Swing Joined: 4/27/19
What time do you think I should be at the theater for Sunday's show? Is 6 AM too early or late?
Leading Actor Joined: 5/10/18
Got there at 7am. The first person got there at 0415 and the person in front of me got there at 0645. I was about 10th in line, I would say more than half of the people in front of me got 2 tickets I only got one. It is a two show day and a lot of the people in front of me got tickets for the 8pm but I choose the 2pm because I have another show tonight. I am Row A to the side! There was about 30-40 people behind me when doors opened.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/10/18
Got there at 7am. The first person got there at 0415 and the person in front of me got there at 0645. I was about 10th in line, I would say more than half of the people in front of me got 2 tickets I only got one. It is a two show day and a lot of the people in front of me got tickets for the 8pm but I choose the 2pm because I have another show tonight. I am Row A to the side! There was about 30-40 people behind me when doors opened.
Featured Actor Joined: 6/1/18
Lauren2 said: "Got there at 7am. The first person got there at 0415 and the person in front of me got there at 0645. I was about 10th in line, I would say more than half of the people in front of me got 2 tickets I only got one. It is a two show day and a lot of the people in front of me got tickets for the 8pm but I choose the 2pm because I have another show tonight. I am Row A to the side! There was about 30-40 people behind me when doors opened."
Very interested in how the view is from there! Please report back
Leading Actor Joined: 5/10/18
So Row A was actually really good! There was a few times a piano was in front of us and we might have missed a few things during the big numbers but nothing crazy and I mean rush tickets are usually partial view, so I knew what I was getting. Amazing deal for what others paid! Was talking to the guy behind me and he paid 250 for the ticket through the box office and also had the piano in front of him as well so rush in that location is a steal!
Featured Actor Joined: 6/1/18
Lauren2 said: "So Row A was actually really good! There was a few times a piano was in front of us and we might have missed a few things during the big numbers but nothing crazy and I mean rush tickets are usually partial view, so I knew what I was getting. Amazing deal for what others paid! Was talking to the guy behind me and he paid 250 for the ticket through the box office and also had the piano in front of him as well so rush in that location is a steal!"
Thanks for the report! Were you house right or house left? I have A1 (house left) for later this month, wondering if I'll have to deal with the piano (even though I'm on the aisle and not as far over as you were). Was the stage height an issue at all?
Lauren2 said: "Got there at 7am. The first person got there at 0415 and the person in front of me got there at 0645. I was about 10th in line, I would say more than half of the people in front of me got 2 tickets I only got one. It is a two show day and a lot of the people in front of me got tickets for the 8pm but I choose the 2pm because I have another show tonight. I am Row A to the side! There was about 30-40 people behind me when doors opened."
I was thinking of doing a Saturday soon too, so I'm glad to hear how it is on Saturday. Question: When did you have to choose which show you wanted? Did they split the 2s and 8s up or was it just when you got to the box office?
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
Been looking at ticket sales on days of performances. Lots of seats available for this. Has anyone rushed mid-day / later afternoon / closer to curtain? I'm curious to know if you can get a rush ticket then at all since there's so much left....
StubHub has great seats available day-off at great prices. Scalpers went crazy when tickets first went on sale as everyone assumed this revival would be at the level of Midler’s HELLO, DOLLY! Now they’re dumping tickets.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/1/20
angoradebs said: "Lauren2 said: "So Row A was actually really good! There was a few times a piano was in front of us and we might have missed a few things during the big numbers but nothing crazy and I mean rush tickets are usually partial view, so I knew what I was getting. Amazing deal for what others paid! Was talking to the guy behind me and he paid 250 for the ticket through the box office and also had the piano in front of him as well so rush in that location is a steal!"
Thanks for the report! Were you house right or house left? I have A1 (house left) for later this month, wondering if I'll have to deal with the piano (even though I'm on the aisle and not as far over as you were). Was the stage height an issue at all?"
angoradebs, I share your curiosity, although I'm mirror image of you: House right, A2 & A4. I too would appreciate any first-hand info that anyone might have about those first row aisle seats. Thx.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
What are the Winter Garden garden box office hours? Google doesn't provide an obvious answer. Thank you!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/25/20
gibsons2 said: "What are the Winter Garden garden box office hours? Google doesn't provide an obvious answer. Thank you!"
From The Music Man website: Box Office Hours: Mon. – Sat. 10 am – 8pm*; Sun: 12 pm – 6 pm
(*When there is a 1 pm matinee, open at 11am.)
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
BCfitasafiddle said: "gibsons2 said: "What are the Winter Garden garden box office hours? Google doesn't provide an obvious answer. Thank you!"
From The Music Man website:Box Office Hours: Mon. – Sat. 10 am – 8pm*; Sun: 12 pm – 6 pm
(*When there is a 1 pm matinee, open at 11am.)"
Thank you very much for your answer.
Swing Joined: 4/27/19
Do you guys think I can go later tomorrow since the box office opens at 12pm and since it's supposed to be freezing (20F)? Thinking 8 AM do you think I will be first in line?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/29/14
Not sure....if you arrive at 8 am and see 20 people ahead of you it might not work...5th in line is different. Also it is only a one show day.
Matt Siegel said: "Do you guys think I can go later tomorrow since the box office opens at 12pm and since it's supposed to be freezing (20F)?Thinking 8 AM do you think I will be first in line?
Chorus Member Joined: 2/5/16
Happy to update everyone as I rushed this morning! My partner and I arrived shortly after 7 am, hoping to score two tickets each for the evening show. We were 12th and 13th in line.
I did not talk to the first person in line, however, I did overhear number 7/8 telling the box office they got there at 6:30, so seems like between 6:30 and 7 is when quite a few people showed up. Today was also one of the warmer mornings we've had and probably will have for the next couple of weeks, so surely that brought out more people.
I counted everyone about 9:50, and there was a total of 35 people in line, and I think more showed up right at 10 am. I didn't stick around for the whole line, no idea how many people got tickets, but at least the first 20 people in line did before I left (probably split between matinee and evening).
We got two seats in N114/115, dead center orchestra, and the other two are slightly left orch, row L, seats 3 and 5.
If you rush, please stay warm! I was dressed in many layers and with blankets and even by hour 2 was starting to get quite chilly.
Chorus Member Joined: 10/25/17
Chorus Member Joined: 2/5/16
Rush ticket prices for this show are always $49 per ticket, which is what we paid!
Understudy Joined: 12/30/19
I was monitoring ticket sales throughout the day and noticed they had plenty of availability for tonight (1/19). I stopped in 2 hours before curtain & then once again 5 minutes before hoping they would offer any of the discounted rates mentioned on this thread—I tried that with Six on Monday to great success—and the cheapest option the Winter Garden BO gave me was $189 for Orchestra Right Row O from two different attendants. That was outside my budget so I declined. It seems they’re determined to sell without discounts even if it means vacant seats.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/15/17
Thanks for the update on rush on 1/19 and for the report on trying to get discounted tickets later in the day.
I will plan accordingly.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
As someone who usually rushes a show, I'm feeling good about my chances with Music Man! It seems the seats are a mix of partial view and for a few lucky people center orchestra!
Broadway Star Joined: 2/1/06
As someone who usually rushes a show, I'm feeling good about my chances with Music Man! It seems the seats are a mix of partial view and for a few lucky people center orchestra!
Rushed today, very cold morning (14° plus wind chill). Got there at 9.05 and was 11th in line (ticket nr 21). Person 4 people in front of me i think arrived at 8.30. We were let into the lobby at 9.30 by a nice police officer! By 10 another at least 25 people had arrived behind me. I got a perfect ticket at Orch E12. The people in front of me got 3 tickets at Orch V 1-5 (last row). When i left around 30 tickets had been sold, and there were still people at the windows that seemed to also be able to get rush, though not completely sure.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/12/16
Anybody try rushing today (1/22)? I’m going to try tomorrow and hoping the cold has driven some people away.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/2/21
I rushed today! Yes, very cold. Got there just before 9am and was probably 30-40ish in line. I could only do the matinee so I was crossing my fingers.
They let us in around 9:30 which was really nice of them, but the box office didn’t open until 10. Folks in front of me were getting partial view seats but I somehow ended up getting a great orchestra seat! There were lots of folks in line behind me but when I got my ticket there were still rush seats available for both shows.