO Rodgers and Hammerstein!"- Bart Simpson

la_vie_boheme_et_moi Profile Photo
#245Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/18/08 at 12:48am

LEGALLY BLONDE - In the song 'Positive', one of the sorority sisters says, "You off the hizzle, G!" and LBB responds really quickly, "Uh, what?"

WICKED - In the 'Popular' recording, there's a very strange, almost terrifying Galinda-giggle that always makes be laugh.

Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince", 1943

#246Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/18/08 at 9:57am

When Dot says "harmony" in the closing number of Sunday in the Park With George, it's so, so, so beautiful.

"As we all should probably have learned by now, to be a Stephen Sondheim fan is to have one's heart broken at regular intervals" - Frank Rich

Dearest, how can this be so? You were dead, you know. - Candide

Oh my god, this show has everything! Half naked guys and girl on girl action! - [title of show]

(My avatar? Why, yes! That is Laura Benanti making out with a chick!)

thejcm Profile Photo
#247Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/18/08 at 3:14pm

The instrumental "Part of your World" after Ariel's transformation in The Little Mermaid, it sounds so good on the CR.

"Who says you can't bend over backwards and eat bugs if you want to? I guess the bugs would probably say you can't do that that, but assuming that they are willing and consenting bugs, then there's no problem. Let's wig out eating bugs." -RuPaul

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#248Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/18/08 at 3:55pm

On the Legally Blonde OBC, I love when they play the "What You Want" intro with oohs and ahhs in the background during the remix.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

#249Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/18/08 at 4:12pm

Kerry Butler belt at the end of Without Love in Hairspray "No I don't wanna live without LOVE LOVE LOVE!" that first LOVE is amazing.

Also, the harmony between Fantine, Valjean, and Eponine in the Les Miserables finale.

He's so nurturing! - Penny Pingleton, Hairspray

#250Favorite Moments
Posted: 5/23/08 at 4:53pm

In Surabaya-Santa from Songs for a New World, at 1:25 when she says "Au revoir, Nick"...I just love it!

